English example sentences with "recipe"

Learn how to use recipe in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Can you give me the recipe?

The recipe serves six people.

It's my special recipe, rabbit stew.

I've left out the nuts in this recipe because Delia's allergic to them.

I only need one onion for this recipe.

Would you give me the recipe for your salad?

Mary measured out two cups of rice for the recipe.

Mary can cook anything without using a recipe.

You'll need to find cheaper, alternative ingredients even though you're basing your recipe on your grandmother's.

What's your favorite recipe?

The frog and I took turns guessing what the secret recipe was.

The recipe calls for four ripe tomatoes.

Tom shared his mother's oatmeal cookie recipe with Mary.

We found a recipe for grandma's cookies .

A biochemist gathers mutants for everything as if they were ingredients for a recipe.

The ingredients for this recipe are a little expensive.

Scottish recipe for tomato soup: Pour hot water into a red cup.

This is a recipe for disaster.

The challah was so delicious that I just had to ask her for the recipe.

I want the recipe for this. It's delicious.

I followed the recipe.

I got this recipe from a magazine.

I got this recipe from Mary.

I just followed the recipe.

I only followed the recipe.

Did you add a tablespoon of salt? The recipe called for just a teaspoon!

I'll send you the recipe for my mother's oatmeal cookies.

I'll send you the recipe.

Have you seen my recipe book?

Do you know where my recipe book is?

Have you seen the recipe book that I wrote?

Tom wouldn't share his secret recipe with me.

The cake turned out quite well, even though she hadn't stuck to the recipe.

Would you mind giving me your chocolate cake recipe?

What's the recipe for apple crumble?

I just need an onion for this recipe.

Where did you get the recipe?

Who gave Tom that recipe book?

When baking a cake, it is important to stick to the recipe.

I shouldn't have doubled the recipe.

Here is a classic recipe for crème brûlée.

Here's the recipe you wanted.

Who gave you that recipe book?

Who gave him that recipe book?

Who gave her that recipe book?

I prefer the traditional recipe.

This recipe is my grandmother's.

I got this recipe from my grandmother.

Will you give me the recipe for your salad?

This is my favorite gingerbread cookie recipe.

I shared the recipe for gluten-free bread.

I will give him a recipe.

I will give her a recipe.

I will give you a recipe.

I have to steal that recipe.

This recipe requires acorn squash.

Tom became obsessed will chickpea-based snacks and even created his own recipe.

This is my mother's recipe.

My grandmother had a delicious recipe for cod.

The recipe says you have to filter the water first.

I'll send you my mother's recipe.

What's the recipe?

You must tell me the recipe sometime.

I've finally found a recipe for happiness: marrying Layla.

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.

She discovered there were no eggs for the recipe, necessitating a quick run to the grocery store.

The cook carefully read the recipe.

If you like, you can use milk instead of water in this recipe.

Tom refused to give me his recipe.

It's an old recipe.

If you like it, I'll give you the recipe.

This pizza recipe includes hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes and oregano.

I want your recipe.

There is no miracle recipe.

Mary wrote down the recipe.

Do you have the recipe?

They switched the sugar for the salt in the recipe and the results were horrible!

Put twice as many plums in the recipe.

Here is a recipe of banana caramel that can replace Nutella advantageously.

This is my mother's chicken soup recipe.

How can Paleo be a fad diet when it just attempts to replicate the human diet of prehistoric times? It's more of an original recipe diet than a fad.

For this recipe, only one onion is necessary.

Mary can cook everything without needing a recipe.

The Perseid meteor shower is often considered to be one of the best meteor showers of the year due to its high rates and pleasant late-summer temperatures. This year’s shower peak, however, has the added bonus of dark skies courtesy of an early-setting crescent Moon. Combine these ideal observing conditions and high rates (an average of 60 meteors per hour at the peak) with the fact that the best nights for viewing – August 11 to 12 and August 12 to 13 – occur on a weekend and you have a recipe for successfully viewing some celestial fireworks!

Tom wrote down the recipe.

Sami gave Layla the recipe of his juice.

Sami and Layla together are a recipe for disaster.

This is my grandmother's recipe.

Mary refused to give me her recipe.

He refused to give me his recipe.

She refused to give me her recipe.

Where did Tom get the recipe?

Where did she get the recipe?

Where did he get the recipe?

I know a recipe for cookies which includes only three ingredients, namely butter, sugar and flour.

Who did you get this recipe from?

That's a recipe for disaster.

Do you think they're going to sum up the recipe at the end of the episode?

She shared her couscous recipe with us.

I can't believe she's sharing her couscous recipe with us.

He wants your couscous recipe.

Also check out the following words: risks, who, afraid, others, Why, ask, artist, had, knack, tell.