English example sentences with "donald"

Learn how to use donald in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Donald doesn't like people who speak ill of others.

Donald Trump is a famous business person.

Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Goofy went camping in the mountains.

Popularity should be no scale for the election of politicians. If it would depend on popularity, Donald Duck and The Muppets would take seats in senate.

Will Donald Trump be the next president of the United States?

Donald Trump is an embarrassment.

If I had a penny for each time Donald said something stupid, I would own a fortune of more than a million dollars.

Donald Trump warned that if he does not win, the United States could turn into "Argentina or Venezuela."

Donald Trump won the Republican nomination.

Every day I check the news, but every day our two presidential candidates are still Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is on the verge of being elected President of the United States.

Donald Trump is elected president of the United States.

Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States of America.

Donald Trump, a political outsider, won the presidency in a stunning upset.

Mark Halperin, a documentary film maker, said: "Outside of the U.S. Civil War and World War II but including the attacks of September 11, the election of Donald Trump may be the most cataclysmic event this country has ever seen."

Donald J. Trump is the President-elect of the United States.

For those who are used to living in hell, it is unbearable in paradise. For this reason, members of the Russian diaspora in the United States have voted for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is the living reductio ad absurdum of the decades-long debate over "political correctness."

Sami was the Donald Trump of Cairo.

David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker, discussed the dangers of normalizing a Donald Trump presidency during a live chat hosted by Columbia Journalism Review.

Sami was the Donald Trump of Egypt.

Donald was the name of my English teacher.

This is a country where we speak English, not Spanish. This is what Donald Trump said despite the fact that the United States doesn't have an official language.

Donald Trump made racist comments.

Last year, U.S. President Donald Trump was at the Bastille Day parade here in a visit that forged a personal bond with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron.

Negotiations with the president of the United States Donald Trump took place in a frank and businesslike atmosphere.

He's a serious man, Donald Trump.

The election of Donald Trump served as a rallying point for those who had long been trying to warn the public about America's slow descent into despotism.

Donald Trump is as blond as Boris Johnson.

I wish Donald Trump were dead instead of the eight people killed today in Pittsburgh.

Donald Duck is a duck.

Donald Trump must be extradited to Iraq to be held accountable for the war crimes of the soldiers he pardoned.

Donald Trump couldn't possibly care less about Jewish people.

Donald Trump had a two-hour meeting with the Prince of Whales.

Boris Johnson is the British Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has small hands.

Donald Trump was on his way to becoming a tin-pot dictator, propped up by corrupt sycophants such as Attorney General William Barr.

The government of Greenland is dismissing the idea that the island is for sale, following media reports that U.S. President Donald Trump has been discussing interest to purchase the Danish territory with White House advisors.

Markets are nervous about another volley of tariff threats from President Donald Trump that would hit German cars and French wine, among other things.

US President Donald Trump imposed a freeze on all Venezuelan government assets in the United States on Monday, aimed at removing President Nicolas Maduro from power.

Conservation and wildlife groups call the changes U.S. President Donald Trump's gift to logging, ranching, and oil industries, saying they take a bulldozer through protections for America’s most vulnerable wildlife.

The majority of those fighting ISIS are Muslims, not Donald Trump's KKK supporters or evangelicals.

Is Donald Trump Islamophobic?

On Sunday Donald Trump, the President of the United States, called his new Secretary of Defense Mark Esperanto.

Donald Trump, the President of the United States, is known for (among other things) his unpredictable behavior on the social network Twitter, where he regularly scolds his opponents, accuses critical journalists of "fake news," and abundantly quotes his supporters.

I like the transparency of Donald Trump.

Have you seen the cameo appearances of Donald Trump?

Donald Trump's antisemitic rhetoric about George Soros incited the Tree of Life synagogue shooting.

Jennifer Merrill left her husband of 24 years after he voted for Donald Trump during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Her husband’s steady shift to the political right during their 24-year marriage was a source of frustration and embarrassment for liberal Jennifer Merrill, but it wasn’t until the election of Donald Trump — and her husband’s support for the president — that she’d finally had enough.

