English example sentences with "rude"

Learn how to use rude in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

How rude of you!

Aren't you being very rude?

I have a good mind to strike you for being so rude.

The professor thought it rude to say such a thing.

How can you tolerate that rude fellow?

You can not be rude to everyone and expect to get away with it forever.

Mike made a rude table from the logs.

It is rude to speak with your hands in your pockets.

What a rude man!

How can you justify your rude behavior?

Sometimes her free manner seems rude.

It's very rude of you to say a thing like that.

It is rude of you to say so.

The clerk was dismissed on the grounds of her rude manners.

The child was told to apologize for being rude to the guests.

That kid got a slap from his mother for being rude.

He should apologize for being rude to the guests.

I thought the little boy who was staring and pointing at the foreigner was very rude.

It is rude to stare at strangers.

Jane is fat and rude, and smokes too much. However, Ken thinks she's lovely and charming. That's why they say love is blind.

To talk during a concert is rude.

Nothing can excuse him for such rude behavior.

I'm sorry I was so rude.

Don't take any notice of those rude boys.

He cannot be a gentleman to say such a rude thing.

Somebody should tell off that rude man.

I can't abide that rude man.

That long-haired youth is rude.

You promised not to be rude to me any more.

You should apologize to Mrs. Smith for your rude behavior the other night.

You are rude.

I dislike Chris because he is very rude and insensitive.

It is rude to talk when your mouth is full.

It is rude to speak with your mouth full.

Were I you, I would not do such a rude thing.

It is very rude of you to expect me to eat food that I do not want to.

I just can't overlook his rude behavior.

I'm not used to being talked to in such a rude manner.

I am not used to being spoken to in that rude way.

I regret having been rude to him.

I don't like his rude manner.

Please excuse me for being rude.

It's rude to make fun of your boss in public.

It is rude to interrupt others.

It's rude to point at anyone.

It is rude to point at people.

It is rude to laugh at others.

We have no more right to say a rude thing to another than to knock him down.

It is rude to point at others.

Some people think talking back to an adult is rude.

It is rude to stare at someone.

A genius can sometimes have rude manners.

It is rude of him not to give me a call.

Some Japanese are shy even to the point of appearing rude.

You shouldn't say such rude things to him.

The girl looked embarrassed at his rude question.

He is impolite, not to say rude.

His rude reply provoked her to slap him on the face.

I have trouble putting up with his rude manner.

He was impolite, not to say rude.

He went so far as to say such a rude thing.

He's so rude. I can't put up with his bad manners.

What rude language he uses!

He is displeased at her rude behavior.

He is a rude person.

He is rude, but I love him all the same.

He made a rude reply.

I resent his rude attitude.

It's rude of you to ask her that question.

I am ashamed of having been rude to her.

You should apologize to her for being rude.

You should apologize to her for having been rude to her.

She has a rude manner.

She regrets having been rude to you.

She scowled at the rude salesman.

She felt regret for having been rude to him.

She couldn't do with his rude behavior.

She got angry at his rude behavior.

Don't you think it's rude to give people such a curt reply like that?

It's only manners to tackle all out a game that they have gone all out in creating. Pressing the pause button is just rude!

You really are rude, aren't you?

In the last few years he has developed the bad habit of being rude to his friends.

It depends on the person, but using "sir" for women (a title of honour for men) is very rude.

Talking during a concert is rude.

It's rude to talk during a concert.

In most societies, it's rude to refer to someone in the third person when he or she is standing right there.

I was not pleased by your rude behavior.

She was very rude to him.

Tom is a rude person.

Tom was very rude to Mary.

Tom shouldn't say such rude things to Mary.

Tom should apologize to Mary for being so rude to her mother.

Tom regrets having been rude to Mary.

Tom was rude and obnoxious.

Tom said that he didn't mean to be rude.

Tom didn't have to be so rude.

Tom apologized for his son's rude behavior.

Tom thought Mary was very rude.

I don't think that Tom realizes how rude he's being.

I resent their rude attitude.

His rude behavior makes me angry.

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