English example sentences with "embarrassing"

Learn how to use embarrassing in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

My stomach started growling right there in the meeting. It was embarrassing.

This is the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Fancy forgetting my glasses, it's so embarrassing.

It's an embarrassing question.

How embarrassing!

Hardly had he woke up when he remembered the embarrassing incident of the previous night.

"Yes, the bisque-doll-like Erika" "Th-that expression is a little embarrassing, could you stop using it?"

Now that I think over it, it's somewhat embarrassing.

It was embarrassing the way my parents bragged about me at the concert.

It's embarrassing to be seen without make-up so please don't stare.

"Lemme see your painting, Manaka." "Must you? It's embarrassing!"

I will tell you what love is. It's very embarrassing.

You are embarrassing.

You're embarrassing.

You are embarrassing!

You're embarrassing!

She let slip that she had found out about her brother's embarrassing little secret.

It's an embarrassing illness.

It's really embarrassing.

Oh boy, that's embarrassing.

My situation was embarrassing enough, so I preferred not to make it more complicated.

That's embarrassing.

Please don't say anything embarrassing.

It's deeply embarrassing.

The nice young man, in order to avoid embarrassing questions, presented the crazy woman as his sister.

Something embarrassing happened last week.

You're embarrassing her.

You're embarrassing him.

You're embarrassing me.

You're embarrassing them.

You're embarrassing Tom.

You're embarrassing us.

You're embarrassing yourself.

You're embarrassing yourselves.

This is embarrassing.

Mom! Stop! You're embarrassing me.

We're embarrassing Tom.

We're embarrassing ourselves.

It's so embarrassing.

It's very embarrassing.

That's so embarrassing.

What an embarrassing situation that was!

Don't do anything embarrassing.

It's embarrassing.

I never do anything embarrassing.

It's embarrassing, but I've never read Tolstoy.

That was embarrassing.

This is so embarrassing.

She finds her parents embarrassing.

It was really embarrassing.

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

It's extremely embarrassing.

It was so embarrassing.

It's going to be embarrassing.

That would be embarrassing.

This is getting embarrassing.

Tom is a two-pot screamer and it's embarrassing going to the pub with him.

Their unbeaten record came to an end with an embarrassing 5-0 defeat.

It was extremely embarrassing.

This is, without a doubt, an embarrassing situation for me.

This is kind of embarrassing.

This is kind of embarrassing, actually.

Gosh, this is so embarrassing.

His humor charmingly eased the embarrassing atmosphere at dinner time and made me breathe a sigh of relief.

We thought the situation would be embarrassing.

It's a little embarrassing.

Now, that's just embarrassing.

Did you think of how embarrassing it would be for Tom?

Do you know how embarrassing this is for Tom?

Stop embarrassing me.

This is very embarrassing.

This is really embarrassing.

It's something really embarrassing.

We're embarrassing them.

We're embarrassing him.

We're embarrassing her.

It's kind of embarrassing.

If your stomach growls in the middle of a test, that's pretty embarrassing.

Isn't it embarrassing going shopping for clothes with your mother even as a university student?

This is a bit embarrassing.

It was definitely embarrassing.

This is simply embarrassing.

It was super embarrassing.

It can be embarrassing.

It was embarrassing.

That would've been embarrassing.

That could've been embarrassing.

It's embarrassing to be late for a date.

It was an embarrassing fiasco.

It was a little embarrassing.

Stop it. You're embarrassing me.

She managed to elude the embarrassing situation that she found herself in.

That is so embarrassing.

It was an embarrassing episode.

Tom thinks it's embarrassing.

How embarrassing for us all.

It could get embarrassing.

It wasn't a particularly bad rash, but it was embarrassing nonetheless.

Maria liked Tom but it was embarrassing for her to be seen by her friends with him.

The new year started with an embarrassing diplomatic crisis between the two nations.

This feels quite awkward and embarrassing.

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