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I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme.
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Your proposal is a bit extreme.
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If you drive with anything less than extreme caution, you're risking your life.
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They are the extreme cases.
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And since she refused to accept it, she had been living in extreme discomfort, exclaiming: "Why should we spend all the capital we are ever likely to have tying ourselves down to a place we detest!"
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The town is located in the extreme north of Japan.
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The meeting gave her extreme pleasure.
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That's why I have such an extreme hatred for him.
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The soup-spoon is always on the extreme right.
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I have struggled under extreme difficulties for a long time.
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Man, too, has been given protective devices against extreme temperatures.
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Those who love too much, hate in like extreme.
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He uses extreme care when he drives in the rain.
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His ideas are too extreme for me.
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His way of thinking is a bit extreme.
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He holds an extreme opinion on education.
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He holds an extreme opinion in politics.
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She is extreme in her taste in clothes.
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I hear you've done some pretty extreme stuff.
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The Department of Homeland Security's primary function is the prevention of terrorist attacks occurring within America and, in the extreme case of an attack happening, holding losses to the smallest possible level and swiftly carrying out restoration.
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The number of anorexic high school girls practicing extreme dietary restrictions is increasing.
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Every political good carried to the extreme must be productive of evil.
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Tom likes the extreme cold of Alaska.
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They're having extreme money problems.
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Tom's job creates extreme stress.
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Base jumping is an extreme sport.
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Centrists can be just as extreme as activists on the far left or right.
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Hamilton's ideas were extreme.
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A blizzard is an example of extreme weather conditions.
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Extreme is my decay.
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The Department of Homeland Security's primary function is the prevention of terrorist attacks occurring within the United States and, in the extreme case of an attack happening, holding losses to the smallest possible level and swiftly carrying out restoration.
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Extreme cold covered Europe.
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The priest administered Extreme Unction.
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This is pretty extreme.
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The attack on your ex-wife was pitiless. I'm satisfied that you were prepared to use extreme violence to get your revenge.
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It's an extreme case.
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Is it not a bit extreme?
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C is the perfect "other extreme" to Python. It’s the most low level of the mainstream programming languages, and almost universally serves as glue between other languages and systems.
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Though extreme blue,the colour of love faded.
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This is extreme.
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There are many ideological similarities between parties at the extreme ends of the political spectrum.
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Since Tom arrived at Guantanamo Bay he has been exposed to different forms of torture: sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, extreme temperatures, prolonged isolation, lack of sunlight and limited health care.
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He fell from one extreme to the other.
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I like the extreme cold of Alaska.
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You like the extreme cold of Alaska, don't you?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
He likes the extreme cold of Alaska.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
She likes the extreme cold of Alaska.
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Mary likes the extreme cold of Alaska.
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We like the extreme cold of Alaska.
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They like the extreme cold of Alaska.
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She has an extreme colonial mentality. She is crazy for Spanish culture.
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From one extreme to another.
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Tom is in extreme pain.
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In periods of extreme heat, it's important to keep the water up to your garden.
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We rejected Tom's suggestion as too extreme.
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Life is just the extreme expression of common chemistry.
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Those extreme positions are not compatible.
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Babe Ruth was casual to the extreme; sometimes he offhandedly struck the ball far out of the baseball park while seeming to have scarcely thought about it.
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That's a bit extreme.
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Accelerating climate change has caused serious impacts. Higher temperatures and extreme weather events are damaging food production, rising sea levels and more damaging storms are putting our coastal cities increasingly at risk and the impacts of climate change are already harming economies around the world, including those of the United States and China. These developments urgently require enhanced actions to tackle the challenge.
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2012 was the second most extreme year on record for the nation.
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Children, the elderly, and the poor are most vulnerable to a range of climate-related health effects, including those related to heat stress, air pollution, extreme weather events, and diseases carried by food, water, and insects.
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Climate change threatens human health and well-being in many ways, including through impacts from increased extreme weather events, wildfire, decreased air quality, threats to mental health, and illnesses transmitted by food, water, and disease carriers such as mosquitoes and ticks. Some of these health impacts are already underway in the United States.
