Приклади речень Англійська зі словом "risk"

Дізнайтеся, як використовувати risk у реченні Англійська. Понад 100 ретельно відібраних прикладів.

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Завантажити безкоштовно

Only those who risk going too far will know how far one can go.
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You're running a big risk in trusting him.
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Don't risk your health by over drinking.
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Don't risk putting everything in one boat.
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If you go near a camel, you risk being bitten.
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Hiromi decided to risk bungee-jumping, even though he was scared.
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Don't risk your neck over something foolish.
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Why did you do such a foolish thing at the risk of your life?
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Tommy did not want to run the risk of losing his job.
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Why do you take such a risk?
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If George doesn't stop smoking, he will run the risk of developing lung cancer.
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Some of the photos have been taken at the risk of life.
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Some of the photos have been taken at the risk of life and limb.
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There is little, if any, risk in this matter.
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Also, there is a greater risk of accidents.
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You need not run the risk.
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At the risk of sticking my neck out, I think that if we do that, we're making a big, big mistake.
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Is there any risk of being caught by the police?
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Policemen work at the risk of their own lives.
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At the risk of sounding too forward, I'd like to make a comment.
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We should have been fully aware of this risk all along.
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I'm the type that avoids risk like the plague.
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I assume you're willing to take the risk.
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My friend saved the girl at the risk of his own life.
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I ran a risk of advising her.
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I was determined to help her at the risk of my life.
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I don't want to risk losing it.
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I don't want to run such a risk.
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I don't like to run a risk.
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I don't want to risk missing the last train of the day.
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He took a risk when he helped me.
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Do everything at your own risk.
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It is crazy of you to put your life at risk.
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Calculating the risk which is involved in the event of failure, he demanded a show-down with the other party.
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Let's start in plenty of time. I don't like to run a risk.
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Don't risk insulting your boss.
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We don't want to risk running a traffic light.
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Risk all and gain all.
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People swim at that beach at their own risk.
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They were ready to run the risk of being shot by the enemy.
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It cannot reasonably be assumed that decreasing the dose would reduce the risk of side-effects.
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His wife begged him not to run any risk.
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He ran a great risk in the jungle.
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He said he was going to take a risk.
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He worked hard at the risk of his health.
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He ran a serious risk on my behalf.
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He ran the risk of having an accident.
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He saved the drowning boy at the risk of his own life.
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He isn't such a fool as to risk his life.
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He saved the boy at the risk of his own life.
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He saved my life at the risk of his own.
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He saved his friend at the risk of his own life.
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He likes sports that have a touch of risk.
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He challenged the mountain at the risk of his life.
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He ran the risk of being caught and imprisoned.
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He saved the child at the risk of his life.
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He saved her at the risk of his life.
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He rescued the dog at the risk of his own life.
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He saved the child at the risk of his own life.
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They went on fighting the fire at the risk of their lives.
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She saved her baby's life at the risk of losing her own.
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She took the risk, knowing that she might lose a lot of money.
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She saved the drowning child at the risk of her own life.
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I ran the risk of losing my job to help her.
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I found this at the risk of my life.
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It's not the sort of illness that puts your life at risk.
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However if you get carried away you'll risk failure so take care!
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Sleep deprivation increases risk of heart attacks.
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It's a job worth doing, but if I think about the working hours and the risk ... I could be onto a real losing proposition here.
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I know that interest rates are fixed in accordance to the borrower's business risk.
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Causing competitors to fail, obtaining confidential information, something that big business just can't do without - high risk but at the same time high return work.
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At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further.
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Obstetricians also bear a high risk of suits.
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"Risk money" refers to funds placed in investments that seek high-return, although high-risk, investments.
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However, it seems that just because it's a 'low risk day' doesn't mean that you won't get pregnant from intravaginal ejaculation.
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Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us.
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Children who spend more time outdoors have a lower risk of myopia.
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Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, to risk their lives for us.
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Holding the Olympics where there's severe atmospheric pollution gives rise to a great risk for athletes.
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When a new flu infects one human being, all are at risk.
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When one nation pursues a nuclear weapon, the risk of nuclear attack rises for all nations.
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Male circumcision decreases the risk of viral infections that cause herpes and cancer.
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Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?!
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The radio had warned us that there was a risk of flooding.
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I don't want to run the risk of losing it.
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There's a large risk involved.
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Taking a bath in this lake is not without risk.
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The risk is too great.
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I'm not willing to take that risk.
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You risk losing my trust.
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I don't want to risk my life.
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I think this not a method that I can really recommend unless you are willing to risk failure.
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Smoking poses a risk to your health.
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I took a risk when I made the investment.
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Do that at your own risk.
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Because of the increasing risk of complications the doctor decided to induce labor.
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His style (if you were to call it that) was excessively (though I run the risk of hypocrisy) parenthetical (pardon the pun).
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Maleness is by far the biggest risk factor for violence.
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There is a risk that it may become stormy.
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You have to risk big in order to win big.
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I woud risk my life for a good cause.
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Також перегляньте наступні слова: exactly, Innocence, beautiful, Humans, were, meant, lose, ideas, even, though.