English example sentences with "bed"

Learn how to use bed in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I have to go to bed.

Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.

Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.

Most people have a great disinclination to get out of bed early, even if they have to.

It would be better for you to stay in bed today.

You look pale. You had better lie down in bed at once.

You must go to bed now.

You had better go to bed now.

Which bed do you want to use?

You may as well go to bed at once.

What time do you usually go to bed?

As you make your bed, you must lie on it.

As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.

Sick and tired, she went to bed early.

The patient was lying in the bed with his eyes closed.

I usually went to bed at ten in my school days.

Marine plants grow on the sea bed.

Every time I go to see him, he is in bed.

We waited up for him until two o'clock and then finally went to bed.

The tulips are in bloom in the flower bed.

The whole house was ill in bed.

I usually went to bed at ten during the summer vacation.

What time do you go to bed?

There's nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed.

There's a rich man sleeping on a golden bed.

The dog hid under the bed whenever lightning flashed.

I had to stay in bed all day.

The doctor had me lying in bed.

The doctor ordered me to stay in bed.

The doctor demanded I stay in bed for a week.

The doctor advised that my mother stay in bed for three more days.

The doctor insisted that he stay in bed.

You should stay in bed.

I usually go to bed at ten.

I went to bed later than usual.

When we go to bed, we say "good night".

If you are tired, go to bed.

It's time to go to bed.

It's time to go to bed. Turn off the radio.

It's time you went to bed.

It is time to go to bed.

It's high time you were in bed.

It's high time the children went to bed.

I'd better go to bed now.

It is time you went to bed. Turn off the radio.

It is high time we went to bed.

It is time for you to go to bed.

Mary has been ill in bed since last Monday.

Mary and I were ill in bed yesterday.

They say that Mike is sick in bed.

It's close to ten o'clock. It's about time we went to bed.

Bob usually goes to bed at ten.

Bob has been sick in bed for a week now.

Bobby must go to bed by 7:30.

Make certain where the emergency exit is before you go to bed at a hotel.

I go to bed very early.

I had him come while I was still in bed.

Betty laid herself on the bed.

Anywhere with a bed will do.

Please make the bed.

Could you send someone up to make the bed?

Should I make my bed every day?

Please tell me how to make my bed.

Make your bed.

I found the bed quite comfortable.

There is a cat under the bed.

Two sheets were on the bed.

He had hardly got into bed when he fell asleep.

He laid himself on the bed.

He lay on the bed.

Look at a baby sleeping in the bed.

A boy sleeping in bed seems to be an angel.

You must not stay in bed.

There is a very strict rule forbidding smoking in bed.

Get out of bed!

Looking up from the bed, he thanked me for helping him.

Miss Baker knew that the young man would have to leave very soon, so she decided to ask him to move his car a bit, so that she could park hers in the proper place for the night before going to bed.

I had a bad headache. That's why I went to bed early.

Any bed is better than no bed.

Any bed is better than no bed.

Tom usually goes to bed at ten-forty.

Tom is in bed with a fever.

Tom was sick in bed last Sunday.

Tom is lying ill in bed.

Being very tired, I went to bed early.

I have finally finished my homework; now I can go to bed.

It was careless of him to go to bed with the TV on.

Now she lay weak in bed.

I'd like a twin with an extra bed.

She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door.

It's almost time to go to bed.

It's about time we went to bed.

It's about time you sent the children to bed.

Having finished it, he went to bed.

Then he lay on the same bed.

The mother laid her baby on the bed softly.

The soldier lay in agony on the bed.

The room was empty except for a shabby bed.

In those days, I went to bed earlier.

The boy went to bed with his socks on.

The boy is afraid to go to bed in the dark.

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