Phrases d'exemple en Anglais avec "propose"

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I don't want to propose to you!
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Is there no alternative to what you propose?
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What tempted him to propose to her?
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At long last he made up his mind to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I propose that we should have another meeting.
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I propose a short rest.
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I have made up my mind to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The young man decided to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

If you want a man to propose marriage, feed him well.
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Did he propose marriage to you?
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Did he propose any solutions?
Translate from Anglais to Français

He dared to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Don't hesitate to take the opportunity to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I'm going to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

If I were you, I would propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The cultural treasures of the past, believed to be dead, are being made to speak, in the course of which it turns out that they propose things altogether different than what had been thought.
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Did he propose to you?
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When you are with an indecisive group, confidently propose something that no one would agree to.
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What do you want to propose for the new job?
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Propose to me conditions that are better than the ones I have now, and I'll work with you.
Translate from Anglais to Français

He finally decided to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom has made up his mind to propose to Mary.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom finally decided to propose to Mary.
Translate from Anglais to Français

How do you think Tom is going to propose to Mary?
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I propose to investigate the vegetation of the island in great detail.
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The idea to propose computer-based training to salaried employees is maturing in businesses.
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Which meat dishes do you propose?
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I'd like to propose a toast.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom is going to propose.
Translate from Anglais to Français

What is it you propose?
Translate from Anglais to Français

What do you propose?
Translate from Anglais to Français

I propose that something should be done.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I'll be happy if you propose a better wording.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I think Tom is going to propose to you tonight.
Translate from Anglais to Français

What do you propose we do?
Translate from Anglais to Français

I think Tom is going to propose to me.
Translate from Anglais to Français

There is less dishonour in my death than in life as you propose it to me.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom is going to propose to Mary.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom is going to propose to Mary tonight.
Translate from Anglais to Français

As far as I understand despite my limited knowledge, here in Venezuela we must adapt to the prevailing mentality and social order. Therefore, an individual must live among opportunism, poverty, manipulation and superficiality. It might be a very characteristic Latino idiosyncrasy to behave as in the book "Chronicle of a Death Foretold" by Gabriel García Márquez when it comes to dealing with delicate situations. Everybody knows what's happening, but nobody raises his voice and even if somebody did, nobody would support him. Only enlightenment through education could end the ignorance that is a scourge on our people, from which many other problems arise. However, it's unlikely to expect a government to propose to spread values that threaten its own interests, because it's better for them to keep society ignorant in order to manipulate it with ease.
Translate from Anglais to Français

How do you propose to do that?
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How do you propose we do that?
Translate from Anglais to Français

Gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast.
Translate from Anglais to Français

How do you propose we solve this problem?
Translate from Anglais to Français

Just what do you propose to do with Tom?
Translate from Anglais to Français

What do you propose to do?
Translate from Anglais to Français

Did you propose to Mary?
Translate from Anglais to Français

What do you propose instead?
Translate from Anglais to Français

The delegation of the United States would like to propose a bilateral solution.
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What do you propose we do now?
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What would you propose?
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So how do you propose we rectify the situation at hand?
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Did someone actually propose this?
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What you propose is impossible.
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Shall I then propose the penalty of exile?
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I would like to propose a toast on your birthday.
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I want to wait and see what they propose.
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I propose replacing "Tom and Mary" with "Pancras and Petunia."
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom has decided to propose to Mary.
Translate from Anglais to Français

How can elected officials rage about deficits when we propose to spend money on preschool for kids, but not when we're cutting taxes for corporations?
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How do you propose to help?
Translate from Anglais to Français

How do you propose we help?
Translate from Anglais to Français

Put down those chopsticks and propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

How do you propose doing that?
Translate from Anglais to Français

I'm going to propose to Mary.
Translate from Anglais to Français

If one should propose to all men a choice, bidding them select the best customs from all the customs that there are, each race of men, after examining them all, would select those of his own people; thus all think that their own customs are by far the best.
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I propose we do something about that right away.
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Did you know Tom was going to propose to you?
Translate from Anglais to Français

How did Tom propose we do that?
Translate from Anglais to Français

How did Tom propose to do that?
Translate from Anglais to Français

How did Tom propose doing that?
Translate from Anglais to Français

How do you think Tom will propose to Mary?
Translate from Anglais to Français

I think Tom will propose to you tonight.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom will propose to Mary tonight.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I think Tom will propose to me.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom will propose to Mary.
Translate from Anglais to Français

And so, what do you propose?
Translate from Anglais to Français

I have a presentiment that you are going to propose, Ned. I do wish you wouldn't; for things are so much nicer as they are.
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"How did you know that I was going to propose?" I asked in genuine wonder.
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Sami planned to propose to Layla.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The method we propose has two major advantages.
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Tom finally got the courage to propose to his girlfriend.
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I didn't think Tom would ever propose.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I didn't think that Tom would ever propose.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Mary finally realized that Tom was never going to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I think that Tom is going to propose to me.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I think that Tom is going to propose to you tonight.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I think that Tom will propose to you tonight.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I think that Tom will propose to me.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Sami wanted to propose to Layla.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Layla didn't want Sami to propose that day.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Mary was hoping that Tom would propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Mary was hoping Tom would propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Did Tom propose any solutions?
Translate from Anglais to Français

I propose we go to a restaurant today.
Translate from Anglais to Français

If I propose, you will propose as well.
Translate from Anglais to Français

If I propose, you will propose as well.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom came to Boston to propose to Mary.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom went to Boston to propose to Mary.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Where did you propose to Mary?
Translate from Anglais to Français

He mustered up the courage to propose to her.
Translate from Anglais to Français

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