English example sentences with "yes"

Learn how to use yes in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no".

"Yes, orange juice please," says Mike.

Yes, it happens from time to time.

Yes! I won twice in a row!

A scientist had to know how to ask the correct question and to state it so clearly that the answer would be, in effect, a definite yes or no, not "maybe".

Yes, I'll be right there.

Yes, of course.

I hope we can get together again. Yes, I'll be looking forward to it.

Dr. Patterson: Yes, it was horrible.

Yes, I know.

Yes, it hurts.

"Will you have another slice of pie?" "Yes, please."

Yes, I like it very much.

Yes, that's the right answer.

Yes. He had just come home when I called.

Yes. I was very surprised at the news.

Yes. We'll visit a factory which produces television sets.

Yes, and here's a photo of the farm where we milked the cows.

Yes. He can run 100 meters within twelve seconds.

Yes, I spoke with the company president.

Yes, you must.

Yes, my name is Karen Smith.

Yes, we have been friends since our childhood.

"Are the taxis being used?" "Yes, they are."

Yes, I'm afraid so.

Yes, I can.

Yes, I am from Sapporo.

Yes, she will.

Yes, I have seen one many times.

Yes, Bob helped me.

Yes, he has already written it.

Yes, but it'll be difficult.

Yes, I do. I answered.

Yes, it has already started.

Yes, I am. Are you Mr Nakano?

Yes, I'm coming immediately.

Yes, I'm coming!

Yes, two.

Yes, please do.

"Let's play tennis." "Yes let's."

Yes, I will be able to forget my busy work and relax.

Yes, you need to practice every day.

Yes, well, that depends.

Yes and no.

Yes. He swims fastest in our school.

Yes, it is. You were three months old then.

Yes, you can celebrate anything you want.

Yes, I'd like a single room with a private bath, please.

Yes, she'll be with you in a minute.

Yes, I'll have sherry.

This dictionary is useful to beginners, yes, and to advanced learners.

I'd like to say yes, but...

Yes, by all means.

Yes, it does. But it snows more in Niigata than in Hokkaido.

Yes, sorry, I forgot to acknowledge it.

Yes, I know her. I look up to her.

Yes, I think it's okay.

"Is it the first time you've been here?" "Yes, it's my first visit."

Yes, I went yesterday.

Yes, I think you ought to go.

Yes, he did. He really looked like a doctor.

Yes, it's such a lovely night.

Yes, he's almost as tall as I am.

Yes, please come.

Yes, but you do not have to stay to the end.

Well, yes, but I don't want anyone to know.

Yes, orange juice, please.

Yes. And it's only a hop, skip and a jump to the nearest mall.

Yes, this is Anthony.

Yes, I've been there a couple of times.

Yes. I have to read it by tomorrow.

Yes. We should be very careful.

Yes. Everyone admires the pictures painted by him.

Yes, I'll come, Bob.

Ah yes, two, right?

Yes, he can, if he tries hard.

Just say yes or no.

Oh, yes, I remember.

Yes. She used to be a very shy girl.

Yes, I'm coming.

Oh, yes. I sometimes see him on TV.

"Will you study after dinner?" "Yes, I will."

"Is she reading a book?" "Yes, she is."

"Is she young?" "Yes, she is."

"Did she buy a watch?" "Yes, she bought one."

"Does she play tennis?" "Yes, she does."

"Did they get the law passed?" "Yes, they finally put it through."

"Is he going to swim tomorrow?" "Yes, he is."

"Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he did."

"Does he like music?" "Yes, he does."

"May I come in?" "Yes, certainly."

"Was there a girl in the gym?" "Yes, there is."

"Shall I close the window?" "Yes, please."

"Will you show me your ticket?" "Yes, of course."

"Yes, sir," said Tony.

"Are you a Japanese student?" "Yes, I am."

"Shall I have him call you when he gets back?" "Yes, please."

"Give me something to write with." "Will this do?" "Yes, it will do."

"May I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for a dress."

"Let's go to the movies, shall we?" "Yes, let's."

"Let's have a drink, shall we?" "Yes, let's."

Also check out the following words: rescue, harm, picnic, marvel, stomachache, novels, estimate, strike, irrespective, head.