Phrases d'exemple en Anglais avec "money"

Apprenez à utiliser money dans une phrase en Anglais. Plus de 100 exemples soigneusement sélectionnés.

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America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money.
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Do you need me to give you some money?
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Hey, I may have no money, but I still have my pride.
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Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
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My roommate is prodigal when it comes to spending money on movies; he buys them the day they're released, regardless of price.
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A miser hoards money not because he is prudent but because he is greedy.
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Con artists take advantage of the credulity of inexperienced investors and swindle them out of their money.
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This day was just a waste of time and money.
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He's rich. He doesn't need money!
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When we borrow money, we must agree on the conditions.
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Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
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She's rolling in money.
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In business today, too many executives spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't even like.
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Brian repeatedly told Chris that he owed him a pretty large amount of money.
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You must compensate him for the money he lost.
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You ought not to have spent so much money on your hobby.
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You will need much more money than you do now.
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You are free to do as you please with your money.
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What do you need the money for?
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Why did you use up all the money?
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Are you in favor of the workers getting more money?
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How did you come by this money?
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You haven't any money.
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Haven't you got any money?
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How much money do you want?
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You had better set some money apart for your wedding.
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I have no interest in putting my money into your dreams.
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It is not wise to put your money on a horse.
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Thanks to you, I spent all my money.
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I'll give you this money.
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I don't have as much money as you think.
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How much money did you spend in total?
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Can you account for all the money you spent?
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The money you give them will be put to good use.
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It is outrageous that you should spend so much money.
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Hunger compelled the boy to steal money from the cash register.
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A fool and his money are soon parted.
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A bank lends us money at interest.
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The bank keeps money for people.
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The bank reassured us that our money was safe.
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I've got to get some money somehow to repay the bank loan.
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Some people do not like to deposit their money in banks.
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How much money do you have in the bank?
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Please deposit the money in a bank.
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When you put money in the bank, you deposit it.
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I have to take some money out of the bank.
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He will do anything to make money.
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To make money is not the purpose of life.
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Apart from earning money, I have no interest in real estate.
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We ran short of money.
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Love of money is common to all men.
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I think the love of money is common to us all.
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We should not place too much emphasis on money.
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Money is not a criterion of success.
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Money is the measure of worth.
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Money is the root of all evil.
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Take part in the activity not for money but for learning through experience.
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I had a quarrel with him over money.
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Give me your money.
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There are many things which we cannot evaluate in terms of money.
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Some people identify success with having much money.
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I put money in a safe.
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I had to resort to threats to get my money back.
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Lend your money and lose your friend.
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I should have taken the money.
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Lend me some money, if you have any.
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It is foolish to equate money with happiness.
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We die whether we make money or not.
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The loss of money made it impossible for him to go abroad.
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It's money down the drain.
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We must cut our expenses to save money.
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Some people look down on others because they have less money.
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Don't ask for money.
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Making money is his religion.
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No money, no job, no friends. He was truly at loose ends.
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Money does not grow on trees.
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I will give you the money tomorrow.
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Money will make the pot boil.
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Money comes and goes.
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Money ruins many.
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Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
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The money was hidden beneath the floorboards.
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I have little money.
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I have a little money.
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Was the money actually paid?
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Ready money will away.
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Keep the money in a safe place.
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I have no money, but I have dreams.
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Money is welcome everywhere.
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There is a lot of money.
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I have some money with me.
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I feel the want of money.
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The end of money is the end of love.
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I have no money on me.
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Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.
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I am short of money.
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Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object.
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Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object.
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I'm not pressed for money.
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Money is the last thing he wants.
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Money and I are strangers; in other words, I am poor.
Translate from Anglais to Français

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