Phrases d'exemple en Anglais avec "allow"

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Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.
Translate from Anglais to Français

You must allow for his youth.
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I will not allow you to be ill-treated.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I can't allow you to do that.
Translate from Anglais to Français

You should allow an hour to go to the airport.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow a student to be absent.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Schools have tried to limit their use by not allowing them to be used in math classes, although they allow them in science lessons to save time.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to say a few words of welcome.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The circumstances did not allow me to go abroad.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow me to introduce Mr Kato to you.
Translate from Anglais to Français

His pride didn't allow him to ask for help.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow an hour to get to the station.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The doctor didn't allow me to go out.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow me to introduce Mayuko to you.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow me to introduce you to Mr White.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The program does not allow for changes at this point in time.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The school does not allow students to smoke on campus.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Under the circumstances I cannot allow the request.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We must not allow these problems to affect the project.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Please allow me to say a few words on this occasion.
Translate from Anglais to Français

This money will allow me to buy a car.
Translate from Anglais to Français

They allow parking here.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Beth will not allow Chris to kiss her because he is terribly dirty.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Our budget won't allow that luxury.
Translate from Anglais to Français

You have to allow for the boy's age.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow me to introduce my wife to you.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Please allow me to measure you.
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Please allow me to carry your bag.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I hope that your parents will allow us to marry.
Translate from Anglais to Français

For quantities of 20 or more, we can allow you a special discount of 10% on the prices quoted.
Translate from Anglais to Français

His pride wouldn't allow him to do such a mean thing.
Translate from Anglais to Français

You must not allow the children to play here.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We must allow for his age.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We couldn't allow his claim.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We must allow him his bravery.
Translate from Anglais to Français

My salary doesn't allow us to live extravagantly.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow me to introduce to you my friend Yamada.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I allow myself no sweets.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We must allow for some delays.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We must allow for his poor health.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Circumstances do not allow me to say any more.
Translate from Anglais to Français

His pride did not allow him to take the money.
Translate from Anglais to Français

You should not allow him to get out of your hand.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I do not allow sleeping in class.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Gentlemen, allow me to say a few words in greeting.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow me to know in advance when you are coming up to Tokyo.
Translate from Anglais to Français

My parents wouldn't allow me to go by myself.
Translate from Anglais to Français

As I am not good at math, I hope my parents will allow me to have a private tutor.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We must allow for some delay.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Don't allow yourself to become fat.
Translate from Anglais to Français

As a rule, we don't allow smoking.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We'll allow a 5 percent discount off list prices.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The jury were asked to allow for the age of the accused.
Translate from Anglais to Français

You must allow for his being ill.
Translate from Anglais to Français

His remarks allow of no other interpretation.
Translate from Anglais to Français

His mother didn't allow him to ride a motorbike.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Even then he did not allow himself to be discouraged.
Translate from Anglais to Français

He wouldn't allow me to drive his car.
Translate from Anglais to Français

He didn't allow me to pay the bill for the dinner.
Translate from Anglais to Français

They don't allow us to go to disco.
Translate from Anglais to Français

They won't allow us to enter the garden.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We must allow for her poor health.
Translate from Anglais to Français

She wouldn't allow me to read the letter.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I allow for the unexpected.
Translate from Anglais to Français

My father doesn't allow me to go out with Bill.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Father doesn't allow me to drive.
Translate from Anglais to Français

My father didn't allow me to marry him.
Translate from Anglais to Français

My father doesn't allow me to go to the movies alone.
Translate from Anglais to Français

My father didn't allow me to study in the USA.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Her father didn't allow her to go to the cinema alone.
Translate from Anglais to Français

My father won't allow me to keep a dog.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow us to describe our products and our business operations.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Baseball players should allow for the wind in catching a fly.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Would you please allow me to treat you to dinner next week?
Translate from Anglais to Français

You should allow for a few rainy days on your trip.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We have to allow for the delay of the train.
Translate from Anglais to Français

"If it's a light workout, OK." "Right, so will we allow crotch-kicking and eyeball crushing?"
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tea is like the lubricating oil of work to allow it to proceed smoothly.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Throat and nose membranes hurt by dry air allow cold viruses to enter more easily. It is important to carry out sensible counter plans against the cold with heaters and against the dryness with humidifiers.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Well then I'll allow two on a bike, but you pedal, because I'll ride on the rack.
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It's a fiddle going to and fro between the keyboard and mouse so are there shortcuts to allow operation using only the keyboard?
Translate from Anglais to Français

He began to suspect something was wrong when the seller didn't allow him to test the item before buying it.
Translate from Anglais to Français

His pride wouldn't allow him to tolerate such insults.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Travelling is a luxury I can't allow myself.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Please allow me to go.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow me to go.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Allow me to introduce myself.
Translate from Anglais to Français

I can't allow myself to buy a new car.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Their modest income doesn't allow for many luxuries.
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You think that people are okay, but I allow one to think that people and all societies are bad. No one wants other people to tolerate their mischief. People give grief to people because their viewpoints vary.
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Father, today I'm going out with some friends. Of course, that's if you will allow it.
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Time is the coin of your life. You spend it. Do not allow others to spend it for you.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Will you allow me to go with you?
Translate from Anglais to Français

When I was a teenager, my parents would never allow me to go out with boys so I was always sad.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Other than that, you should know that I allow myself a bit of irony from time to time.
Translate from Anglais to Français

The best parents of all are those who allow their children to follow their natural talents.
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If you are a parent, don't allow yourself to set your heart on any particular line of work for your children.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Will you allow me to play the piano?
Translate from Anglais to Français

The new version of Tatoeba will allow linking people, and even editing them!
Translate from Anglais to Français

Tom doesn't allow people to enter his house.
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Tom always stays at school as late as the teachers allow him to.
Translate from Anglais to Français

Consultez également les mots suivants : worried, cake, directions, instructions, succeeded, frustrated, knuckle, cutting, umbrella, dish.