English example sentences with "salesman"

Learn how to use salesman in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The aggressive salesman urged me to sign the contract right away.

Eventually the salesman persuaded me to buy the expensive machine.

The old man was taken in by a salesman.

The manner in which the new salesman made top sales level was an eye-opener to his supervisor.

The salesman learned to be punctual for appointments.

He's the very model of an aggressive salesman.

The salesman talked my parents into buying a set of encyclopedias.

The salesman demonstrated how to use the mincer.

The salesman sold the article at an unreasonable price.

The salesman demonstrated how to use it.

The salesman demonstrated how to use the machine.

John claimed that the dishonest salesman had tricked him into buying a useless piece of machinery.

A certain door-to-door salesman made a fool of a trusting old lady and went off with a lot of her money.

That car salesman was a pretty off the wall kind of guy.

That salesman looks pretty smart.

The dog snarled at the salesman.

I was mistaken for a salesman.

I was taken in by the salesman.

I'm a salesman.

That salesman was persistent in asking me to buy a car.

A good salesman will not encroach on his customer's time.

He's a salesman's salesman.

He disguised himself as a salesman and visited her house.

He makes a living as a salesman.

He was taken in by the salesman.

She was taken in by the salesman.

She scowled at the rude salesman.

If it's an aggressive strange salesman, then call me right away. I'll chase him off.

I'm a salesman for our company.

He's also a salesman.

He's a salesman too.

The salesman claimed the windshield was unbreakable, testing it with a punch that went straight through it.

Bill's father was a traveling salesman.

Tom makes a living as a traveling salesman.

Tom is an effective salesman.

Tom bargained with the salesman hoping to get a lower price.

The salesman was insistent to the end.

The customer has been on the phone with the salesman for two hours.

I work as a salesman.

Tom is a terrible salesman.

Tom is a salesman.

Tom is a salesman, not a doctor.

He's a car salesman.

Tom's parents didn't want him to become a used car salesman.

He's a used car salesman.

He lost his job as a used car salesman.

A clever salesman will always ask a matron if her mother is at home.

Tom is an experienced salesman.

Tom is an insurance salesman.

Mr.Tanaka was hired as a salesman.

The salesman made some exaggerated claims in order to sell his product.

Tom was clearly not interested in what the salesman was saying.

Tom is a smooth salesman.

"Double Indemnity" is the title of a classic 1944 film noir, in which a philandering insurance salesman (Fred MacMurray) and a housewife (Barbara Stanwyck) plot to murder her husband, but to make it look like an accident, in order to collect on an insurance policy that will pay double the value in case of accidental death.

There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?

The used car salesman seemed a bit dodgy to me.

Tom became a car salesman, just like his dad.

Tom makes a living as a salesman.

This car salesman is not honest.

Tom, with whom I often drive to work, is a salesman.

Tom applied for a job as a salesman.

Tom lost his job as a used car salesman.

Tom thought the used car salesman was trying to rip him off.

That used car salesman is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

Tom is also a salesman.

Tom is a salesman, too.

Every salesman sings the praises of his wares.

That car salesman isn't honest.

Tom used to be a used car salesman.

Tom is a successful salesman.

Tom was a traveling salesman.

Tom is a used car salesman.

I've always been a salesman.

Tom is a car salesman.

Tom is a good salesman.

You're not a very good salesman, are you?

You're a used car salesman, aren't you?

You're a salesman, too, aren't you?

Tom works as a used car salesman.

Tom started out as a salesman.

You're a good salesman.

You're still a salesman, aren't you?

The traveling salesman drank all the whiskey hidden in the barn.

No salesman will call.

Tom is a traveling salesman.

Tom used to be a car salesman.

Sami was a vicious malicious salesman.

Tom was a car salesman for several years.

I was on the brink of buying the new car, but something inside told me to not trust the salesman.

Tom was a car salesman.

Your story is funnier than that of the salesman.

You aren't a very good salesman, are you?

Tom is a salesman, isn't he?

The Traveling Salesman Problem is a pertinent koan among computer scientists.

Tom is a car salesman, isn't he?

Tom is a good salesman, isn't he?

Tom is a salesman, too, isn't he?

Tom is a snake-oil salesman.

Tom is a travelling salesman.

I think that you'd all agree Tom is our best salesman.

I think you'd all agree that Tom is our best salesman.

Also check out the following words: cards, met, somewhere, student, such, Allen, poet, archer, killed, deer.