English example sentences with "push"

Learn how to use push in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

In case of an emergency, push this button.

The students wanted us to help push the car.

In case of fire, break the glass and push the red button.

Push the job and get it done this week.

Push the button, please.

Push the door open.

Don't pull it. Push it open.

In order to gain media recognition, sometimes AIDS patients have to push themselves into the public eye.

Please push this button at once in case of emergency.

You have only to push the button to open the bay window.

Did you push the button?

I have push button phones.

Please push the buzzer.

I don't know which button to push.

Can you push the door open?

I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire.

Don't push me very hard. It's dangerous.

Please push the Ctrl+Alt+Del key to log on the system.

You have only to push this red button.

Push the button here.

If you push this button, the door will open.

All you have to do is push this button to take a picture.

All you have to do is to push this button.

Push this button and the door will open.

The door yielded to a strong push.

If you push yourself too hard, you'll make yourself ill.

You have only to push the button.

You have only to push this button.

I wouldn't push him too far. You don't know what he might do. I'd say you can't be too careful. They say even a doomed mouse will bite a cat if he has no choice.

We had to push our way through the crowd.

Don't push me around.

All you have to do to take a picture is push this button.

In case of fire, push the button.

The new ambassador will push for a cease-fire to stop the killing.

You have only to push the button to get a ticket.

Local officials are twisting arms to push new development projects.

Don't push your luck.

He tried with all his might to push the door open.

She gave the door a gentle push.

We gave the car a push.

Push the green button, and the light goes on.

The convenience store was overflowing with girls, I didn't have the urge to push my way through them and went home as I was.

Thank goodness it didn't worsen. But please don't push yourself yet.

Who are the idiots who said that teachers should push for larger amounts of homework, seeing as the students don't work enough?

Push the door carefully.

I'm wondering what will happen if I push this button.

Look, if push comes to shove I have no doubt she'll pull rank on you to get her way.

My little sister sure knows how to push my buttons.

The sergeant ordered the private to do push ups.

The soldiers in the outposts are continually on the look-out, ready to push back enemy attacks.

They continued to push south.

Don't push your child into any vocation he dislikes.

You're working hard, eh. But don't push yourself too hard.

All you have to do is push this red button.

Tom doesn't know which button to push.

Tom likes to push the limits.

Just don't push me into the pool before I change clothes.

Mary was attempting to push the words toward the other end of the sentence in order to dump Tom.

Push the red button if something strange happens.

You have to push that door to open it.

If you push it, the door will open.

If you push the button, the door will open.

Push the green button and the light will go on.

Do not push that button.


Don't push it too far!

Don’t push me too hard. It’s dangerous.

They can't push us around.

Don't push me.

Just push down as hard as you can.

Where did you push them?

I can't let you push me around anymore.

Don't push it.

Don't you push me, boy!

Don't push me!

Let's not push it.

Let's push on.

I didn't want to push my luck.

You don't want to push yourself too hard.

Just be careful not to push Tom too hard.

Don't push.

Push the button.

He gave me a push and got ahead of me.

Please push the table over this way.

Don't push the wrong button.

Whatever you do, don't push that button.

To call the elevator, push the button.

To make the bike move, you must push on the pedals.

Don't push. I'm suffocating.

Tom gave Mary a push.

All you have to do is push this button.

The car won't start. Will you help me push the car?

His new owner took him to a high cliff overlooking the sea, put a stone around his neck, tied a rope to one of his hind feet, gave him a push, and threw him into the water.

If you push the button, the engine will stop.

The engine will stop when you push the button.

Give the car a push for me, will you?

Push the table over by the window.

I won't let anyone push me around.

You shouldn't let Tom push you around like that.

You shouldn't let Tom push you around.

Whatever you do, don't push this button.

Also check out the following words: wondering, show, Therein, lies, food, outer, space, All, wants, meet.