English example sentences with "often"

Learn how to use often in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach.

Spenser's sarcastic and joking remarks are often misinterpreted as signs of ambivalence and often taken too seriously.

Spenser's sarcastic and joking remarks are often misinterpreted as signs of ambivalence and often taken too seriously.

The people who come on the Maury Povich show often make pretentious claims about their lovers cheating on them.

Spenser's mother often scrutinizes him for every small mistake he makes.

All the king's subjects, fearing his wrath, often acted quite servile.

People are often quite skeptical about things unless given believable proof.

Never lose sight of the importance of a beautiful sunrise, or watching your kids sleep, or the smell of rain. It's often the small things that really matter in life.

How often do you go abroad?

I often think about the place where I met you.

Fantasy is often the mother of art.

The rich are often misers.

In recent years, they have often moved.

As is often the case with educated people, he likes classical music better than jazz.

The teacher often emphasizes that students should have courage.

The vicar often refers to the Bible in his sermon.

With horse racing and such, these are called "stakes". For this meaning the plural form is often used.

I would often visit the museum when I lived in Kyoto.

How often do you feed the fish?

Trains come more often than buses.

Prospect is often better than possession.

Billy often hits his face against windows.

Patients often die simply because they yield to their diseases.

The best is often the enemy of the good.

Thermometers often go below zero.

It's often cold, so overcoats are advisable.

The stock market is often called a dangerous one.

John would often go mountain climbing when he was a student.

Students often study with music playing in the background, and people working around the house will usually turn on the television or radio to keep them company.

Students often pursue their teacher with questions.

I often wrote to her when I was a student.

Students often find it very difficult to understand a lecture in a foreign language.

I would often take part in an English speech contest in my school days.

School children have colds twice as often as adults.

Though he lives within a stone's throw of the school, he is often late.

How often do you study English at school?

As is often the case with foreigners, John dislikes nattou.

He will come with his wife, as is often the case with foreigners.

It is often said that the best way to learn a foreign language is to go to the country where it is spoken.

Larger pirates often preyed on unarmed merchant ships.

We often eat fish raw.

We often associate black with death.

We often fail to realize the extent to which we depend on others.

Our public leaders are imaginative and often come up with new ideas.

It is often said that sweets are bad for your teeth.

The aim of science is, as has often been said, to foresee, not to understand.

Progress in science was often barred by convention.

My wife often rings me up, while she travels abroad.

How often do you go swimming in the sea each summer?

I often go swimming at the beach in the summer.

How often have you been to Europe?

How often do you have to see the dentist?

How often is it necessary to feed your pet?

When he writes English, he often consults the dictionary.

Students of English often mix up the words 'lie' and 'lay'.

English words are often borrowed by other languages.

Try to speak English as often as possible if you want to improve your English.

Movies often come to a happy end.

When it rains, the buses are late more often than not.

We would often sit up all night discussing politics.

When we are with a person we don't want to be seen with, we often meet someone we know.

How often a week do you take a bath?

The Isonos would often go hiking.

It is often pointed out that a vague smile is typical of the Japanese.

When I was a child, my mother would often read fairy tales to me.

I used to go fishing quite often, but now I rarely go.

As you have often been here before, show me around, please.

Fear often exaggerates danger.

It should be stressed that we are often influenced by advertising without being aware of it.

Lucy would often play the piano after dinner.

Camels are often used to travel in the desert.

The lion is often used as a symbol of courage.

I often have post-nasal drip.

Her name often escapes me.

I often see him.

I'm often half-asleep.

I would often go fishing in the lake.

I would often go skating on the lake.

I often get conjunctivitis.

I often feel extremely exhausted.

I feel depressed often.

Do you eat out often?

I often go to the movies.

Do you have this symptom often?

Tom was late for class, as is often the case.

He was not at home, as is often the case with him.

John was not at home, as is often the case with him.

She forgot her umbrella, as is often the case with her.

He returned home very late, as was often the case.

As was often the case with him, he came late.

As is often the case, he was late for school.

As often happens, he slept right through the lesson.

Henry was not at home, as is often the case with him.

As is often the case, the boy ran away from home.

Desperate men often do desperate things.

More often than not, she had to go in person.

If Mary knew how to swim, she would go to the beach more often.

Mary often hums a tune as she works in the kitchen.

Mary promised her mother that she would help her more often.

Mary would often sit alone on the porch.

My older sister often drinks tea with milk.

Also check out the following words: joining, Betty's, 'I, you', ditto, intending, mails, earthy, there'd, selecting.