English example sentences with "movie"

Learn how to use movie in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I recognized the bank teller as the man I had seen in the movie theater.

Are there any movie theaters near here?

The audience sobbed throughout the climax of the movie.

Let's skip school and go see the movie.

There's an old movie theater in town.

Because of some technical problem, a movie was shown in place of the announced program.

Movie making is an exciting job.

Would you like to go to a movie?

There were already a lot of people waiting in a line in front of the movie theater.

I was at a movie theater.

Would you like to take in a movie?

After seeing the movie, I was impressed.

Was the movie good?

The movie is now showing at a theater near you.

When does the movie start?

Has the movie started yet?

The movie got more and more exciting, until at length, people were sitting on the edge of their chairs.

The movie was so sad that everybody cried.

How did you enjoy the movie?

The movie starts at ten o'clock.

The movie was interesting, as I had expected.

I think a movie is more entertaining than any book.

He began to tremble during the movie.

After the movie they fall asleep.

I can't see the movie.

I'd like to set it to the movie channel.

That's something like a movie scenario.

How about going to a movie?

You're going to a movie?

Let's stop off and see a movie.

The movie is popular among the youngsters.

The movie starts.

The movie was so dull that the audience left one by one.

The movie "Fight Club" has a surprise ending.

In order to elude her eager public, the movie star checked into the hotel under a false name.

Would you like to go see a movie with me?

She told him once and for all that she would not go to the movie with him.

I was bored because I had seen the movie before.

I saw a movie for the first time in two years.

We hope you enjoy the movie.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we start the movie.

I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet.

I get goose bumps when I see a horror movie.

I would rather go to the movie alone than have Bob come with me.

How about going to see a movie with me?

Fox missed a chance to be a movie star.

I watched a movie on video.

What a sad movie it was!

What kind of movie is it? Is it popular?

I watched an old movie on TV.

Television has almost taken the place of the movie theater.

It was like watching a slow motion movie.

It is five years since the book was made into a movie.

The story was adapted for the movie.

The new movie was a big hit.

That song reminds me of a famous movie actor.

That movie star has many fans.

Go along this street, and you'll find the movie theater.

That movie theater always shows good movies.

Do you remember seeing the movie together before?

We must see the movie again to do it justice.

I have had no chance to see the movie.

I prefer going for a walk to seeing the movie.

I'd rather go for a walk than see the movie.

The movie moved her to tears.

I didn't know the actor until I saw the movie.

Whoever saw the movie was shocked.

I remember seeing the movie.

Did you ever see that movie?

How many times did you see the movie?

I want to see the movie again.

It was you that suggested seeing that movie.

The movie was good.

The movie was much more enjoyable than Hemingway is.

The movie was interesting.

The movie was a big draw at the box office.

I remember seeing the movie before.

The movie is X-rated.

The movie was interesting to all of us.

The movie is worth seeing at least two or three times.

This movie is suitable for children.

The movie was less funny than the book.

The movie is not so interesting as the original.

This movie is worth seeing.

The movie is drawing pretty well.

The movie created a great sensation.

The movie was more interesting than I expected.

That movie will be released by and by.

That movie is suitable for people of all ages.

That movie was shown on television.

The movie thrilled the entire audience.

The movie is a stereotyped sob story.

That movie is exciting.

They have cast the movie.

The movie was cast mostly with Americans.

I was excited by the movie.

The movie received mixed reviews.

You are certain to be moved deeply by the movie.

The movie gained her great popularity.

The movie costarred two great actresses.

The movie star ate crow many times because of all the thoughtless things she said.

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