English example sentences with "reading"

Learn how to use reading in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I tend to look at the pictures before reading the text.

He spent the evening reading a book.

He learned the news while reading the newspaper.

When I was a child, I would spend hours reading alone in my room.

Your reading is very advanced.

Have you finished reading that book yet?

Have you finished reading the novel?

A student raised his hand when the teacher finished the reading.

I'd like to spend my holidays reading history books or classics.

Reading kills time on a train trip.

Students should develop their reading skills.

We should cultivate our minds by reading good books.

We have to do a great deal of reading.

Reading science fiction sometimes does much to encourage a scientific view of the universe.

A lot of problems derive from a lack of reading in the home.

I would rather sit reading in the library than go home.

Some books are worth reading over and over again.

What are you reading?

Reading aloud was a great effort to him.

When you're reading an English book, it isn't a great idea to look up every word you don't know.

In English class, sometimes we sit in a circle to talk about a book we are reading.

Rain doesn't depress people who like reading.

I spent the best part of the day in reading.

I have been reading this for a few hours.

I'll soon finish reading this novel.

Have you started reading the book yet?

Mary was reading, with a cat sleeping beside her.

The man reading a paper over there is my uncle.

Mick killed time by reading a magazine while waiting for his date.

Mayuko was reading and Meg was painting.

Really? My hobby is reading comics.

Brian, in his pajamas, is engaged in reading in the house in the morning.

Do not interfere with Tom while he is reading.

Don't interfere with Tom while he is reading.

No book is worth reading.

The spread of television has considerably deprived us of our time for reading.

Thanks to television, boys and girls are apt to neglect reading books.

The TV was so noisy that I couldn't concentrate on my reading.

I spend what time I can spare reading.

Just as food feeds the body, so reading feeds the mind.

Many a book is published, but of them only a very few are worth reading.

While reading the book, I felt asleep.

I remember reading the book.

Please return the book when you have finished reading it.

If you have finished reading the book, return it to the library.

Please lend me the book when you have finished reading it.

I've finished reading the book.

Have you finished reading the book?

I found the book so interesting that I kept on reading it until daybreak.

That sound distracted my attention from reading.

I spent the whole evening reading the poetry of Kenji Miyazawa.

The man lost no time in reading his paper.

The little girl was absorbed in reading a fairy tale.

It is worthwhile reading the novel.

The writer's latest novel is well worth reading.

And a tall man dressed in black reading a newspaper.

Not all the books are worth reading.

Every piece of reading matter calls for a different kind of reading.

Every piece of reading matter calls for a different kind of reading.

I have been occupied in reading books.

I had been reading a magazine for some time when she came.

But he is bad at reading English.

But few of them are worth reading.

Now, resume reading where you left off.

What is the good of reading such books?

It is no use reading such a book.

These books are worth reading at least once.

This is the funniest book in my reading.

This is by no means easy reading.

The lesson of this story is not that reading Shakespeare will help one rise in the business world.

I profited from reading this book.

I remember reading this book.

Do you think this book is worth reading?

Do you think it is difficult to finish reading this book in a week?

This book makes pleasant reading.

This book is worth reading twice.

I think this book is worth reading.

This book isn't worth reading.

This book is worth reading.

This book is worth reading again and again.

This book is still interesting even after reading it many times.

This book is worth reading over and over again.

This book is worth reading again.

This book is so amusing that I could go on reading for hours.

This story is worth reading.

This story is worth reading again.

Start reading where you left off.

I spent last Sunday reading novels.

I have enjoyed reading this novel.

Few students are interested in reading this novel.

I cannot finish reading this thick book in a week.

I have a little time for reading these days.

I have little time for reading these days.

This science fiction story seems interesting. Will you lend it to me when you have finished reading it?

My time for these exercise and reading was at night, after work or before it began in the morning, or on Sundays.

Father is in the habit of reading the paper before breakfast.

Anyone who is unwilling to read does not understand the joy of reading.

Once we start reading a book, we should read it all the way through.

We can always find time for reading.

That book is worth reading.

I was reading a novel then.

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