English example sentences with "rice"

Learn how to use rice in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Do you eat rice in your country?

We Japanese live on rice.

Rice is grown in rainy regions.

A festival is held at the rice harvest.

The rice crop is already in.

Unusually low temperatures account for the poor rice crop this year.

The chief crop of our country is rice.

Can I have seconds on rice and cabbage?

Most Japanese eat rice at least once a day.

In Thailand it has already become too dry to grow rice in some parts of the country.

Most Japanese live on rice.

You must be hungry to eat so much rice.

Those peasants badly need land to grow rice.

There was a great lack of rice that year.

The rice field lies waste.

Do you have rice?

Do you know how to cook rice well?

I'll have rice, miso soup and natto.

Rice is good with miso soup.

Which do you prefer, rice or bread?

This is how we cook rice.

This land yields a good crop of rice.

There used to be rice fields around here.

Curry and rice is my favorite dish.

Curry and rice is her favorite food.

The quality of rice is going down.

Rice gruel is easy to digest.

Yecch. This rice cracker is soggy.

In America, rice can be bought for a fifth of what it costs in Japan.

They deal in rice at that store.

Do you think we should import rice from the U.S.?

In 1994, there was a shortage of water and rice in Japan.

The rice crop was poor, owing to the floods.

There's a good chance that this year's rice crop will be up on last year's.

The rice is coming well this year.

This year promises a good harvest of rice.

The rice crop was scanty this year.

I had curry and rice last night.

It was exceptionally cold last summer, and the rice crop was the worst in 10 years.

We had a bad rice crop last year because it rained a lot.

An abundance of rice was produced last year.

When I entered the kitchen, she was making chicken curry with rice.

We live on bread and rice.

We cultivate rice.

We shouldn't waste even one grain of rice.

I like curry and rice.

I like bread more than rice.

I prefer rice to bread.

I want to grow good vegetables, rice, fruit and so on.

I like a basic breakfast - miso soup and rice.

Born in Japan, I make it a rule to have rice at dinner.

I like Japanese rice pillows; they are good for my neck.

We live on rice.

Young rice plants will be badly harmed.

We make sake from rice.

What is peculiar to Japan at mealtimes is that people eat rice out of little bowls.

Some new kinds of rice can be harvested two or three times a year.

Turn on the rice cooker, please.

The typhoon did great damage to the rice crop.

A bowl of rice is about 180 grams.

Rice farming has been developed to a high degree in Japan.

Japan has a surplus of rice, Europe of wine.

There is a chronic oversupply of rice in Japan.

The main diet in Japan is rice.

There is a great market for rice in Japan.

The main crop of Japan is rice.

Japan's consumption of rice is decreasing.

Japan's rice market is closed to imports.

Japan began to import rice from the United States.

The Japanese used to live mainly on rice.

The Japanese eat rice at least once a day.

The Japanese live mainly on rice.

The Japanese used to live on rice and fish.

The Japanese live on rice.

The peasants were planting rice.

He made the soup by mixing a little meat with some rice.

He grows rice.

He didn't eat all of the rice cakes.

They want to increase food production by growing new kinds of rice.

They eat a lot of rice.

She made for a rice field.

She lives on vegetables and brown rice.

My father grows rice.

The price of rice rose by more than three percent.

A poor rice harvest will get us into real trouble.

Production of rice has decreased.

The price of rice rose by three percent.

The price of rice has come down.

The price of rice is going up again.

Rice is sold by the kilogram.

Rice is the chief crop in this area.

Rice will find a ready market there.

Rice is one of those staple commodities.

Rice is grown in many parts of the world.

Rice grows in warm climates.

Rice grows in warm countries.

Rice prices are regulated by the government.

The rice crop is large this year.

The rice crop is poor this year.

The good harvest brought down the price of rice.

It is tastes every bit as good as Japanese rice.

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