English example sentences with "round"

Learn how to use round in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Round trip? Only one-way.

Her eyes become round in surprise.

Round the corner came a large truck.

Okinawa has a fine climate all year round.

Did you buy a round trip ticket?

Round trip or one-way?

They have much rain all the year round.

It was the same all year round.

A passenger fainted, but the stewardess brought him round.

Love makes the world go round.

Mont Blanc is covered with snow all the year round.

How about another round?

There's enough food to go round.

They filled them with straw to make them round and hard.

Balls are round.

Blake loved to walk in the country round London.

They brought her round with brandy.

It was a big upset when Hingis was eliminated in the first round.

Hawaii enjoys good weather the year round.

In Hawaii, one can swim in the ocean all year round.

Halley's Comet comes round once every eighty years.

From time to time she stopped and looked round.

You're only foolin' round.

Dennis laughs at Wilson's round face.

The hawk circled round in the sky.

Then they fly round to the Indian Ocean and down to Antarctica.

The gate is closed all the year round.

The tree is green all year round.

Those tribes inhabit the desert all year round.

The store is open all the year round.

The man walked round the corner.

We have snow on the mountain all the year round.

The mountain is covered with snow all the year round.

The lake is five kilometers round.

The yacht sailed round a buoy.

The boxer said he would knock down his opponent in the first round.

There was not enough wine to go round at the party.

The skater spun round and round on the ice.

The skater spun round and round on the ice.

The collar is too tight round my throat.

It is warm there all the year round.

Then the monkey went round with a little tin cup.

John and Cathy have different tastes and different characters. Trying to get them together is like putting a square peg in a round hole.

Jim was counted out in the seventh round.

Columbus argued that the earth was round.

Columbus believed that the earth was round.

This fact shows that the earth goes round the sun.

This shirt doesn't fit me round the neck.

It is very cold here all the year round.

It's warm here all the year round.

We can enjoy skiing here all the year round.

Carlos turned round.

A guide conducted the visitors round the museum.

No, that's not the right way. You have to turn it the other way round.

According to one story, the money was round so that it could roll from place to place.

Irene Pepperberg holds a round tray in front of a parrot she has named Alex.

Two men were on watch round the body.

Is it open round the clock?

The mob gathered round the car like so many flies.

The moon goes round the earth once a month.

Strictly speaking, the earth is not round.

When the lecturer turned round, he sneaked out of the classroom.

Come round to see me at eight tonight.

We sat round the fire.

We wandered round the shopping center.

We bought a round table.

We grouped ourselves round our teacher.

We believed that the earth moves round the sun.

I looked round the inside of the house.

I will be traveling round Europe next week.

The policeman was on his usual nightly round.

The people crowded round the injured man, but they made way for the doctor when he reached the scene of the accident.

The people gathered around a round table.

Formerly people did not know that the earth is round and that it moves around the sun.

In old times people didn't think that the earth is round.

The teacher taught them that the earth is round.

The teacher said that the earth is round.

People once mocked the idea that the earth is round.

There is no one but knows that the earth is round.

That the earth is round is clear now.

It is true that the earth is round.

No one can deny the fact that the earth is round.

He declared that the earth goes round the sun.

The earth is round.

How many satellites have been put into orbit round the earth?

People in those days already knew that the earth is round.

I have a round bald spot on my head.

With the world turning circles running round my brain.

The eyes in his head see the world spinning round.

He comes round once a week.

He works hard all the year round.

He went round the corner at top speed.

He lives and works there all the year round.

He turned round from side to side to look at himself in the mirror.

He showed me round the park.

He was knocked out by a punch in the first round.

He believed that the earth was round.

He said that the earth goes round the sun.

He was tired from walking round museums.

Their garden is full of very beautiful flowers all the year round.

They came round about.

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