English example sentences with "voice"

Learn how to use voice in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Joan of Arc refused to renounce her belief that the voice she heard was from God and none other.

His stern tone and loud voice belied his inner sensitivity and caring nature.

Your voice carries well.

To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice.

If you shout from the top of a cliff, you can hear the echo of your voice.

A bad cold caused the singer to lose his voice.

Too much smoking tends to injure the voice.

Raise your voice.

I can still hear your voice.

Let's begin practicing voice projection.

Mr Hopkins spoke in such a loud voice that I could hear him upstairs.

Betty has a sweet voice.

An operation on his throat helped him recover from the pneumonia, but it left him without his voice.

Tracy, I just felt like hearing the sound of your voice.

Tony has a nice voice.

Tony's voice is nice.

Tony heard her voice and stopped playing the piano.

I just felt like hearing the sound of your voice.

It is in order to hear your voice well.

The room echoes with his voice.

My voice was ignored in the discussion.

The man spoke in a low voice.

When he heard the voice, he looked out of the window.

The voice reminded me of my mother.

The girl's voice became weaker and weaker.

The singer has a beautiful voice.

The singer's voice melts your heart.

The radio announcer had a masculine voice.

The tape recorder has recorded his voice.

I recognized your voice right away.

John spoke in such a loud voice that I could hear him upstairs.

John called for the waiter in a loud voice.

This bird can imitate the human voice.

This machine answers to human voice.

Don't talk in a loud voice here.

I've had a nasal voice for two weeks.

Kelly's voice carries well.

With her pure voice, Kate shined outstandingly on the stage of a musical.

Kate's voice is clearly different from the other girls'.

His karaoke voice would put a professional to shame.

The frightened boy's voice was shaking with terror.

A parrot can mimic a person's voice.

A man was complaining of something in a sharp voice.

You must speak in a loud voice.

Your voice reminds me of my late grandmother.

I am happy to hear your voice.

I would like to hear your voice, too.

Your voice reminds me of your mother.

His voice broke when he was twelve.

As soon as the dog heard his master's voice, off he ran like a shot.

The trouble is, she's almost lost her voice.

The children were told to stay within reach of their mother's voice.

We talked in a low voice so as not to wake the baby.

We have given Edgar Degas a voice that we hope suits him.

I will send you a tape of my voice.

At the sound of my voice, my dog pricked up his ears.

I like the singer's voice, too.

I'm studying voice at a college of music.

I was fascinated by her sweet voice.

I noted a trace of eagerness in her voice.

We talked in a low voice so as not to be heard.

Please speak in a low voice.

The girl has a pure voice.

God gave her a beautiful face and sweet voice.

Tadashi has a soft voice.

Tone of voice can indicate feelings.

Tone of voice can indicate anger and irony.

I recognized Jane at once by her voice.

Hey, Ayako, make your voice louder.

Don't raise your voice at me.

Please speak in a loud voice.

Raise a loud voice, then all goes wrong.

I call out in a loud voice but there is no reply.

I speak in my normal voice when I'm working the phone.

I got all choked up when I heard the voice of Ryo over the telephone.

The voice on the phone was unfamiliar to me.

All at once she began to shout in a shrill voice.

The old man leaned forward and asked his wife with a soft voice.

She twists around at a voice behind.

He said the words in a very small voice.

His voice was heard above the din.

Hearing his voice, I turned around.

He has a deep voice.

His voice was full of tender concern.

We sensed a melancholy note in his voice.

There was a suggestion of anger in his voice.

His voice was drowned by the yells.

His voice carries very well.

His voice doesn't go with his appearance.

His voice was flat and lacked enthusiasm.

His voice reached our ears.

His voice dropped to a whisper.

He has a loud voice.

His voice quavered with anger.

Immediately she heard his voice, she trembled with fear.

His loud voice drew my attention.

He read the letter in a loud voice.

He cried in an angry voice.

He is so mild in disposition that I have never heard him speak in a loud voice.

He has a sweet voice.

He cried out for help in a loud voice.

Also check out the following words: steps, fainted, cared, panic, awkward, pause, dragged, upstairs, fickle, fellow.