English example sentences with "crazy"

Learn how to use crazy in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Most people think I'm crazy.

How did you come up with this crazy idea?

With the heirless king going crazy and royal family poisoned, the general of the army finally had his chance to usurp the throne.

It's driving me crazy.

I'm crazy about you.

He is not just interested, he's crazy about it.

Engineers are crazy about solar energy.

Are you crazy?

We've got to break out tonight or I'll go crazy!

Everything's a little crazy right now.

Betty is crazy about dancing.

You must be crazy to ride a bicycle that has no brakes!

Both Bill and Mac are crazy about computers.

Bill was crazy for a motorbike.

Not only Bill but also Mac is crazy about computers.

I think that Delbert is crazy.

He must be crazy to talk like that.

They must be crazy to believe such nonsense.

He must be crazy to say such a thing.

I'd be crazy to expect such a thing.

He must be crazy that he should do so.

He must be crazy to do such a thing.

Then the wild beasts start wanting to go crazy.

Jim is crazy about his girlfriend.

He must be crazy to go out in this stormy weather.

You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike.

This is driving me crazy.

The noise is driving me crazy.

This means that houses are starting to sink, roads are breaking up and lamp-posts are leaning at crazy angles.

Kate is crazy about the new singer who appears on television frequently.

All my family were just crazy about baseball.

They were biting like crazy yesterday.

He must be crazy to behave like that.

You are crazy to lend money to him.

You've got to be crazy to do something like that.

I'm crazy about American football.

You are crazy.

Your ideas sound crazy.

You're crazy if you think he's on the up-and-up. The only reason you can say that is because you don't know what he's doing behind the scenes.

My sister is crazy about tennis.

I am crazy about golf.

I almost went crazy with fear.

It is crazy of you to put your life at risk.

He must be crazy to treat his parents like this.

I'm going crazy from too much noise.

More or less, he is crazy.

My brother almost drove me crazy.

He'd be crazy to climb the mountain in winter.

I'm crazy about him!

His ideas sound crazy.

He is really crazy about surfing.

He is so crazy about jazz that he often forgets himself.

He is crazy about skiing.

He's quite crazy about golfing.

He behaved as if he were crazy.

Since he's crazy about movies, he watches as many movies as he can.

He is so crazy about his new car that he goes driving every Sunday.

He is crazy about baseball.

You know how crazy they are over their little bundle of joy.

They are crazy about jazz.

Her ideas sound crazy.

She went crazy with fear.

Father was crazy about the game.

Staying busy and crazy!!

Often I go crazy playing baseball.

He's crazy about you.

I love cats so much, I can't help it, I'm a crazy cat lover.

Being crazy is healthy.

The wind is blowing like crazy.

He works on some really crazy projects.

Many people think I'm crazy.

He's crazy about soccer.

I can't stand my crazy life.


This noise is driving me crazy.

My mother is now crazy about tennis.

That's crazy.

I'm crazy about football.

This may sound crazy, but I think I want to go back and do it again.

Stephen Colbert is a pretty crazy guy.

The people from Madrid are crazy.

This lack of responsibility is driving me crazy.

Take wisdom from the mouths of crazy people.

I'm crazy for you!

My mother is crazy.

I'm a little crazy.

My friend is completely crazy. Don't pay attention to him.

Kate is crazy about a new singer who often appears on TV.

You're crazy!

Sometimes it's OK to show crazy emotion.

The crazy gunman threatened to kill me.

Every girl's crazy about a sharp-dressed man.

He is crazy about jazz.

You must be crazy to go into the snow without a coat.

He and his grandmother played a few games of Crazy Eights until his mother picked him up.

Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true.

Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true.

It's healthy to be crazy.

It would be crazy to climb that mountain in the winter.

They're crazy, those Romans!

We are obliged to regard many of our original minds as crazy — at least until we have become as clever as they are.

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