English example sentences with "situation"

Learn how to use situation in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The situation is worse than we believed.

You are not excused from the responsibility for this serious situation.

Your situation is analogous to mine.

If I were in your situation, I would do the same thing.

Explain to him the difficult situation you are in.

I beg to differ, as I disagree with your analysis of the situation.

Now, the situation is out of hand.

We are confronted with a difficult situation.

We regard the situation as serious.

We have to somehow come through this troublesome situation.

We made the best of that bad situation.

The situation is growing serious.

The people at large are hoping for great changes in the light of the present situation.

A really perceptive person can figure out a whole situation with just a few clues. That's the kind of person I want you to become.

The situation has improved considerably compared with what it was.

Having been caught in that situation before, I knew exactly what to do.

You should make the best of a bad situation.

In a similar situation, the company was held liable.

Only slowly did he begin to understand the situation.

If I were you, I would have done the same thing in such a difficult situation.

If you are silent in a conversation or social situation for a long time, Americans will try to get you to talk.

Bob Johnson tried to make people realize the seriousness of the situation in Africa.

Oh my gosh! You're the last person I expected to meet in a situation like this.

The situation has come to the point where we either sink or swim.

Please inform me of any changes in the situation.

Tom was master of the situation in no time.

It will not add anything to the situation.

It sums up the situation pretty well.

It puts a different complexion on the situation.

The attitude holds good in such a situation.

The man extricated Ellie from a dangerous situation.

I will make certain of the situation.

I am sure the situation will take a turn for the better.

Not till then did I realize the danger of the situation.

The situation is beyond my grasp.

We were faced with an unusual situation because of the accident.

Sorry, but it all came about so suddenly that I haven't got a handle on the situation yet.

This means that our perception of any situation depends only partly on sensory signals being received at that time.

I'm far from happy about this situation.

I know the situation is very difficult for us.

This situation requires nice handling.

According to this magazine, the economic situation in Japan is getting worse year by year.

I wish you would tell me what I ought to do in this difficult situation.

If you want to discuss the situation, please let us know.

This rule isn't suited to the present situation.

What should they do in this situation?

This tie is not suitable for a situation like this.

This complex situation arose because signals from the environment itself can be inadequate.

Please tell me what I should do in this situation.

In a situation like this, there is nothing for it but to give in.

Chris is in a risky situation in science class.

The situation, I am sure, will be improved.

Every situation requires individual analysis.

Was that word appropriate in that situation?

That country's economic situation changes from day to day.

How do you account for this situation?

Your analysis of the situation is accurate.

Your detailed explanation of the situation has let me see the light.

Can you describe the situation you were in?

Inspector, try to keep a lid on the situation until we can get more police down there.

We are groping for a way out of the present situation.

I will explain the situation to you later on.

The international situation had become so tense, it would require proficient diplomats to handle it with kid gloves.

The international situation is becoming grave.

We have to take advantage of this situation.

It's a do-or-die situation.

It is difficult to keep abreast of the international situation these days.

The current political situation is not very stable.

If he dies now, the situation will become serious.

The worst situation resulted.

The financial situation is getting worse week by week.

A child could not have understood the situation.

The city was put in a difficult financial situation.

We are fully aware of the importance of the situation.

We ought to make allowances for his difficult situation.

We all regarded the situation as serious.

I find myself in a rather delicate situation.

I am already acquainted with that situation.

I had to stand a trying situation.

I made it plain that the situation was unfavourable to us.

We are in a difficult situation.

The situation calls for our cool judgement.

The situation has evolved into a more complex problem.

The situation seemed to call for immediate action.

The situation is better, if anything.

The situation is still capable of improvement.

The situation is improving, so cheer up!

There was a sudden change in the situation.

The situation is bad enough as it is.

The situation hasn't changed at all.

The situation has changed dramatically.

The situation is very serious.

Discover a way around the situation.

As the situation is delicate, you should be careful of what you say.

Imagine a situation where you are all alone.

The housing situation seemed quite hopeless.

The situation in Hungary was more confused, at least until 1947.

Don't rush into the situation until you have all the details; hold your horses until you know where you are going.

The situation went from bad to worse.

The situation calls for our action.

The situation calls for drastic measures.

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