English example sentences with "stress"

Learn how to use stress in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I would like to stress that it is more convenient to control tariffs as a bloc rather than country by country.

A closed fist can indicate stress.

Haruyo is undoubtedly under stress during this entrance-examination season.

If you stop and relax, this will relieve the tension and stress in your shoulders.

It's necessary to avoid stress.

The methods used to overcome stress are different for men and women: drinking is the major method used by men, while women deal with stress by chatting.

The methods used to overcome stress are different for men and women: drinking is the major method used by men, while women deal with stress by chatting.

Common causes of stress are work and human relationships.

The stress began to tell on his heart.

Karaoke is good for reducing stress.

I'm always under stress.

Where do you place the stress in the word "Australia"?

The speaker laid stress on the need for thrift.

I want to stress this point.

Since women are taking on more responsibilities at work and in the community, it is said that the number of women with stress from both child-rearing and work is increasing.

The greatest cause of stress for men is work, while for women, human relationships come at the top of the list.

He is under considerable stress.

He tends to place more stress on society in general than on individual.

He laid stress on the importance of being punctual.

She is unable to cope with stress.

However, a suitable level of stress is actually a necessary thing for your body's health.

I think there are many who binge eat from stress.

The Japanese economy is going through a period of great stress.

The following is thought to be one of the reasons stress damages the stomach's mucous membrane.

I've also built up a lot of stress from the change in job and work-place.

It has happened that people sleeping with the fan on have experienced a freezing of the stomach, as well as a local air pressure stress leading them to feel unwell.

In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable.

Our bodies are not designed to cope with stress for long periods.

Too much stress can lead to physical disease.

It's better to take things in stride than to stress out over every little detail.

There's a degree of stress in every job.

Tom's job creates extreme stress.

It's a unique device able to make stress and melancholy vanish.

She can't cope with stress.

The Waterfront's success could mean that other cities soon follow, creating areas that offer people a new kind of city living, with all the benefits and none of the stress, noise and pollution of crowded centres.

Working at home, the stress of travelling to work disappears.

When you're about to have exams, lifting weights really does relieve stress, and it's also good for your mind and body.

Stress can have an enormous negative impact on your health.

Sometimes, many problems and a lot of stress can lead you to quit your job. You must learn how to handle it quickly.

November 23rd is Labor Thanksgiving Day, which was established as a national holiday to stress the importance of labor in people's minds.

The liquid flow submits the container to what we call tangential stress.

I have spots on my skin from stress.

Yoshida, don't stress.

Rupture stress is much higher in the case of metals as it is for plastics.

Tom is suffering from financial stress.

How do you handle stress?

Major life changes, such as changes in income level or legal and financial issues, can also create mental and physical feelings of stress and anxiety, which can overload the ability to function well.

It's an excellent method to relieve stress.

I don't need this kind of stress.

Tom has trouble dealing with stress.

After several months on stress leave, the manager had a graduated return to work.

Most people use music as a couch; they want to be pillowed on it, relaxed and consoled for the stress of daily living. But serious music was never meant to be soporific.

Exercise is the best way to get rid of stress.

The best way to get rid of stress is to do a little exercise.

In Esperanto a stress falls on the penultimate syllable.

Stress is a very serious problem in today's society.

Tom suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and is plagued by nightmares.

Tom's obviously under a lot of stress.

Tom has joined a laughter club and his stress levels have decreased significantly.

Tom has a stress ball.

I keep a stress ball on my desk.

Stress balls are very effective.

Tom's been on stress leave for three months.

I couldn't tolerate the stress of this work.

Yoga can help you fight stress and stay fit and healthy.

Tom is unable to cope with stress.

Maria realised that her joke had caused Tom stress.

I have post-traumatic stress disorder.

Tom was under a lot of stress at the time.

Children, the elderly, and the poor are most vulnerable to a range of climate-related health effects, including those related to heat stress, air pollution, extreme weather events, and diseases carried by food, water, and insects.

The Great Plains region experiences multiple climate and weather hazards, including floods, droughts, severe storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and winter storms. In much of the Great Plains, too little precipitation falls to replace that needed by humans, plants, and animals. These variable conditions already stress communities and cause billions of dollars in damage. Climate change will add to both stress and costs.

The Great Plains region experiences multiple climate and weather hazards, including floods, droughts, severe storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and winter storms. In much of the Great Plains, too little precipitation falls to replace that needed by humans, plants, and animals. These variable conditions already stress communities and cause billions of dollars in damage. Climate change will add to both stress and costs.

I don't handle stress well.

Tom is under considerable stress.

I couldn't live with that kind of stress.

I've been under a lot of stress.

Tom is under a lot of stress.

I don't perform well under stress.

How are you dealing with all the stress?

Tom seems to suffer from some kind of post-traumatic stress.

Are you under any stress?

I can't cope with stress.

Police and emergency workers often drink to excess because of the stress of their jobs.

Which syllable receives the stress in the word "Australia"?

Where does the stress fall in the word?

Stress can be a real vicious cycle. The greater the amount of stress, the harder it is to make smart logical decisions for yourself which only leads to more stress.

Stress can be a real vicious cycle. The greater the amount of stress, the harder it is to make smart logical decisions for yourself which only leads to more stress.

Stress can be a real vicious cycle. The greater the amount of stress, the harder it is to make smart logical decisions for yourself which only leads to more stress.

Young children can be under enormous stress when their parents break up, and often blame themselves for the failure of the marriage.

There's so much stress put on kids to perform well in school, but with good reason.

I want to live my life without stress and worries. I don't need to be rich or famous, I just want to be happy.

Yoga can help reduce stress.

Yoga can help lower stress.

It is important to stress that the consequences are not the same.

Can stress actually kill you?

Stress is a killer.

We've both been under stress.

I can't stress this enough.

I can't stress that enough.

The body adapts to stress.

Tom's headaches are attributable to stress.

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