English example sentences with "result"

Learn how to use result in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You have to account for the result.

You are responsible for the result.

You should not think little of this result.

I'm sure your efforts will result in success.

Your success is the result of your hard work.

One of the great superstitions about education is that learning is the result of teaching.

It will be four years before the definite result of beef liberalization emerges.

There's no telling what kind of trouble this proposal might stir up. The result is certainly going to be something to see.

Social unrest may come about as a result of the endless rising of prices.

On the whole, the result was unsatisfactory.

Our efforts did not result in success.

All our efforts were without result.

Fatigue is the natural result of overwork.

Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.

Any result obtained through the execution of the Commissioned Business shall belong to each party hereto.

As a result of pollution, the lake is without any form of life.

Too much alcohol may result in gastric disease.

Too many irons in the fire result in bad workmanship.

An apparently small event may lead to a great result.

Lander assumes that rioting and gang behavior are a result of poverty and poor economic conditions.

Whether you pick the Lions or Tigers to win, the result will be a toss-up because both teams are equally strong.

What was the result of Mary's test?

However you do it, the result will be the same.

No matter how hard you try, the result will be the same.

Tom looked worried about the result of an English test.

Please let me know the result by telephone.

Don't worry about the result of the test.

Don't worry about the result of your test.

I'm concerned about the result of the exam.

Let me know the result as soon as you can.

In most cases, car accidents result from lack of sleep.

On the whole I am satisfied with the result.

The prediction was falsified by the result.

As a result of the war, many people died.

As a result of the war, a great number of victims remained.

As a result of the accident, several passengers were killed.

The result of the examination fell short of our expectations.

The result confirmed my hypothesis.

The result was that she got ill.

You should not make little of the result.

The result will satisfy him.

The result was far from being satisfactory.

The result fell short of our expectations.

The result remains to be seen.

The result was by no means satisfactory.

He was rubbing his hands over the report of the result.

I am pleased with the result.

As regards result, you don't have to worry.

I was disappointed at the result.

As a result, he became a great merchant.

As a result, it is undeniable that important disciplines and moral education have been neglected. By placing excessive importance on scholastic achievement, many parents have forgotten such basic social courtesies as consideration for others.

The result is a continual search for food in a changing environment.

As a result, more women are receiving equal work.

As a result, people have got so used to being paid this way that they're uncomfortable with any other.

The result of the test brought home to me how little I had learned.

Your parents are not to blame for such a result.

These problems have arisen as a result of indifference.

These problems have arisen as the result of your carelessness.

This was to arrange things so that I obtained the result already written in the textbooks.

This book is a result of his enthusiastic research.

This invention was the result of years of patient experiment.

All this damage is the result of the storm.

Prices rose drastically as a result of this policy.

He said to himself, "Will this operation result in success?"

The result of this experiment leads to our presumption that element T determines the entire structure.

In this activity one immediately sees the result.

This result means, contrary to prior expectations, that the number of variants does not affect the processing speed.

This result disappointed his hopes.

This result leaves much to be desired.

This inefficiency is a result of the animal's large body and massive legs and feet, which contribute a sideways motion to its walk.

Social unrest may come about as a result of this long recession.

From this we can derive the argument that major population shifts are not the result of economic change.

The major result from recent investigations of Emmet's theory has been that it can be applied to biochemistry as well.

When can you let me know the result?

A study reports that 53,000 Americans die each year as a result of secondhand smoke.

Taking everything into consideration, the result is better than I expected.

If there are too many irons in the fire in too short a time, good strategy cannot result.

Many people in Africa were killed as a result of the storm.

Are you satisfied with the result?

I have no intention of telling you the result.

I told you the result as soon as it was made public.

I'll let you know the result as soon as it is made public.

The result is all that matters.

As regards the result, you need not worry so much.

We'll let you know the result within a week.

The result was rather disappointing.

Apart from the result, your intention was good.

The result is still in doubt.

It will not be long before we know the result.

The result was clear at a glance.

The result is neither good nor bad.

The result was contrary to our plan.

The result proved disappointing.

The result was what I had expected.

The result was unsatisfactory to him.

The result fell short of his expectation.

The result was contrary to his expectations.

She would be shocked if she were to know the result.

Among married couples, there has been an increase in divorce and separation with the result that there are many more one-parent families.

Ken may well be glad about the result of the test.

Obviously, the server load will increase as a result.

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