English example sentences with "society"

Learn how to use society in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Most schools were designed not to transform society, but to reproduce it.

The society made him president.

The society was founded in 1990.

It seems unlikely that any society could completely dispense with myths.

We live in a society of democracy.

In a past-oriented society, people dwell on the past and on tradition.

Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.

A family is the smallest unit of society.

The family is the most important unit in society.

The family is the basic unit of society.

Learning lessons from Europe, Japan has to switch its economic-oriented policy to a consumer-conscious one, in order to cope with the coming unprecedented aging society towards the 21st century.

We live in a civilized society.

In our society we find men of integrity along with crooks.

Although the fork entered society on the tables of rich people, many members of royalty, such as Elizabeth I of England and Louis XIV of France, ate with their fingers.

We all must abide by laws to live in any society.

We all abide by law to live in any society.

What is shown on television is, as it were, a reflection of what society is like.

The influence of TV on society is great.

It will make for the society.

That country is turning into a society with high education.

The old proverb still holds good in our modern society.

Such men count for much in the society.

They were based on goods which the members of a society recognized as having value.

Only through protest can a free and open society be maintained.

The influence of this crime on society was great.

I find it apt to cause misunderstanding that society confers such emotional privileges upon youth.

For too long society has placed sole emphasis on children's test results, to the detriment of social discipline.

This society has a large membership.

What is the chief aim of this society?

Are you a member of this society?

What is right in one society can be wrong in another.

Ants have a well-organized society.

America likes to claim that it is a "classless" society.

The letters STEP stand for the Society for Testing English Proficiency.

Twelve musicians constitute the society.

What is the role of the University in the modern society?

Modern society is overflowing with all sorts of information.

Language is an indispensable instrument of human society.

Many advantages accrue to society from the freedom of speech.

The rights of the individual are the most important rights in a free society.

Avoid each other's society.

Floods, violent wind storms, droughts, killing frosts, and the problems of air pollution have all, on occasion, influenced modern society.

Citizens of the United States generally feel a responsibility for the democratic society supported by them.

Society has seen a lot of change recently.

Society will be better if we work together.

What passes for leisure in our society is actually time-consuming.

Our chief concern should be the aging of society.

Changes in society come from individuals.

We should conform to the customs of society.

We live in a democratic society.

To summarize, I'm saying that society is becoming better.

I don't enjoy his society.

We are more or less related to society.

In a time-bound society time is seen as linear- in other words as a straight line extending from the past, through the present, to the future.

The rights of the individual are important in a free society.

Each society has a different institution.

Working in a society gives women both hardship and achievement, but the daily chores at home don't seem to give them fulfillment.

Society is built on trust.

Society and the individual are inseparable.

When we think of the traditional roles of men and women in society, we think of husbands supporting the family, and wives taking care of the house and children.

When going out to the society, what is the most necessary knowledge?

The impact of science on society is great.

Society could not care less.

Society is composed of individuals.

Society has a great influence on individuals.

Society exists for the sake of the individual.

Society consists of individuals.

Society must do away with laws which cause racial discrimination.

Some say society should be corrected first, but that is to put the cart before the horse.

Magic plays an important part in primitive society.

It was very far-sighted for that company to change its policy to accommodate the decrease in numbers of children and the aging of society.

The men form a society.

People need to express themselves; they cannot do so unless society allows them liberty to do so.

Professor Morita presided at a meeting of the Chemical Society.

Young people used to look down on the rules of society.

All are concerned with changing the role of women in contemporary society.

Many groups of immigrants have been assimilated into American society.

The more skills one masters, the greater contribution one can make to society.

It is true of American society that the male is the head of the household.

It is only through knowledge that we, as a nation, can cope with the dangers that threaten our society.

The general meeting of our society is held in December every year.

Japan is expected to play a greater role in international society.

He belongs to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

He belongs to the ESS (English Speaking Society).

He was excluded from the society.

He tends to place more stress on society in general than on individual.

He felt alienated from society.

He is a danger to society.

He lacks consciousness that he is a member of society.

He's what society calls a real lover of music.

They regarded the man as a danger to society.

They ended capitalism and built a socialist society.

Her action is still making waves in Japanese society.

She had never mingled in the society of women.

There can be no human society without conflict.

My mother attached herself to a cooperative society.

Respect for law is fundamental to our society.

In an affluent society most people have a high standard of living.

Violence is the cancer of our society.

Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society.

Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of society.

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