“As a couple living in Italy for 12 years, and retiring on UK-earned pensions prior to the referendum, we have lost nearly 20 percent of our annual income due to the devaluation of sterling since UK citizens voted for Brexit in June 2016,” says Donald Law, a retired British doctor living in Pisa, Italy.

Donald Trump thinks that climate change is a hoax. I think that Donald Trump is a hoax.

Donald Trump thinks that climate change is a hoax. I think that Donald Trump is a hoax.

For all intents and purposes, Donald Trump is a fascist.

Algerians don't like Donald Trump.

The European Union has criticized U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to ban most European travelers from entering the United States for 30 days.

President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency.

President Donald Trump said he was considering restricting travel within U.S. borders as well, especially from certain areas of concern.

Stay as far away as possible from anyone who admires Donald Trump.

U.S. President Donald Trump is invoking the Defense Production Act, which would allow his administration to force American industry to manufacture medical supplies that are in short supply in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

New York’s mayor called on U.S. President Donald Trump to deploy military personnel to his city.

The tunnel’s entrance was near a newly constructed segment of the border wall that President Donald Trump visited back in September that has become a hallmark of his hardline policy of keeping undocumented immigrants from entering the United States.

U.S. President Donald Trump has removed the independent watchdog overseeing the management of the country’s $2 trillion coronavirus rescue package, the second inspector general he has ousted in recent days.

U.S. President Donald Trump was criticized for halting funding to the World Health Organization amid the global coronavirus pandemic.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withhold funding to the World Health Organization is drawing criticism from world leaders, as coronavirus infections exceed 2 million worldwide.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and U.S. billionaire Bill Gates have joined the chorus of those expressing concern about U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to suspend U.S. funding for the World Health Organization.

White Americans are so afraid of a more equitable society that they actually elected Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a compulsive liar.

Donald Trump is a pathological liar.

Donald Trump is the most unpopular president in the history of presidential polling.

Donald Trump's presidency has been a colossal failure and the survival of America is not guaranteed.

The damage done by Donald Trump to the American people and to the world will last for generations.

Donald Trump is a cancer on humanity.

Donald Trump is a plague upon humanity.

Donald Trump is suffering from dementia.

Donald Trump suffers from dementia.

The world would be a better place if Donald Trump had been aborted.

Donald Trump inherited at least 413 million dollars from his father. His businesses have all been enormous failures. It's unknown how much of daddy's money, if any, he has left.

Donald Trump couldn't even manage to make money off of a casino.

Donald Trump is a cancer upon humanity.

Donald Trump is a cancer upon this earth.

Donald Trump gives pieces of shit a bad name.

Donald Trump gives cowards a bad name.

Donald Trump was not elected democratically.

Donald Trump has spent his entire illegitimate term without majority approval.

Donald put his spurs to his horse and took off.

Donald Trump gives shit a bad name.

Donald Trump is a vicious dog.

President Donald Trump rolled back protections Friday at a marine conservation area off the New England coast.

"Low-IQ" is one of Donald Trump's favorite dog whistles.

Donald Trump is not shy about using a plethora of antisemitic dog whistles on any Jew who publicly criticizes him.

We have a real, deadly public health crisis on our hands, and Donald Trump is more concerned about statues and relics of the Confederacy and slavery than he is the survival of the American people.

In 2017, Kellyanne Conway coined the doublespeak term "alternative facts" to describe the false version of reality constructed by Donald Trump's perpetually dishonest and self-serving statements.

Many small children are more mature than Donald Trump.

There's no bigger bullshitter than Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's fascist cult would not have been possible without George W. Bush.

Regardless of anything else, I can appreciate how Joe Biden told Donald Trump to shut up.

Donald Trump has COVID-19.

"Donald Trump has tested positive for COVID-19." "Wow, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

Donald Trump has COVID.

Also check out the following words: ticket, so, impatient, with, can't, live, kind, of, life, once.