English example sentences with "conclusion"

Learn how to use conclusion in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.

Your conclusion is highly arguable.

There is no need to draw a hasty conclusion.

We came to the conclusion that we should help him.

We've come to the conclusion that this is a true story.

Tom and Bill arrived at the conclusion independently of each other.

How did you arrive at this conclusion?

How did you arrive at such a conclusion?

What led you to this conclusion?

The politician claimed to oppose the conclusion.

I put off the conclusion.

The conclusion rests on a solid basis.

The conclusion was formed on the basis of these facts.

It took us three hours to come to a conclusion.

From that conclusion the family could be divided into two groups.

The affair will come to a happy conclusion.

This is how we reached the conclusion.

Your role will be to direct this project to its conclusion.

The purpose of a conclusion is to sum up the main points of the essay.

By way of conclusion he said as follows.

Let's forget everything about that conclusion.

Don't draw a hasty conclusion from what you see now.

We came to the conclusion that the ideology was behind the times.

We came to the conclusion that we should support the movement.

We came to the conclusion that he had been right.

We came to the conclusion that he is a genius.

We came to the conclusion that he should be fired.

I came to the conclusion that something was wrong.

I came to the conclusion that I had been deceived.

I was led to the conclusion that we made a fatal mistake.

Only after a long dispute did they come to a conclusion.

A long discussion boiled down to a realistic conclusion.

The discussion came to a conclusion.

The two came to the same conclusion.

His conclusion is based on these facts.

I have come to the conclusion that he is guilty.

They came to the conclusion that the ship must have sunk.

The story drew to a conclusion.

I have nothing to complain of the conclusion.

The thesis is finished except for the conclusion.

He also brought out one more dubious conclusion.

The flow of evacuation events from occurrence of a large earthquake to the conclusion of emergency counter measures.

Syllogism is a logical argument in which two propositions determine one conclusion.

If the statement is true, then we will have to accept the conclusion.

He also came up with yet another doubtful conclusion.

In conclusion, Ahn, it very much falls to you and me to set the tone for the work environment. I will do my bit to defuse the present climate and crack on with the job at hand. I hope I can rely on your support for this.

The conclusion reached by a study is "People who think their feet are smelly, have smelly feet; people who think they aren't, don't."

Shinichirō Watanabe once considered making an anime about Christopher Columbus, but came to the conclusion that not even anime was expressive enough to properly portray the surreal greatness of Columbus's exploits.

I don't dispute the facts you've presented but only the conclusion you draw from them.

Some learned writers have compared a Scorpion to an Epigram, because as the sting of the Scorpion lyeth in the tayl, so the force and virtue of an epigram is in the conclusion.

Some learned writers have compared a Scorpion to an Epigram, because as the sting of the Scorpion lies in the tail, so the force and virtue of an epigram is in the conclusion.

Basing his conclusion of guilt on deductive reasoning, Sherlock Holmes ratted out his own partner, Watson.

We humans have a great way of twisting facts to fit our conclusion as soon as we have made one.

Its conclusion is crystal clear.

The conclusion is crystal clear.

After I had thought about this elementary question fundamentally, I came to the conclusion that the difference, which is often described as "considerable" or "substantial" by distinguished people, between the indispensable words "important" and "essential" isn't significant, but rather is irrelevant.

Who was to win this match was a foregone conclusion.

Tom came to the conclusion that no matter what he did, Mary wouldn't like it.

He jumped to the conclusion that I had done it.

How do you come to that conclusion?

After many years of thinking, I came to a conclusion that everyone's meaning of life is actually to find the meaning of life. Every one of us is a unique individual. And every one of us has his own capability to find in his life one particular mission to fulfill.

After many years of meditation, I have come to the conclusion that for every person, the meaning of life consists precisely in this: to find the meaning of life. I am talking about a unique, specific meaning for the individual life. All of us are unique individuals. And all of us carry a potential inside of ourselves for finding and accomplishing a unique mission in our lives.

After many years of reflection, I came to the conclusion that for every human, the meaning of life consists exactly in: to find the meaning of life. Each of us is a unique individual. And each of us carries in himself the capacity to find and fulfill a unique mission in his lifetime.

After months of manifestations, the president came to the conclusion that the best choice was to leave the country.

The study of theology as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and admits of no conclusion.

The company's president has come to a conclusion.

I unfortunately drew a wrong conclusion.

The majority of mankind is lazy-minded, incurious, absorbed in vanities, and tepid in emotion, and is therefore incapable of either much doubt or much faith; and when the ordinary man calls himself a sceptic or an unbeliever, that is ordinarily a simple pose, cloaking a disinclination to think anything out to a conclusion.

I want to summarize the content of the presentation and draw a conclusion.

The conclusion may seem trivial: Esperanto exists.

Some commentators regard Britain's departure from the European Union as a foregone conclusion.

It's hard not to come to this conclusion.

What's your conclusion?

Has any conclusion been reached?

In my day oral proficiency was neglected because professors maintained that the purpose of studying a foreign language was to become acquainted with its literature, and not to strike up a conversation with the illiterates who happened to be its native speakers, which leads us to the conclusion that what constitutes a natural sounding sentence may be quite subjective.

I've come to the same conclusion.

I would still like to hear Tom's opinion before coming to a conclusion.

I'd like to hear Tom's opinion at least once before we come to a conclusion.

Tom was a little surprised by Mary's conclusion.

Tom decided to live by taking the absurdity of life to its full conclusion.

We have no idea how they came to that conclusion.

Our conclusion is based on previous studies into the problem.

We have come to the conclusion that this plan is not feasible currently.

In conclusion, the next step is to decide what we should do for the next step.

How do we draw this conclusion?

It's the only possible conclusion.

The results of the ballot are a foregone conclusion.

Pope Francis sounded a bit like the Dalai Lama when he said: "I have come to the conclusion that whether or not a person is a religious believer does not matter much. Far more important is that they be a good human being."

That's your conclusion, not mine.

How did you reach such an interesting conclusion?

It's a reasonable conclusion.

What leads you to the conclusion that I wouldn't agree?

How did you arrive at that conclusion?

The conclusion I have reached is, unfortunately, a pessimistic one.

It was an obvious conclusion, but it was absolutely wrong.

I thought you'd reach the same conclusion as I did.

It's a foregone conclusion.

It seems like the only possible conclusion.

I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that musicals simply annoy the crap out of me.

That's my conclusion as well.

This match is a foregone conclusion. I'm not even going to watch it.

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