English example sentences with "defeat"

Learn how to use defeat in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The manager threw in the towel in defeat and planned how to win the next game.

The Giants were well on the way to defeat.

The lawsuit is likely to end in our defeat.

Actually, we had prepared ourselves for defeat.

The chances of victory or defeat are even.

The general had 20/20 hindsight about the defeat, but no foresight at all.

Tanks and planes may defeat the troops but they cannot conquer the people.

The two parties allied to defeat the bill.

The defeat didn't dampen his spirits.

Rumors of defeat were abroad.

Defeat and failure make people too humble.

He threw in the towel in defeat when his favorite chorus girl married another man.

He will on no account accept defeat.

He accused me of his defeat.

He is very strong--so much so that no one can defeat him.

He took his defeat hard.

He didn't acknowledge defeat.

They exulted over the defeat of their enemies.

What's more, our first battle is to defeat that dragon!

But, if by that, morale drops wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the exercise?

To those — to those who would tear the world down: We will defeat you.

But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

To those who would tear the world down: we will defeat you.

Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.

We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

Beyond the Right's populism and the dispersion of the Left which have made this situation possible, I take full responsibility for this defeat and draw the necessary conclusions by retiring from political life after the end of the presidential election.

It is astonishing to witness that the Iranians, onto whom the Arabs imposed Islam through military defeat, have become its most zealous followers to the point of oppressing those of Zoroastrianism, though it is the religion of their own fathers. A kind of Stockholm syndrome on the national scale.

Victory and defeat aren't solely decided by the size of your army.

Both victory and defeat are but an everyday occurrence to a soldier.

The biggest defeat for an atheist is ending up in paradise.

Muiriel had no other choice but to accept her defeat.

They knew they must fight together to defeat the common enemy.

The German army made a final effort to defeat the Allies.

The battle was an important defeat for Japan.

Allied military leaders found a way to defeat the Japanese plan.

The Confederate leaders refused to accept defeat.

Grant refused to accept defeat.

Roosevelt refused to accept the idea of defeat.

Rumors of defeat were circulating.

The conquered are always wrong. History considers nothing but their defeat.

That would be to defeat the object.

Tom seems to be unwilling to accept defeat.

He admitted his defeat.

The most beautiful victory is to defeat one's heart.

Tom admitted his defeat.

An infidel's greatest defeat is ending up in paradise.

You will never defeat me!

I can defeat any chess player.

It is necessary to know our enemies if we want to defeat them.

The boy grabbed his sister by the legs and dragged her all over the room until she admitted defeat.

We will defeat them.

He will defeat them.

She will defeat them.

Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug.

It's just a myth that Rambo can defeat an army alone.

Who did William Wallace defeat?

Where did you defeat them?

Georgia’s president admitted his party’s defeat in the elections.

The President of Georgia acknowledged the defeat of his party in the elections.

You can't defeat me.

You can't defeat Tom without my help.

The defeat was galling to his pride.

Furthermore, in order to defeat Ganon, Link mends the eight scattered fragments of the triforce of wisdom, in order to have the magic triangle.

You can't defeat Tom alone.

The defeat completely crushed him.

This isn't just a simple defeat: I lost the balance I have maintained for my whole life and now absolutely everything is collapsing.

Come on! I will show you the taste of defeat.

Defeat him.

You'll never defeat us.

You'll never defeat me.

The heroic knight went on a quest to defeat a great monster and won the favor of his lady.

Marie admitted defeat.

Internal division within the Labor Party was one of the factors which led to its defeat at the recent election.

No one nation, no matter how large or powerful, can defeat such challenges alone.

"It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon." "Why Link?" "It is written here!" "Who wrote it?" "That is of no concern of yours."

Their unbeaten record came to an end with an embarrassing 5-0 defeat.

It is not enough to defeat our external enemies, it is also necessary to exterminate our internal enemies.

Tom's team suffered a crushing defeat.

"It is written only Link can defeat Ganon, and Link is in space!" "Wait... we're going to be attacked by the evil forces of Ganon?" "Now you finally get it."

Do not hesitate to celebrate your defeat... as long as you're the winner's guest.

When as brothers we unite, we’ll defeat the people’s foe.

I don't believe you'll defeat me, but I don't deny you'll make a brave attempt.

You're the only one who can defeat Tom.

It was evident that everyone was upset when Atletico Madrid suffered defeat.

Michael Clarke has conceded that his men appear not to have learnt from their crushing defeat.

Tom isn't about to admit defeat.

"Ganon've seized Koridai." "Great! I'll grab my stuff!" "There is no time. Your sword is enough." "You sure? I've got like five or six quests' worth of stuff in the back. I could—" "We do not have the time. Go get your sword." "But I've got eight pouches of bombs—" "All you need is your sword." "Can I just—" You defeat Ganon by throwing a book. Now get on the freaking carpet!"

May you defeat all our enemies.

"Gee, it sure is boring around here." "My boy, this peace is what all—" "Here I come! Your Majesty, Ganon and his minions have seized the island of Koridai." "Hmm. How can we—" "It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon." "So how can we—" "Great! I'll grab my sword!" "There is no sword." "Huh?" "There is no sword!" "..." "Here is a skull axe." "No." "How about an oh-my-goodness spear?" "No." "How about smoke bombs?" "No." "Well damn, how about this pistol?" "Yeah!"

The war ended with a humiliating defeat for Britain.

Tom admitted defeat.

That would defeat the purpose.

Tom won't be able to defeat me.

Tom can't defeat me.

Roger Federer is one of the few tennis players to have both delivered and suffered a crushing defeat in a Grand Slam final. He double-bagelled Lleyton Hewitt in the 2004 US Open final and himself got bagelled and breadsticked by Rafael Nadal in the 2008 French Open final.

They have admitted their defeat.

I'm going to defeat you.

We were depending on considerable assistance from the insurrectionists in France. Throughout France the Free French had been of inestimable value in the campaign. Without their great assistance the liberation of France and the defeat of the enemy in Western Europe would have consumed a much longer time and meant greater losses to ourselves.

Tom snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Tom snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.

Also check out the following words: sure, Then, there, problem, Oh, there's, butterfly, Hurry, doesn't, surprise.