English example sentences with "prohibited"

Learn how to use prohibited in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You are prohibited from smoking here.

Smoking is strictly prohibited.

The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited.

Hunting is prohibited in this area.

Parking is prohibited here.

Poor health prohibited him from traveling.

Religious education is prohibited at a public school.

Recently, more and more countries have prohibited smoking.

Children are prohibited from smoking.

Professor Kibishii prohibited pupils from buying that kind of book.

An accident prohibited his attending the ceremony.

They were prohibited from leaving the hotel.

She was prohibited from smoking.

The export of weapons was prohibited.

Minors are prohibited from smoking by law.

Persons under age are prohibited from smoking.

Reproduction or appropriation of HTML, images and photographs from within this site is prohibited.

Reading is prohibited in this library.

Swimming is prohibited here.

Beer is prohibited before 4:00.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

In France, advertising of mobile phones directed at children 12 and under is prohibited.

Taking photos here is prohibited.

Arms export was prohibited.

Weapons export was prohibited.

Smoking is prohibited on the train.

Hunting is prohibited in national parks.

My parents prohibited me from seeing Tom again.

Corporal punishment is now prohibited in schools.

Prohibition is hereby officially prohibited.

It's prohibited in most countries.

Feeding pigeons is prohibited.

Dirty stories are prohibited!

Employees are prohibited from watching the Olympics.

It's a shame to not be able to get nearer to observe those peacocks, but walking on the flowerbeds in this garden is prohibited.

Smoking is now prohibited on all domestic flights.

Littering is prohibited.

It is strictly prohibited for Negroes to visit those hospitals, libraries, theatres, cinemas, hotels, and restaurants, which are destined for the Whites.

Parking prohibited!

Spitting is prohibited.

Fishing is prohibited here.

Fishing is prohibited in the lake.

Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant.

Dancing is prohibited.

Smoking is prohibited in all restaurants in this city.

Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings.

Smoking is prohibited in this restaurant.

Smoking is prohibited here.

Smoking is prohibited.

Fishing is prohibited because of the pollution.

The export of arms was prohibited.

Begging is prohibited by law.

Smoking prohibited inside elevator.

Discrimination on the basis of gender is prohibited.

It's not explicitly prohibited, but in fact it is not allowed either. It is a legal limbo.

From now on, drinking in the workplace is prohibited.

Bill posting prohibited. Offenders will be prosecuted.

That is strictly prohibited.

That should be prohibited.

Is hitchhiking prohibited in Australia?

Smoking is prohibited in this room.

In protected areas hunting is prohibited.

Over there, they don't say that it's prohibited. In fact, they say that it's mandatory.

They don't say that it's prohibited there. In fact, they say that it's mandatory.

Photography of this area is prohibited.

On this street it is prohibited to park vehicles but loading and unloading is permitted from nine at night until eight in the morning.

Technically speaking, death is prohibited in the Spanish town of Lanjarón.

Resale of this item is prohibited.

Buying and consuming cannabis is prohibited by law in many countries.

The third brake light went from being prohibited to being required.

Just because something is prohibited does not mean that it should be required.

Parking in this plaza after ten o’clock is prohibited.

The cloning of human embryos is prohibited by law.

Entry of pool is prohibited.

Photography is prohibited.

Parking is prohibited.

I am prohibited from doing that.

That's prohibited here.

Logging is prohibited.

Bathing prohibited.

We're prohibited from doing that.

I'm prohibited from doing that.

Is doing that prohibited?

Mr. Bakir prohibited Layla from entering the premises.

In our house, anything that isn't prohibited is fair game.

Grilling prohibited here.

Don't fish in this river. It's prohibited.

I've never used any prohibited substances.

The doctors prohibited Tom from taking any further trips.

The doctors prohibited Tom from taking any long trips.

The doctors prohibited Tom from taking any lengthy trips.

The unfortunate Baldoon recovered from his wounds, but sternly prohibited all inquiries respecting the manner in which he had received them.

Tomorrow it will be prohibited to drive private vehicles downtown.

Please wake up. Sleeping here is prohibited.

The Amazigh flag that unites all North African countries is a cultural flag. It was prohibited by the current General of the Armed Forces in Algeria.

It is prohibited to smoke on the whole site.

"Other college students with a talent, whether it be literature, music, or technological innovation, can monetize their skill and hard work,'' Newsom said Monday. "Student athletes, however, are prohibited from being compensated while their respective colleges and universities make millions, often at great risk to athletes' health, academics and professional careers."

Prohibited calculators are not allowed.

As far as I know, it is prohibited to swim here.

It is prohibited to use offensive words or expressions in the whole portal.

Passing is prohibited here.

Also check out the following words: referring, eternity, before, grades, certain, decided, rolling, stone, gathers, moss.