English example sentences with "fallen"

Learn how to use fallen in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Many local traditions have fallen into decay in recent years.

What with fatigue and lack of sleep, he has fallen ill at last.

She would have fallen into the pond if he had not caught her by the arm.

Another step, and you would have fallen down the stairs.

One more step, and I would have fallen off the cliff.

Almost all the leaves have fallen.

The value of the dollar has fallen recently.

The highway leading to the city is now free of fallen rocks.

The man was sitting on a fallen tree.

Having fallen victim to increased competition, the company went bankrupt.

The bottom has fallen out of the market.

I've sat on my heels for so long my legs have fallen asleep.

The dew has fallen on the lawn.

Jean has fallen out with Paul over the education of their children.

That word has fallen out of use.

No, she has never fallen in love.

How can I get rid of all those fallen leaves?

By the time you get home, all the cherry blossoms will have fallen.

A fallen leaf floated on the surface of the water.

In the current slump, economic growth has fallen to zero percent.

The temperature has fallen below zero this morning.

She has fallen so low as to sing at a third-rate night club.

In the mountain area, snow has fallen more than fifty centimeters deep.

The market prices have fallen across the board.

I had hardly fallen asleep when the telephone rang.

My holiday plan has fallen through.

I have never fallen in love with any girl.

I bent over to pick up my pen which had fallen on the floor.

I regret having fallen in love with a girl like her.

A big tree had fallen across the road and was in my way as I drove.

The housing project has fallen flat.

The project to build a new sports center has fallen through for lack of adequate funds.

Productivity has fallen. Accordingly, workers' bonuses will be reduced.

The lorry had to stop because its load had fallen off.

The baby has fallen asleep.

Much snow has fallen.

The moss is a delicate green fur on fallen logs and rocks, I say to myself.

A big tree has fallen in the storm.

Night had completely fallen before we knew.

The ground was blanketed with fallen leaves.

The pond was dotted with fallen leaves.

Some of the members of the middle class have fallen into poverty.

The temperature has fallen since morning.

The garden was covered with fallen leaves.

The fallen tree got in the way, and I could not get my car out of the garage.

The fallen tree arrested the current of a brook.

A fallen tree blocked the path.

A fallen tree obstructed the road.

The road is blocked with fallen trees.

A lot of my hair has fallen out.

He has fallen into the habit of putting his hands into his pockets.

He confessed that he had fallen in love with me.

He was pinned down by a fallen tree.

They went on putting aside fallen stones.

Now Marina was a romantic, she had not yet fallen into that passive state of mind which accepts that one should find a corner to live, anywhere, and then arrange one's whole life around it.

She has never fallen in love.

Has she ever fallen in love?

Father has lost his job, and what's worse, Mother has fallen ill.

The wind has fallen.

The sidewalk was covered with fallen leaves.

The road was obstructed by fallen trees.

The leaves have all fallen.

The scales have fallen from my eyes.

Fallen rocks closed the way.

A fallen rock barred his way.

Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village.

After the storm, the road was blocked with fallen trees.

Hey, is this fish tasty for real? It looks like a black porgy who'd fallen in with mobsters and been put on the country's most wanted list!?

You haven't fallen in love have you!? I won't have it! Having that man become my brother-in-law; I absolutely hate that!

It's geared pretty much towards real fighting isn't it? Apart from the eyes, crotch, and attacks against fallen opponents just about anything goes ...

When rain's fallen and the soil is moist, it becomes easier to pull out weeds.

There is an enormous cross above the Valley of the Fallen.

The old man who'd fallen was really Buddha.

All of the sugar has fallen to the ground.

I haven't fallen in love like this since I was seventeen.

She's never fallen in love.

He fashioned a walking stick from a fallen branch.

I came back to Kyiv when the first snow had already fallen.

No, until now she has never fallen in love.

Many people in these parts have fallen on hard times.

Night has fallen!

He had fallen in love with her.

Too many Confederate soldiers had fallen in battle.

The government in Baghdad had fallen.

Farm prices had fallen fifty-five percent.

I caught sight of a huge egg that had fallen into the middle of the road.

I realize that this may sound crazy, but I think I've fallen in love with your younger sister.

Your spirit has fallen into hell.

Tom picked up the coins that had fallen behind the sofa.

Tom groped for the flashlight that had fallen behind the couch.

Tom kept on talking even though Mary had fallen asleep.

Tom has fallen in love with Mary.

Aw, has he fallen!

Oh! Raju has fallen down the stairs!

Italy’s borrowing costs have fallen below the critical 7% level.

That has fallen out of style.

Peter had fallen in love with that girl.

A fallen tree blocked the road.

The road was blocked by fallen rocks.

Fallen rocks blocked the way.

Fallen rocks blocked the road.

Also check out the following words: nonsense, maps, everywhere, contact, available, several, bath, arrived, willingly, town.