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The impacts from sea level rise and storm surge, extreme weather events, higher temperatures and heat waves, precipitation changes, Arctic warming, and other climatic conditions are affecting the reliability and capacity of the U.S. transportation system in many ways.
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Extreme weather events currently disrupt transportation networks in all areas of the country; projections indicate that such disruptions will increase.
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Extreme weather events are affecting energy production and delivery facilities, causing supply disruptions of varying lengths and magnitudes and affecting other infrastructure that depends on energy supply.
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In the longer term, sea level rise, extreme storm surge events, and high tides will affect coastal facilities and infrastructure on which many energy systems, markets, and consumers depend. As new investments in energy technologies occur, future energy systems will differ from today's in uncertain ways.
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Some areas are already experiencing climate-related disruptions, particularly due to extreme weather events.
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While some U.S. regions and some types of agricultural production will be relatively resilient to climate change over the next 25 years or so, others will increasingly suffer from stresses due to extreme heat, drought, disease, and heavy downpours.
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The capacity of ecosystems to buffer the impacts of extreme events like fires, floods, and severe storms is being overwhelmed.
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Increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events are projected for all U.S. regions.
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This machine is specially engineered to work in extreme weather.
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Adrenaline junkies love taking extreme risks.
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Tom likes extreme sports.
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It is said that the silversmiths of that town ate silver due to extreme poverty.
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Drinking excessive and extreme amounts of water can result in "water intoxication", a potentially fatal condition.
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Those who are best at table tennis, a sport that demands extreme precision of movement and careful strategy at the top levels, often come from Asia.
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Tom is under extreme pressure.
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In Earth orbit, conditions can be as cold as minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit. In the sunlight, they can be as hot as 250 degrees. A spacesuit protects astronauts from those extreme temperatures.
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Spacesuits protect astronauts from extreme hot and cold temperatures, harmful space dust and radiation. They also give astronauts oxygen to breathe and water to drink during spacewalks.
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Tom is inexperienced and makes extreme statements, but he's not ideological.
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Tom is inexperienced and makes extreme statements.
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Tom makes extreme statements.
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The physical demands are extreme.
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I think that was extreme.
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Tom's ideas were extreme.
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It's a bit extreme.
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It was too extreme.
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The integration of our global economy has made life better for billions of men, women and children. Over the last 25 years, the number of people living in extreme poverty has been cut from nearly 40 percent of humanity to under 10 percent. That's unprecedented. And it's not an abstraction. It means children have enough to eat; mothers don’t die in childbirth.
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We can only eliminate extreme poverty if the sustainable development goals that we have set are more than words on paper.
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The long platform was almost deserted; the only living creature in sight being a girl who was sitting on a pile of shingles at the extreme end.
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Layla took extreme measures to give her man a child.
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Fadil was ready to do something extreme to make Layla pay for what she had done to him.
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Fadil took his devotion to the extreme.
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Layla thrived on extreme drama.
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I'm in extreme pain.
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Democracy has, therefore, two excesses to avoid—the spirit of inequality, which leads to aristocracy or monarchy, and the spirit of extreme equality, which leads to despotic power.
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Many locations, despite being situated near coastlines, have fairly extreme climates.
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On the extreme verge of the horizon lie a long chain of mountain peaks, with their rugged summits flecked with snow.
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It has been said there is nothing appertaining to life upon the broad plain. That is hardly true. Looking down from the Sierra Blanco, one sees a pathway traced out across the desert, which winds away and is lost in the extreme distance. It is rutted with wheels and trodden down by the feet of many adventurers. Here and there there are scattered white objects which glisten in the sun, and stand out against the dull deposit of alkali. Approach and examine them! They are bones: some large and coarse, others smaller and more delicate. The former have belonged to oxen, and the latter to men. For fifteen hundred miles one may trace this ghastly caravan route by these scattered remains of those who had fallen by the wayside.
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In the mountains, the bristlecones face high winds and extreme temperatures.
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