Приклади речень Англійська зі словом "normal"

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Stop seeing me as a "normal" person!
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It will not be long before business returns to normal.
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Freddy's been working the graveyard shift the past month, so he hasn't been able to see any of his friends who work normal hours.
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The baby showed a normal development.
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The baby's growth is normal for his age.
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Your pulse is normal.
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Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life.
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After a six month period, his leg was healed and is normal again.
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The blood test is normal.
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It is only normal to want to be happy.
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My taste is quite normal.
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I have normal eyesight.
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Some people are apt to think of their own way of life as the normal one and to look down on life-styles that differ from it.
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The government is trying to bring things back to normal.
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It is hard, perhaps even impossible, to define normal sensory perception.
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Is your menstruation normal?
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I took my temperature, but it was normal.
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Instead of giving the money, that is the normal coin of the realm, which is the phrase that everyone used then, they would give them a token, and this token might be metal, might be wood, might be cardboard.
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Normal sleep is made up of two phases.
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I speak in my normal voice when I'm working the phone.
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The man was of normal height.
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His temperature is normal.
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He applied himself to his study, without thought for his normal life.
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Her behavior was a departure from the normal.
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Her fever came down to normal.
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It gave her quite a shock, and she didn't want to talk about anything for a while. I think it'll be a while before she's back to normal.
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Though it is true that every normal human being is able to use language, it is misleading to compare this with his ability to eat, sleep, or walk.
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My temperature is normal.
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The extra effort raised his blood pressure above normal.
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"Er, that 'mixer party' thing is then ..." "Just a normal get together."
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Obviously a normal woman would lose interest if she saw a book like that!
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In the past it was perfectly normal to get the back of a teacher's hand or fist as punishment.
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Conversations with the management, reports and such should be very freely interpreted into normal language.
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In any case I just want to make clear that the fact that these are not normal people.
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A normal person might spend a lifetime at it and still not succeed but faced with a determined Ren it was not greatly different from a normal cylinder lock.
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A normal person might spend a lifetime at it and still not succeed but faced with a determined Ren it was not greatly different from a normal cylinder lock.
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He's just a normal junior high school student, not particularly intelligent.
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The lock itself is a normal cylinder lock so it doesn't automatically lock when you shut the door.
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We are currently working to restore normal service as soon as possible.
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If long-term beds are reduced, then it won't be possible to do that and normal sickbeds will also be adversely affected.
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I don't know if he has any special powers or not, but he's probably stronger than a normal human.
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Is it normal for male teachers to make eyes at female students?
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That's dead normal.
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We'll give you as many bonus miles as the normal air miles!
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It is normal practise to contact the company's home office in these kinds of cases.
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It's an anime about a normal Japanese schoolboy who married his alien teacher. Things like this happen in Japan.
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There is nothing frightening about a normal, natural death, the death of a man who has fulfilled himself and lived out his life.
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I thought that my girlfriend was normal, but she turned out to be a succubus!
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Tomorrow there will be no normal lessons, in view of the athletic meet rehearsal.
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I wonder what the normal life span of a cockroach is and if they ever die of old age.
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Make it a normal packed lunch, OK?
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A little stage fright is normal before a concert.
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In other aspects, the results of Laowang's health examination were all quite normal; it was just that his blood pressure was a bit high.
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The warranty doesn't cover normal wear and tear.
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No matter if black, brown, yellow or normal, all people should have the same rights.
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He greeted the man, and came back home, to his normal, boring routine.
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They wanted to win the war quickly and return to normal life.
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This indigenous god needs water to have a normal life, move and talk, or its body will turn back into immovable stone.
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Her behavior isn't normal for a young girl.
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Optical radar uses light, unlike normal radar, which uses radio waves.
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It was determined that the picking of one's nose is a completely normal act for adolescent boys.
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This isn't normal.
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This ain't normal.
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I never dream. Is that normal?
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Why are you giving me money? That's not normal.
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Tom thinks that's normal.
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At the moment, normal users cannot delete sentences, only corpus maintainers can. We will someday add the possibility for users to delete their own sentences, but in the meantime, if you want to have a sentence deleted, add a comment on the sentence asking for deletion and explain why you'd like to delete it.
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It was a pretty normal party.
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Her behaviour isn't normal for a young girl.
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My friend from university gave me a Kindle because he said he wasn't using it anymore. It's the DX model with a large screen. It's not easy to use, but the screen is indeed quite nice. It hadn't bothered me until now, but it's become hard for me to read something on a normal LCD screen.
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It's a goat and it is absolutely normal.
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I'm quite a normal guy who has many hobbies, maybe too many.
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I'm a completely normal guy who has many hobbies, maybe too many.
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Mary reassured Tom that he was perfectly normal.
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That which for mathematicians is illogical is entirely normal for musicians: seven plus seven is thirteen.
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Tom is a normal guy.
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I told to myself that it was perfectly normal for him to be homesick.
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It's perfectly normal.
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You're perfectly normal.
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Don't worry, you're perfectly normal.
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I want to be normal.
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It's healthy and normal.
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Under normal conditions, the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.
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It's totally normal.
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"I can't believe that they sleep together!" "Why not? It's perfectly normal to take a teddy bear to bed with you."
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It's a normal phenomenon.
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How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.
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I'd like to walk like a normal person.
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Everything is normal.
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We can't pretend Tom is normal.
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Can't this wait until things are back to normal?
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I just want things to be normal.
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I just want to live a normal life.
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I want everything to go back to normal.
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SNAFU is an acronym expressing the enlisted man's resigned acceptance of chaos. Situation Normal: All Fucked Up.
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In many countries it is normal for all television programmes to have subtitles.
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That's normal.
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Everything's normal.
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Decide for yourself what you think is normal.
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It's normal.
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Five minutes of sun on a normal day can be worth more than a whole day of sun on holidays.
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Також перегляньте наступні слова: important, She's, asking, possible, running, away, life's, problems, look, lyrics.