English example sentences with "both"

Learn how to use both in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

When both girls told John they had feelings for him, he was in a quandary as to which girl he should be with.

I'll get something to drink for both of you.

I don't like both of you going to such a place.

There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support.

We are both to blame.

Both air and water are indispensable for life.

In Kyoto, you can see both old and modern buildings.

Fish and meat are both nourishing, but the latter is more expensive than the former.

Because of the difference in climate, the same crop is not cultivated in both the northern and the eastern parts of the country.

The school uniform is convenient because it can be worn for both informal and formal occasions.

We are influenced both by environment and by heredity.

Hold the vase in both hands.

Lots of women both run a home and go out to work.

Both buildings burned down.

I hope I can manage to make both ends meet.

His bread is buttered on both sides.

I got slapped on both cheeks.

I know that if we discuss it, we can find a solution that will satisfy both of us.

How difficult a thing it is, to love, and to be wise, and both at once.

I like both dogs and cats.

Burning the candle at both ends reduces the candle to wax in a hurry - just like a playboy having a pretty girl on each arm.

Whether you pick the Lions or Tigers to win, the result will be a toss-up because both teams are equally strong.

He that hears much and speaks not at all shall be welcome both in bower and hall.

It would be better for both of us not to see each other anymore.

Mary is both intelligent and kind.

First, I should hear both sides.

Both Bill and Mac are crazy about computers.

The pigeon and the ostrich are both birds; one can fly and the other cannot.

Both Nancy and Jane were absent from school.

Both Tom and Bill are playing tennis now.

We have given careful thought to both alternatives.

You can buy whichever you like, but not both.

It's a tossup as to who will win; both teams are about the same in quality.

It's a good rule to look both ways before you cross the street anywhere.

At last both countries agreed on putting an end to the war.

Can you spare a minute? I'd like to discuss something of importance to both of us.

The data collected in Tyrel's research is of great value both to administrators and to educators.

It is both good and cheap.

Both stories are true.

We should do justice to both sides on that issue.

Both girls have blue eyes.

You'll find both of the books interesting.

Both of the means are dangerous.

The editor and the publisher are both my cousins.

The judgement is very fair to both parties.

The answers are both incorrect.

After the conflict there were many dead on both sides.

The warrior is conscious of both his strength and his weakness.

Both those students passed all the tests.

They are both working at the pet store.

Both the boy and the girl are clever.

The poet and novelist were both present at the meeting.

Both of the children won a prize.

The sisters are both blondes.

Both sisters are pretty.

Both brothers are musicians.

Those brothers are both over 6 feet in height. That's indeed tall.

Both the brothers are dead.

Both brothers are still alive.

Because of its origins, Canadian English has features of both American and British English.

The scientist is famous both at home and abroad.

The musician is enjoying great popularity both in Japan and in America.

That television is both big and expensive.

You can't have both books.

All the other little rabbits came out to see how happy they both were, and they danced in a wedding circle around the little black rabbit and little white rabbit.

Living life in the fast lane is like burning the candle at both ends.

They were both silent for a while.

The strike had not been peaceful, however, and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. begged both sides to be patient and calm.

Shakespeare wrote both tragedy and comedy.

There are dangers that threaten both men and women.

I've read both these books.

You can have either of these, but not both.

We will interview two people so we can hear both sides of this question.

This problem bristles with difficulties both psychological and economical.

This book is both interesting and instructive.

Try on both these coats and compare them.

This novel is both interesting and instructive.

This bag is both good and inexpensive.

It may not appeal to some, but I prefer to remain a salaried man; I don't have to worry so much about making both ends meet.

Both Ken and Meg are my friends.

Both Canada and Mexico border on the United States.

Both French and English are spoken in Canada.

I wish you both happiness and prosperity.

There must be a better person for both of us.

May you both be happy!

Americans pay both federal taxes and state taxes.

Many couples in America both work to make ends meet.

He and his wife both work and his salary is lower than hers, so no wonder he is a hen-pecked husband.

That actor is both handsome and skillful.

It is a toss-up whether the playboy will marry the blonde or the brunette; both girls are so beautiful.

Both you and I are students.

You are both pretty and kind.

You and he are both very kind.

Both you and I must take care of the dog.

You are both in the wrong.

I couldn't drink both bottles, so I left one for you.

Both dogs are asleep.

Both are alive.

Are both of you ready to go?

They are both very excited.

I can afford one, but not both.

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