English example sentences with "many"

Learn how to use many in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

How many close friends do you have?

There are many words that I don't understand.

I have too many things on my mind these days.

With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.

Many people drift through life without a purpose.

There are too many things to do!

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

The profane language used on network television makes many parents with young children not want to subscribe to cable.

Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much rancor between the Russians and the Germans, especially in areas once occupied by the Soviet Union.

How many sandwiches are there left?

Sadly many people will believe things told to them via an email which they would find implausible face-to-face.

How many hours of sleep do you need?

No, I cannot let you in, there's one person too many.

The problem with many things is the pre-conceived ideas we have about them!

In business today, too many executives spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't even like.

She has as many books as I.

You will be up against many difficulties.

How many times a month do you write home?

How many books do you have?

How many days will you remain in London?

You have many books.

How many schools are there in your city?

How many pupils are there in your school?

How many rooms are there in your house?

How many are there in your class?

You have many caring friends.

You must study hard and learn many things.

Try as you may, you will not be able to read as many as five novels in a day.

There are a good many reasons why you shouldn't do it.

It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away.

There were a great many people at the airport.

There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all.

Many stars were shining in the heavens.

There are many things which we cannot evaluate in terms of money.

Many men went west in search of gold.

Money ruins many.

Many local traditions have fallen into decay in recent years.

The lack of modern post facilities caused trouble for many shippers.

Modern technology gives us many new things.

Many young Japanese travel overseas these days.

Many shoes nowadays are made of plastics.

There aren't many good tunes coming out nowadays.

As these days most parents indulge their children, many children don't know what good manners are.

When you want cooperation, share over many hands.

Kyoto is visited by many tourists.

Kyoto is visited by many people every year.

There are many famous old buildings in Kyoto.

There are many places to visit in Kyoto.

Kyoto has many universities.

There are many shrines in Kyoto.

There are many old temples in Kyoto.

Kyoto has many places to see.

There are many places to see in Kyoto.

There are many sights to see in Kyoto.

A huge federal budget deficit has been plaguing the American economy for many years.

Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things.

Cows supply us with many things we need.

And, many times, I've cried.

As it was written in haste, the book has many faults.

Having been written in a hurry, this letter has many mistakes in it.

As it was printed in haste, the book has many misprints.

There are many tourists in the city on holidays.

Smokers take twice as many days off sick as non-smokers.

Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer.

Mr Yoshimoto taught us many trivial matters.

The prospect of famine hangs over many areas of the world.

It was a great pleasure for me to meet many associates of your company.

How many pieces of carry-on are you going to take?

How many pens are there on the desk?

You cannot appreciate the poem until you have read it many times.

The treaty has been concluded after many twists and turns.

After having fought many hard battles, we were able to bring home the bacon and set up a new government.

I'll give you as many as you like.

Rocks and minerals are useful for us in many ways.

Tourism generated many new jobs.

People could have avoided many mistakes by simple experiments.

Too many sweets cause your teeth to decay.

You shouldn't let children eat too many sweets.

The stock market crash forced many retirees back into the job market.

Read as many books as you can while you are a student.

The students learned many poems by heart.

The students discussed the plan for many hours.

The revolution has brought about many changes.

Another tendency of many Japanese that bothers foreigners is to make statements that are too general and too broad by using or implying words like "all" and "every".

Foreigners in general don't need as many compliments as Japanese are required to give each other, and it is good to keep this in mind.

The pioneers met with many dangers.

How many pictures did you buy?

If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries.

There are many problems to solve.

Many members dropped out of the club when the dues were raised.

The meeting was attended by many.

How many people were present at the meeting?

We must get over many difficulties.

We crawled like so many ants along the mountain pass.

We spoke about many subjects.

We can communicate with each other in many ways.

We talked of many things.

In everyday life we have many obligations and responsibilities.

We have many difficulties before us.

Our city has one third as many people as Tokyo.

Our plan has many additional advantages.

Also check out the following words: tail, heart, wishes, erase, memories, Sir, allowed, park, safe, unfair.