English example sentences with "aggressive"

Learn how to use aggressive in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The aggressive salesman urged me to sign the contract right away.

The aggressive man urged me to sign the contract.

He's the very model of an aggressive salesman.

The Americans are an aggressive people.

I like her style; she's aggressive and knows what she wants.

You have to be aggressive to be a success.

The best way for adjusting the gap between the internal and the external price and securing economic growth is to promote the non-manufacturing industry's productivity by aggressive investing in facilities.

He is not aggressive enough to succeed in business.

He is so aggressive that others avoid him.

He is an aggressive person.

He assumed an aggressive attitude toward me.

Her behavior will become more aggressive.

She is aggressive.

If it's an aggressive strange salesman, then call me right away. I'll chase him off.

It has been shown that there is a relation between various neurotransmitters and hormones and aggressive behavior.

It's a way of making sure that the controller is not too aggressive.

You need to become more aggressive.

Boys are more aggressive than girls.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

Women were very aggressive with children.

Tom sometimes is very aggressive and likes to start arguments.

Tom is aggressive.

You're aggressive.

She's aggressive.

Tom is extremely aggressive.

I can be more aggressive if you'd like.

Why are you aggressive today?

Tom is an aggressive driver.

Due to her boss's aggressive homophobia, Sara was too intimidated to bring her girlfriend to the office party.

I don't think I was aggressive enough.

I wasn't aggressive enough.

I think Tom is aggressive.

He is aggressive.

I think I'm not aggressive enough.

I think Tom is too aggressive.

You're too aggressive.

Tom is really aggressive, isn't he?

Tom is pretty aggressive, isn't he?

Tom is quite aggressive, isn't he?

Tom is very aggressive, isn't he?

Tom is aggressive, isn't he?

Tom is quite aggressive.

Tom seems aggressive.

Tom is very aggressive.

Tom isn't very aggressive.

Tom was aggressive.

Tom is an aggressive person.

Tom used to be aggressive.

Tom's tone was a bit aggressive.

You are aggressive.

I think you might be too aggressive.

Aggressive salespeople often don't think they're being pushy; they think they are 'results oriented.'

Dan speaks in an extremely aggressive manner.

Tom became very aggressive.

I was aggressive.

We need an aggressive plan of action.

This spider is incredibly aggressive.

This spider is pretty aggressive.

You've got to be more aggressive.

We're going to be aggressive.

I had to be aggressive.

You need to be more aggressive.

I tried to be aggressive.

I think maybe we've been too aggressive.

I like Tom's aggressive style.

Tom isn't aggressive at all.

Let's be aggressive.

I'm kind of aggressive.

I want to try to be as aggressive as possible.

You are very aggressive.

You're very aggressive.

You're being too aggressive.

I think you need to be more aggressive.

You are really aggressive.

I get a little too aggressive sometimes.

No one understands why she's so aggressive.

Tom is always very aggressive.

We just have to be aggressive.

We need to be more aggressive.

We needed to be more aggressive.

We just have to be more aggressive.

I try to be aggressive.

We need to be really aggressive.

Most kinds of aggressive behavior among members of the same species are responsive to crowding in the environment.

It's considered an aggressive act.

Why are you suddenly aggressive?

Tom was extremely aggressive tonight.

They were being aggressive.

I wanted to be aggressive.

Tom is shy, but aggressive.

We were very aggressive.

We were more aggressive.

I knew I needed to be aggressive.

I should've been more aggressive.

I know I should've been more aggressive.

The caiman is a very aggressive animal.

Fadil was the more aggressive and assertive of the two twins.

Tom says I'm too aggressive.

Tom told me that I needed to be more aggressive.

I tried to be more aggressive.

Sami was the more aggressive and assertive of the two twins.

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