English example sentences with "shot"

Learn how to use shot in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

A fool's bolt is soon shot.

To our surprise, our son has suddenly shot up recently.

The reporter shot questions at the politician.

Water shot from the pipe.

The nurse gave me a shot.

We shot pheasants by the hundred.

Fossil fuel prices shot through the roof.

Give me a shot.

You'd better see a doctor and get a shot.

That's just a shot in the dark. How do you think you'll succeed by just acting on the spur of the moment like that?

A rifle shot broke the peace of the early morning.

She needs another DPT shot.

If you haven't driven a bike yet, you should give it a shot.

Benjamin shot a bear with a rifle.

The hunter shot at the bird.

The hunter shot at a deer.

What a good shot!

Anyway, I gave it my best shot.

It's a shot in the arm.

Even as he was speaking, a shot rang out.

I heard a shot just now.

The man shot three birds with a gun.

We are astonished at the shot.

The dog went away like a shot.

The cop was shot on his beat.

Mr Smith thinks that he's a big shot.

John caught a tiger and shot two lions.

It was in 1980 that John was shot at this spot.

It was in 1980 that John Lennon was shot at this spot.

Joe was believed to have shot the prisoner.

Hold still or you'll be shot.

He took a beautiful shot at a deer.

I've never seen a shot like that.

I've never played golf, but I think I'll give it a shot.

Rev. King fell backwards, shot in the neck.

You just made me miss the perfect shot when you hollered.

William Tell shot an arrow at the apple on his son's head.

I had a flu shot.

We shot our wad.

America's foreign debt shot past $500 billion.

Look at the big shot.

He shot at me.

He's always talking like a big shot, but it won't be long before all his faults are exposed.

The policeman was shot in the leg by a delinquent.

Police shot the armed robber in the head - he died almost immediately.

Shot, huh?

If you get shot, you'll die.

As soon as the dog heard his master's voice, off he ran like a shot.

I only shot four bull's-eyes yesterday.

I would have been shot.

I took a close shot of her face.

I made a good shot at the exam.

The policeman was off duty when he was shot to death.

The gun was out of shot.

A shot rang out.

The cost of living has shot through the ceiling in the last year.

I'll give you a shot.

They were ready to run the risk of being shot by the enemy.

Suddenly there was a rifle shot.

All at once we heard a shot outside.

All at once we heard a shot.

His shot didn't carry well against the wind.

Pain shot through his finger.

He was shot to death.

He has shot some Westerns in Arizona.

He drank a shot of whiskey.

He had a shot at the goose.

He shot an arrow at the deer.

He shot an arrow at the soldier.

He fired a shot at random.

He shot a tiger through the head.

He shot himself this morning.

He hit the center of the target with his first shot.

He put the shot farther than I did.

He is a good shot.

He is a big shot.

He shot at the bird, but missed it.

He was shot 3 times in the arm.

They shot down two enemy planes during the raid.

She shot a gun.

She was wounded by a shot in the leg.

She shot a glance at her mother.

She shot a warm smile at the old lady.

They shot the film in an actual desert.

Keep down, or you'll be shot.

Kunihiko hit the target with his first shot.

We saw Mac make a fantastic shot.

The hunter shot a bear.

The pheasant would not be shot but for its cries.

The snail shot out its horns.

For some reason it didn't go well, shot down at every attempt, and he led a sad "History of no girlfriend = Age" life.

The defendant was about to stand trial when he grabbed the deputy's gun and shot the judge.

Of course. Now that you say that, certainly Ms Tanaka wasn't shot even once in the mock battles.

Shit shot with a gun makes the best freckles.

Were you shot?

Have you been shot?

The doctor gave me a shot.

Good shot, kid. You got him.

This shot will help numb the pain.

The alien shot his ray gun and blasted a hole in the spaceship's hull.

It's worth a shot.

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