English example sentences with "made"

Learn how to use made in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Seriously though, episode 21 made me almost cry while laughing.

I made my decision.

An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his field, and how to avoid them.

You made me lose my mind.

What made you change your mind?

The principal severely reproved the students whenever they made a mess in the hallway.

I wonder if I am made for this world.

We made pancakes for breakfast.

Cheese is a solid food made from the milk of cows, goats, sheep, and other mammals.

The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half.

We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse.

Do you think he made that mistake on purpose?

You made the same mistake as last time.

You are made to be a poet.

You made a wise choice.

You have made the very same mistake again.

It appears that you have made a foolish mistake.

What has made you decide to work for our company?

Do you know what this box is made of?

You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you?

Your letter made me happy.

Your English has made gradual progress.

Whatever you said to him made him feel better.

What's the reason that made you call me?

Your mother has made you what you are.

What made it difficult for you to carry out the plan?

Upon arriving at the airport, he made a phone call to his wife.

I made a deposit of $1,000 at the bank.

The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron.

The rich merchant adopted the boy and made him his heir.

The loss of money made it impossible for him to go abroad.

In recent years, science has made remarkable progress.

Chemistry has made notable progress in recent years.

The neighbors made a fool of him.

Many shoes nowadays are made of plastics.

Baskets are being made nearby.

Hard work has made Japan what it is today.

I made the best of my small room.

The bridge is made of stone.

The professor made sure the test was checked carefully.

My education has made me what I am.

Mr. Satoyama's work made a big impression in the world of haiku.

The robbers made away with all the money in the safe.

The society made him president.

Milk is made into butter and cheese.

Milk is made into butter.

Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things.

Have you made up your mind where to go for the holidays?

It was not what he said, but the way he said it that made me suspicious.

Worry has made her look ten years older.

When I tried to move the desk, one of its legs made a jarring sound as it scraped across the floor.

I must have made a mistake.

It was you that made the mistake!

An error was made.

It being cold, we made a fire.

Kaishuu made nothing of hardship.

I made a temporary repair to the broken door.

The community is made up of individuals.

The company recalled all the baby food made in July.

We made a pact that we wouldn't abandon one another.

We made camp near the lake.

We made arrangements to meet at 6 p.m. on Monday.

We made a promise to meet at school.

We made him go there.

We made fun of him about this.

We made Mr Grey chairman of the committee.

We made the best of that bad situation.

We have made up our minds to fight it out.

Our showroom made a hit with young ladies.

The section chief made me work like a slave.

Hanako made the final payment on her car, and felt very satisfied.

The mere idea of swimming across the river made me tremble.

Science has made remarkable progress.

Science has made rapid progress in this century.

It made my mother's day when all the family gathered and had a party.

We have made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it.

I made my whole family leave home.

During the summer vacation, I made friends with many villagers.

Please telephone me when you have made up your mind what you want to do.

What made her so sad?

We made it out of there.

What made her do so?

What's it made from?

What made her do such a thing?

To record something, they used knotted cords made of the wool of the llama or alpaca.

What made you so dissatisfied?

What made you come here?

The music made the show.

The prince made it known all over the land that he would marry the poor girl.

I made out a tower in the distance.

Marriage is made in heaven.

Marriages are made in heaven.

The smoke made our eyes water.

After the concert, the crowd made for the nearest door.

What a big mistake you made in your English composition!

The swimmer, Cindy Nicholas, barely made it ashore at Dover at the end of the exhausting swim, but a spokesman from the Channel Swimming Association announced that she was in very good shape.

I was made out to be a liar.

The rain made it impossible for us to go on the picnic.

The rain made it impossible for me to drive fast.

After the rain had let up a bit, we made a dash for the car.

The rain made the autumn day dismal.

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