English example sentences with "thinks"

Learn how to use thinks in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

My brother is very important. At least he thinks he is.

Who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks.

For one thing, he thinks she is stupid, for another, he doesn't like her.

Everyone thinks so.

Everyone thinks the same thing.

First, I'll try to understand why he thinks so.

Bob thinks it is a silly idea to call his mother who is so far away, to spend so much, and to say so little.

Almost no one thinks that we are sisters.

The teacher always thinks highly of the students who try to think, "Why?".

Being a science student, one naturally thinks quickly, so the student snapped up and replied.

The doctor thinks carefully before deciding what medicine to give.

Mr Smith thinks that he's a big shot.

Jeff thinks he will never fall in love.

Jane is fat and rude, and smokes too much. However, Ken thinks she's lovely and charming. That's why they say love is blind.

I'll talk it over with Marty and see what he thinks.

The U.S. thinks it is getting the short end of the stick.

He thinks me unkind, too.

The trouble is that he thinks only of himself.

What the heart thinks, the mouth speaks.

My son thinks women are stronger than men.

He who thinks himself already too wise to learn from others will never succeed in doing anything.

He thinks it's safer to drive himself than to let me drive.

He thinks himself to be somebody.

Julie thinks that she will not be able to pay off all of her debts.

At first, he thought English very difficult, but now he thinks it is easy.

A woman thinks of everything in terms of money.

The crow thinks her own birds fairest.

He thinks that life is like a voyage in a sense.

A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation.

Who thinks so?

Everyone thinks his sack the heaviest.

No one thinks so.

Small wonder that he thinks so.

I know quite clearly what he thinks.

I don't understand the way that he thinks.

He thinks of everything in terms of money.

More often than not, he thinks before he speaks.

He thinks of everything in terms of profit.

He thinks he is an Edison.

He often thinks with his eyes shut.

He thinks he is fit for the position.

He thinks that he cannot manage the problem well.

He thinks nothing of doing it by himself.

He thinks that only very well trained actors can be really successful.

He thinks he knows everything but, as a matter of face, he is very ignorant.

He thinks only of making money.

He thinks of nothing but making money.

He thinks it impossible for me to climb the mountain alone.

He thinks in terms of his own country.

He thinks he is something of a painter.

He thinks he is somebody, but actually he is nobody.

He thinks himself a great poet.

He thinks he is somebody, but really he is nobody.

He thinks himself better than other people.

He has the freedom to do what he thinks is right.

He thinks that blue is the most beautiful color.

He says what he thinks regardless of other people's feelings.

He thinks nothing of staying up all night.

He doesn't work, but only thinks of sponging off his relatives.

He thinks nothing of his illness.

He thinks nothing of poverty.

He has the courage to speak up what he thinks right.

She thinks that she's always right.

She thinks of everything in terms of money.

She thinks money and happiness are the same.

She thinks of nothing but making money.

She thinks of herself as an intelligent person.

She thinks of her boss as a father.

She thinks much of others' opinions.

She thinks the world of him.

She thinks highly of him.

One in four consumers thinks that prices will continue to rise in the future.

My mother thinks of everything in terms of money.

Just because I'm a wolf, everyone thinks I'm the bad guy.

Asahara thinks himself a savior.

One of the advantages of living in a democracy is that one is permitted to say whatever he thinks.

A selfish man thinks of nothing but his own feelings.

Everybody thinks that they are ready for their old age.

I think she probably just thinks of herself as one of the boys.

He thinks that planes are safer than cars.

Shame be to him who thinks evil of it.

A free man thinks of death least of all things; and his wisdom is a meditation not of death but of life.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

The woman observes and the man thinks.

A man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry.

He thinks of nothing but himself.

When an adult tells a lie to a child, he thinks he's always right.

He thinks he's God's gift to women.

Religion consists in a set of things which the average man thinks he believes, and wishes he was certain.

The operation was really touch and go there for awhile but the doctor thinks he'll pull through.

My doctor thinks it's cancerous but told me to feel free to get a second opinion.

He thinks he knows everything.

He puts a lot of thought into how he thinks.

He who thinks he has learned enough has learned nothing.

He who lives without madness is not as wise as he thinks.

Mary gets mad when she thinks her parents are judging her.

We had a fairly good idea what the world thought of the United States. Now we also know what the United States thinks of the rest of the world.

Everyone has a right to say what he thinks.

Is what a computer does when it computes an apt metaphor for what the mind does when it thinks?

She's only going to tell you what she thinks you want to hear.

Also check out the following words: Wednesday, managing, announcement, restructuring, monopolized, disrupted, proceeding, distributed, supported, proposals.