English example sentences with "thoughts"

Learn how to use thoughts in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Baffled by Sherlock Holmes' cryptic remarks, Watson wondered whether Holmes was intentionally concealing his thoughts about the crime.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.

Your thoughts are of no significance at all.

Thoughts of hope, dreams I'll never find.

A penny for your thoughts.

Won't you hear my thoughts?

It is difficult to express one's thoughts in English.

We can normally conceal our thoughts from others.

Ted was finally able to communicate his thoughts in Japanese.

I have my own thoughts on that subject.

And we can communicate so many things in so many ways - with our faces, hands, bodies, and voices. We can even write our thoughts in words.

When she dumped me, the shock of it was like a huge gong going off and scrambling all my thoughts.

Thank you again for your good thoughts.

Thanks so much for your good thoughts.

As usual, his thoughts were extremely academic.

You do your best to put such thoughts out of his head.

I know you want to marry me now, but don't you think you'll have second thoughts afterward?

Thoughts and feelings are expressed by means of words.

Second thoughts are best.

All day, I have been strangely preoccupied with thoughts of my hometown.

In its broadest sense communication includes all forms of transmitting thoughts or feelings between people.

Collect your thoughts before you begin your work.

Thoughts are expressed by means of words.

Around the world thoughts shall fly in the twinkling of an eye.

We express our thoughts by means of languages.

My thoughts are in agreement with them.

I am certain that you have noble thoughts.

You are in my thoughts at all times.

It is hard for me to put my thoughts into words.

We express our thoughts by means of language.

We express our thoughts by means of words.

Politicians never tell us their inner thoughts.

Don't put such silly thoughts into his head.

His thoughts are empty of idea.

He is radical in thoughts.

His thoughts are extremely academic.

His mind was filled with happy thoughts.

He was thinking strange thoughts.

He turned his thoughts toward home.

He put down his thoughts in his notebook.

He is not good at putting his thoughts into words.

He put his thoughts on paper.

He reflected on his own thoughts.

They harbor thoughts of taking revenge on you.

Her head was full of airy thoughts.

She is having second thoughts about buying another car.

She put down her thoughts on paper.

Or rather, is it not just pathetic that I think such whiny thoughts like this?

Thoughts of being trapped grew stronger.

Dickens' thoughts come across along with the vivid depiction of old London.

Please let us know your company's thoughts on this matter first.

It's obvious but the connection between people is "words". It is by those words that thoughts are shared and arguments carried out.

I don't expect him to understand my innermost thoughts but I wonder what I can do to get him to hold an interest.

Language has, at the same time as being method of expressing one's thoughts, the side of being something used to think with.

In reading some books we occupy ourselves chiefly with the thoughts of the author; in perusing others, exclusively with our own.

Words express thoughts.

No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them, with powder and lead - Thoughts are free!

We're having second thoughts about going to Hawaii for our honeymoon.

In linguistics, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that there are certain thoughts of an individual in one language that cannot be understood by those who live in another language.

It will make you think about the things you think about in your thoughts.

We keep our most interesting thoughts and the most interesting side of ourselves hidden away.

Music that doesn't transmit feelings, images, thoughts, or memories is just background noise.

What are your thoughts on the company?

Do you have any thoughts on my paper?

Great thoughts come from the heart.

Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.

When the four limbs are placed correctly and the vital energy of blood is tranquil, the thoughts will be unified, and mind will be concentrated: ears and eyes will not be flooded, and what is distant will be like what is close, - the knowledge will be born out of thinking.

Tom couldn't put his thoughts in order.

Give me your thoughts.

She doesn't have any evil thoughts.

An idea is an immaterial model of a real or a supposed element of reality. An idea is a fragment of our thoughts. When we think something, that single thought is an idea. Ideas are the atoms of the thoughts, and thoughts are a combination of ideas.

An idea is an immaterial model of a real or a supposed element of reality. An idea is a fragment of our thoughts. When we think something, that single thought is an idea. Ideas are the atoms of the thoughts, and thoughts are a combination of ideas.

An idea is an immaterial model of a real or a supposed element of reality. An idea is a fragment of our thoughts. When we think something, that single thought is an idea. Ideas are the atoms of the thoughts, and thoughts are a combination of ideas.

I will never find thoughts of hope and dreams.

As far back as I can remember, I have had thoughts and ideas which at the time, seemed to make me unique.

My earliest thoughts were about phonetics.

My thoughts are stuck in the web of Lviv's streets.

My thoughts are stuck in the web of the streets of Lviv.

It's hard for me to put my thoughts into words.

Write down your thoughts every day and one day you'll be able to understand something about yourself.

What are your thoughts on this?

It is my fear that in an understandable but foolish wish for the European Union to have its own defence capability, politicians are forging ahead with plans that are at best wishful thoughts, and at worst dangerous.

He can read thoughts.

Our thoughts are with all those affected by this terrible event.

I can't collect my thoughts.

I will manage my life and my thoughts as if the entire world had to be the witness of one and could read into the others.

For me, it is difficult to express my thoughts in words.

The seeds of evil deeds are evil thoughts.

Give your thoughts some space!

Have a listen and let me know your thoughts.

Hold on. Just let me collect my thoughts.

Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind - they're crazy and not worth thinking about.

The words of a drunk man are the thoughts of a sober man.

My thoughts exactly!

I want to share my thoughts with you.

Tom suffered from the delusion that strangers could hear his thoughts. Of course that's nonsense.

Language is just a map of human thoughts, feelings and memories. And like all maps, language is a thumbnail image a hundred thousand times smaller than what it is trying to convey.

She chained up all his thoughts and feelings.

My thoughts are with all of you.

Tom was disturbed at the direction of his thoughts.

Thoughts and feelings are illustrated by words.

Also check out the following words: regretting, fun, change, guessed, Imagination, affects, aspect, our, forget, rather.