English example sentences with "ever"

Learn how to use ever in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever said.

It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written.

Have you ever eaten a banana pie?

My parents would repudiate my brother if they ever found out he was gay.

Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji?

Have you ever traveled in a plane?

Have you ever seen him swimming?

You look as healthy as ever.

Have you ever seen a kangaroo?

Do you ever dream about flying through the sky?

Have you ever been to Kyushu?

Have you ever read any Chinese poems?

Have you ever seen a UFO?

Did you ever see the fish?

Did you ever hear the like of it?

What ever are you doing here?

Have you ever visited the office where your father works?

Have you ever been to America?

Have you ever been to that village?

Your sister's as beautiful as ever.

Your composition is as good as ever.

Have you ever seen Mt. Fuji? It is beautiful beyond description.

The sky was as clear as ever.

Have you ever had a narrow escape?

Speaking of Kyoto, have you ever visited the Kinkakuji Temple?

There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.

The lifeguard is ever ready to help others.

Have you ever thought of becoming a nurse?

External pressure grows ever more intense.

Who shall ever unravel the mysteries of the sea?

Ever since we've been wearing clothes, we haven't known one another.

More than ever do we need goals or leading ideas that will give purpose to whatever we are doing.

Have you ever had any serious illness?

What do you mean, why don't I ever say it?

Nothing can ever stagger her belief.

Have you ever been to Britain?

Did you ever make a speech in English?

If you tell too many lies, people won't ever believe your words.

It is raining worse than ever.

Who ever can it be?

What ever do you want with me?

We've been friends ever since.

No one had ever thought of selling ice before.

No one ever knew the true story except the three of us.

Have you ever gone to Paris?

Have you ever visited Rome?

If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum.

We have to cut business expenses here. Haven't you ever heard of looking at how much you're getting before you start spending?

If you are ever in Japan, come and see me.

If you ever come to town, come to see me.

If anything should ever happen to me, you can look here.

It's been almost ten years, but you're as beautiful as ever.

It hardly ever rains here.

Have you ever been to Mexico?

Of course you can trust me. Have I ever given you a bum steer before?

Have you ever read Milton's works?

Do you ever hear anything about Misako?

Have you ever seen the new house in which Marilyn lives?

Nor was he ever known to curse unless against the government.

Ever louder voices of protest drowned out his speech.

You hardly ever work, do you?

Have you ever gone to Venice?

Bill is seldom ever on time.

Bill got into such a hole with the payments on his house that now that he's lost his job, I don't know how he'll ever get out from under.

Have you ever seen a panda?

Have you ever been to Hawaii?

Have you ever been to Paris?

Have you ever heard of Nessie?

Have you ever been to New York?

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.

Be it ever so humble, home is home.

Be a man ever so rich, he should be diligent.

Nothing ever makes him angry.

Have you ever heard of a poet by the name of Tom?

By the way, have you ever been to Hokkaido?

By the way, have you ever been to Europe?

Why don't you ever say it?

How did this misunderstanding ever arise?

I don't think TV will ever take the place of books.

Have you ever read any Tennyson poems?

Have you ever had cheese with apple pie?

No one ever saw such a thing.

Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuya?

That's the damnedest story I ever heard.

We have been friends ever since.

That's the most absurd idea I've ever heard.

It was the most beautiful sight that he had ever seen in his life.

That was the most interesting film that we had ever seen.

It's the best book that I've ever read.

It is the tallest tree that I ever saw.

That was the most moving film I had ever seen.

It was the greatest joy that I have ever experienced.

That is the funniest joke that I have ever heard.

That was the most exciting concert I have ever been to.

It was the best play that I had ever seen.

What ever can that be?

It is the most artistic picture I have ever taken.

And since she refused to accept it, she had been living in extreme discomfort, exclaiming: "Why should we spend all the capital we are ever likely to have tying ourselves down to a place we detest!"

Nobody has seen him ever since.

It was the last crane she ever made.

The earthquake was the biggest one that we had ever experienced.

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