English example sentences with "picnic"

Learn how to use picnic in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I think it's wonderful that you're going on a picnic.

The chill of coming winter discouraged our picnic.

We postponed our picnic pending a change in the weather.

How come Mary is going on a picnic with him?

The picnic was called off because of the rain.

The picnic was put off on account of rain.

The rain made it impossible for us to go on the picnic.

The rain necessitated a postponement of the picnic.

The rain spoiled our picnic.

Whether it rains or not, Fujita is planning to have a picnic.

Since it rained, we did not go on a picnic.

The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain.

Bad weather discouraged them from going on a picnic.

Buckle down and get to work. Do you think we're on a Sunday picnic here?

If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.

If it's a nice day tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic.

If it rains tomorrow, I won't go on a picnic.

Weather permitting, let's go on a picnic.

Suppose it rains tomorrow, shall we still go on the picnic?

The picnic was called off because of rain.

The picnic was a disappointment.

Let's fix the date for the picnic.

The day of the picnic has arrived.

Let's go to the picnic.

We had lots of fun at the picnic.

How about going on a picnic?

It's ideal weather for a picnic.

It was such a fine day that we decided to have a picnic.

It was such a nice day that we decided to have a picnic.

When we discussed where to go on a picnic, some wanted to go to the forest, others wanted to go to the sea.

I wouldn't dream of going on a picnic on such a rainy day.

They went into the woods for a picnic.

The picnic was canceled for lack of interest.

Will you go on a picnic with me?

Five miles is a suitable distance for a picnic.

We suggested to her that we should go on a picnic the following Sunday.

I'll set aside next Sunday for a picnic with my family.

It is too cold for a picnic today.

I took a day off yesterday and went on a picnic.

Our picnic was altogether spoiled by the rain.

Our picnic plates are made of plastic.

We went on a picnic to the hill.

We went on a picnic at the lake.

We took advantage of the sunny weather to go on a picnic.

We'll go on a picnic next Sunday.

We are to go on a picnic tomorrow.

I couldn't go on a picnic because of the rain.

I'd like to go on a picnic with her.

Our class will go on a picnic next week.

We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic.

We abandoned the plan to go on a picnic.

We were caught in a shower while we were on a picnic.

We went on a picnic together.

We went on a picnic to the woods.

We will go on a picnic tomorrow.

It was a fine day so I went on a picnic.

Nothing is so pleasant as going on a picnic on a fine day.

A warm, sunny day is ideal for a picnic.

Warm weather favored our picnic.

The weather being fine, we went on a picnic.

Apart from the weather, it was a good picnic.

Bad weather forced us to call off the picnic.

Weather permitting, we will go on a picnic tomorrow.

He is not going on the picnic, and I am not either.

Urgent business discouraged him from going on a picnic.

He probably won't go on the picnic tomorrow. I won't either.

They set out on a picnic.

They arranged for the picnic.

They went on a picnic to the lake.

To her great disappointment, it rained on the day of the picnic.

She went on a picnic.

She went on picnic in spirits.

The division picnic is this Saturday at the park.

Should it rain tomorrow, the picnic would be canceled.

We will go on a picnic if it is fine tomorrow.

I am going on a picnic tomorrow.

We've got to get up early tomorrow. We're going on a picnic.

I'm going to go on a picnic tomorrow.

Supposing it rains tomorrow, will you still go on a picnic?

If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic.

I don't know if it will be fine tomorrow, but if it is fine we'll go on a picnic.

The fine day added to the pleasure of the picnic.

If it rains tomorrow, I won't go to the picnic.

While we were out for a picnic, our house's lock was picked by a thief.

Why is Mary going with him to the picnic?

Why is Mary going for a picnic with him?

If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will have a picnic.

The girl had big boobs but sadly she was one sandwich short of a picnic.

Our picnic was ruined by insects.

I can still remember the time when we went on a picnic together.

I never thought it'd be this hard to build a picnic table.

Tom knows why Mary decided not to go on the picnic with him.

Tom is going on a picnic tomorrow with Mary.

Tom and Mary couldn't go on a picnic because it was raining.

Do you want to go on a picnic with me?

Except for the weather, it was a fun picnic.

Except for the weather, it was a great picnic.

Tom would like to go on the picnic, too. We should invite him.

Tom may have to cancel the picnic.

Tom couldn't go on the picnic with us today because he had an important business meeting.

Tom and three of his friends went on a picnic.

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