English example sentences with "connection"

Learn how to use connection in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Why are you telling me about hippos all of the sudden? I don't see the connection between that and your twelve red goldfishes.

Kamakura is a place noted in connection with the Genji family.

What gate is my connection?

In other words, the merits, etc. of making detours are the consideration of the attitudes of the landowners whose property the line would cross, the convenience of other towns and villages, as well as connection with other railway lines.

Do you have anything to say in connection with this?

Do any of you have anything to say in connection with this?

Tell me all you know in connection with this.

If this train is delayed, we shall miss our connection at Kobe.

It is the behavior of the control group that is important in this connection.

Let us consider in this connection the influence of Western ideologies on Korean literature.

This connection is too slow for me to watch movies.

Again, we can see this approach as deriving from Matthew Arnold's idea that everywhere there is connection.

The police arrested a suspect in connection with the robbery.

The telephone operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made.

I have no connection the matter.

There is a connection between smoking and lung cancer.

He made a speech in connection with world peace.

He has no connection with this affair.

He professes that he had no connection with that affair.

There is no connection between them.

My internet connection was cut off.

Our connection may be cut on paper but the bonds of old remain as they were.

Rules in connection with staff selection are set as follows.

It's obvious but the connection between people is "words". It is by those words that thoughts are shared and arguments carried out.

"Past tense" is used in connection with actions in the past.

In connection with this I can only reply, "it is just as you say."

The man I thought was the criminal didn't have any connection to the incident.

His crew members often complained of Christopher Columbus's hogging of their vessel's Wifi connection to play online games, but he denied these accusations with indignation, claiming that he was researching faraway lands that they had yet to discover.

The official designs of the Government, especially its designs in connection with postage stamps and coinage, may be described, I think, as the silent ambassadors of national taste.

Without doubt, what people worship first is what they see most often; for example, the animals that had the closest connection to people's lives, like the horse, the cow, the sheep, the rooster, the dog and so on.

Tom can't do his job without an internet connection.

Why does it take them so long to set up my internet connection?

Is the entry form not working or is my Internet connection not working right?

I know the connection!

Have you ever thought about the connection between the breath, the mind, and the body?

It is perhaps interesting to note in this connection that Fermat's Principle was found objectionable by a contemporary optics expert because it seemed to impute knowledge to the working of Nature.

I don't see any connection here.

What's Tom's connection?

There's no connection between the two things.

Don't you see the connection?

I don't get the connection.

I don't see the connection.

He has a fast internet connection.

My connection has sporadic problems.

I wonder if there's any connection.

I wonder if there's a connection.

I'm sure there's a connection.

I have a slow Internet connection.

My Internet connection is painfully slow.

My Internet connection is slow and expensive.

Tom has a fast internet connection.

You were trying to draw an extremely tenuous connection between cultures of two cities known for their animosity.

There's a problem with my internet connection.

This slow Internet connection is really getting on my nerves.

My sister and I have a very strong connection.

Do you think there's a connection?

Is there a connection?

The possibility of a lack of connection between the events can be dismissed immediately.

Why is my Internet connection so slow?

How fast is your internet connection?

According to his information, the police will not deliver any criminal charges in connection with the event.

My Internet connection is slow.

My Internet connection is slow, but Tatoeba is slower.

Do you see the connection?

My internet connection is slow.

In ten years, all households will have Internet connection.

What's your connection to Tom?

What's their connection to Tom?

Friendship is the connection of souls.

A new branch to Haugesund will become the main effective road connection to Oslo and eastern Norway for the entire western region.

I was just disconnected all of a sudden, damn connection problems.

My Internet connection isn't fast enough.

I thought we had a real connection.

What's your connection with Tom?

What's the connection?

What's your connection to them?

What's your connection to him?

What's your connection to her?

What's their connection to you?

What's their connection to him?

What's their connection to her?

The individual stars in a constellation may appear to be very close to each other, but in fact they can be separated by huge distances in space and have no real connection to each other at all.

I feel a deep connection to him.

The police suspected there was a connection between the abandoned car and the dead body found three miles away.

There was no connection between Dan and the victim's family.

Do you really believe there's a connection?

A connection between personality and blood type has not been scientifically proven.

There is no connection.

They shared an unusual connection.

There must be a connection between these murders.

What connection could there be?

We have a special connection.

Could there be a connection?

Two men have been arrested in connection with Tom's murder.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

I finally made the connection.

Elves have a strong connection to nature.

The police officer said he believes the suspect has a direct connection to the crime.

Does anybody else see a connection?

There's no tangible connection.

Not one made the connection.

Also check out the following words: telling, everybody, whose, Pope, greater, sum, parts, mathematical, neither, nor.