English example sentences with "chief"

Learn how to use chief in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You don't have proper dignity as chief of the section.

The fact that educated Americans in general no longer share understandable background knowledge is a chief cause of their inability to communicate effectively.

In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus.

The section chief made me work like a slave.

The chief crop of our country is rice.

The problem tortured the chief.

The chief clerk is not a hardworking man, but gets ahead rapidly because he knows how to curry favor with his superiors.

What is the chief aim of this society?

Our section chief always makes a face at me when I ask him for something.

What were the chief events of 1990?

The section chief altered the plan.

High tariffs are the chief obstacles to free trade.

The Diet is the chief organ of government in Japan.

What were yesterday's chief events?

What were the chief events of last year?

Our chief concern should be the aging of society.

I got acquainted with the chief executive.

I was appointed to section chief.

The followings are the chief events of 1993.

The chief engineer did research hand in hand with his assistant.

The chief massed his warriors to attack the fort.

The chief pronounced that the technique was inadequate.

The elephants are the chief attraction at the circus.

The section chief seems to like abusing his authority.

The new section chief seems to spend most of his time finding fault with the work of his men.

Nobody can put anything over on the bureau chief.

This is the chief aim of university education: to train the mind.

The section chief accepted the proposal.

Reading is his chief amusement.

He is the chief of my department.

He is acting for the chief director.

His chief attraction lies in his character, not his books.

Sailing a boat, his chief hobby, costs him most of his salary.

It is his defiant attitude that made the chief angry.

His illness is one of her chief anxieties.

He has been the chief of his tribe for 35 years.

He was made to check his papers by the chief.

He was promoted to section chief.

The section chief keeps him down.

He is the chief of a police station.

He attempted to sidestep a conflict with his chief.

He's in good odor with the chief.

She applied to the chief for a vacation.

She laid her ideas before her chief.

The section chief was really livid. What did you do?

We'll have to organize the drinking party all over again as the section chief can't make it now.

Rice is the chief crop in this area.

To my chief strategist, David Axelrod, who's been a partner with me every step of the way. To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics! You made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done.

The section chief said out of the blue: "Women and meat, I like them a little rotten."

The chief object of education is not to learn things; nay, the chief object of education is to unlearn things.

The chief object of education is not to learn things; nay, the chief object of education is to unlearn things.

Many a gentleman of the old school has been provoked to remark regretfully upon the under-bred manners and bearing of even the better classes in the modern industrial communities; and the decay of the ceremonial code—or as it is otherwise called, the vulgarisation of life—among the industrial classes proper has become one of the chief enormities of latter-day civilisation in the eyes of all persons of delicate sensibilities.

As the date didn't work for the section chief, it was necessary to completely reorganize the drinking party.

The prefectural police chief tried to tighten his police officers' discipline.

Then, while saying this, the memories of the men who had seduced her, her husband's colleague who had approached her as if it were a joke, the section chief with whom she had held hands, her relative who she had tried to kiss while she was drunk, shined as if projected upon a broken mirror.

John G. Roberts is the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

The army chief reported that the war was lost.

Silvio Berlusconi is the chief of his party.

Epicurus laid down the doctrine that pleasure was the chief good.

The section chief accepted the offer.

Critique of Pure Reason is German philosopher Immanuel Kant's chief literary work.

Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can.

Tom is having lunch with the police chief.

The police chief resigned.

"Take all the land you want. There will always be enough land for both white and Native American people," said the Indian chief. "Really? So we want all the land from the Arctic Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean," said the general.

"Let the English and the French take all the land they want," said the Indian chief. "But they want to take all the land between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Is that OK?" said Tom.

"What do you want?" asked the Indian chief. "We want all the land from the North Pole to the South Pole," said the English general.

"Take all the land you want", said the Aborigine chief. "Oh no," said the English general, "we will take just an island." "And which island?" asked the Aborigene chief. "Just the island of Australia," replied the English general.

"Take all the land you want", said the Aborigine chief. "Oh no," said the English general, "we will take just an island." "And which island?" asked the Aborigene chief. "Just the island of Australia," replied the English general.

"How many slaves do you need to take from Africa?" asked the African chief. "Everybody over the age of ten who happens to live on Africa's western coast from Morocco to South Africa," replied the Portuguese captain.

The chief justice will swear in the president.

He spoke only to the chief of police and not to the policeman.

Life experience is the chief body of knowledge.

Tom is expected to be the new chief executive officer, when the current one retires.

Taking the opportunity for President Obama to visit Japan as a state guest, the chief trade negotiators of Japan and the U.S. conducted a series of marathon meetings from midnight to early morning.

Even a chief detective like Tom fails in doing his job, without the huge help of colleagues and associates.

They have established an Air Force Joint Command where the manager and chief of staff come respectively from the Navy and the Army.

The chief of police told reporters that both a member of the public and a police officer had been injured in last night's altercation.

You needn't have done that, chief.

The chief minister of Maharashtra is Devendra Fadnavis.

I'm the chief engineer.

Tom Jackson was the CIA station chief in Baghdad.

The security chief monitored the site looking for weak spots.

The police chief was arrested at a motel in a prostitution sting.

According to the chief of police, there were no survivors.

The enquiry concluded that, despite his denials, the chief executive would have had to have known about the illegal practices occurring in the company.

Tom is the chief.

She's my chief assistant.

In the Deep Space 9 space station, Odo is a Changeling security chief.

The chief is speaking to me.

Tom is the chief compliance officer.

It has been established that poverty and unemployment, with their attendant misery and despair, are the chief sources of crime. Is there any law to prevent poverty and unemployment?

Christmas is the birthday of one whose chief contribution to the human heart and mind was his message of boundless, universal love. He brought to the world the greatest thing in the world and that is why the season of his birth has won such an intimate place in our heart.

I'm the chief.

Tom is the chief financial officer.

Tom is the chief executive officer.

All had gone well up to now; but one evening this wicked Queen said to her chief cook:— "I will eat the Queen with the same sauce I had with her children."

"No, no, madam," cried the poor chief cook, all in tears; "you shall not die, and you shall see your children again at once. But then you must go home with me to my lodgings, where I have concealed them, and I will deceive the Queen once more, by giving her a young hind in your stead."

The Ogress knew the voice of the Queen and her children at once, and being furious at having been thus deceived, she gave orders (in a most horrible voice which made everybody tremble) that, next morning by break of day, they should bring into the middle of the great court a large tub filled with toads, vipers, snakes, and all sorts of serpents, in order to have the Queen and her children, the chief cook, his wife and maid, thrown into it, all of whom were to be brought thither with their hands tied behind them.

The police chief said no arrests had been made yet.

The police chief said no arrests had been made.

Also check out the following words: was, an, evil, bunny, in, mountains, recent, picture, if, time.