English example sentences with "punishment"

Learn how to use punishment in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I am against using death as a punishment. I am also against using it as a reward.

An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment.

The child who was caught stealing apples bravely faced the music in accepting his punishment.

Isn't that the most humane punishment for criminals?

Was it necessary to inflict such a punishment on him?

Anyone who breaks this rule is liable to severe punishment.

The punishment should be in proportion to the crime.

I will abolish capital punishment.

Shizuko cheated in an examination and received an appropriate punishment.

It is not right to put a man to death for punishment.

The trend of public opinion is against corporal punishment.

You can teach good manners to children without resorting to punishment.

Many countries have abolished capital punishment.

A person who steals deserves punishment.

Every crime calls for punishment.

He deserves punishment.

He deserves the punishment.

She is a glutton for punishment.

She took the punishment with a smile.

In the past it was perfectly normal to get the back of a teacher's hand or fist as punishment.

Their punishment was harsh, but just.

Tatoeba: Where attention to detail is sacred, and punishment is swift.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

In my family, the punishment for lying was severe.

In some countries, the punishment for treason can be life in prison.

As a punishment, the disgraced Greenpeace volunteer had to scrub oil from an otter's fur with his own toothbrush.

Is there, for example, a three-course meal that conveys sin, punishment, and redemption?

The punishment should be proportionate to the crime.

Teenagers are God's punishment for having sex.

They demanded severe punishment for the southern rebels.

The prouder the individual, the harsher the punishment.

I don't think that I deserved the punishment I got.

Ignorance does not protect against punishment.

Raskolnikov is the protagonist of the book "Crime and Punishment", written by Dostoevsky.

Tom deserved the punishment he got.

Tom certainly hadn't done anything that deserved that kind of punishment.

Tom certainly didn't deserve the punishment he received.

We won't be able to escape punishment this time.

We won't be able to evade punishment this time.

This time, you won't avoid your punishment.

This time, you won't escape punishment.

Corporal punishment is now prohibited in schools.

In some countries capital punishment is illegal.

Tom deserved the punishment.

Is a punishment for latecomers being considered?

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

Someone like you doesn't deserve this punishment.

According to European laws, the punishment for having a portrait of President Lukashenko in one's apartment or house is a life in Belarus.

I'll get off with very light punishment.

It must also be assured that the punishment does not exceed the crime.

Punishment follows swiftly.

For me, regret is the harshest punishment.

It would take too much time to describe the various tortures these people suffered, but Inge's punishment consisted in standing there as a statue, with her foot fastened to the loaf.

Pfft! That's your punishment for laughing at a girl!

Alright, go and tell the guard that I am remitting his punishment.

What's the punishment for this crime?

If he does that again, let the punishment be harsher, and in addition, let penance be imposed on him, but if he does that thrice, let him be executed.

In this legal system, corporal punishment is imposed on adult men only.

The sorceress turned Tom into a bear as punishment for his unseemly behavior.

Personally, I think that corporal punishment is a necessary evil.

It is the deed that teaches, not the name we give it. Murder and capital punishment are not opposites that cancel one another, but similars that breed their kind.

I'm firmly opposed to corporal punishment.

To kill someone for committing murder is a punishment incomparably worse than the crime itself.

Most French people are against capital punishment.

The punishment for Tom shall be death.

What's my punishment?

The primary object of an efficient police is the prevention of crime: the next that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To these ends all the efforts of police must be directed. The protection of life and property, the preservation of public tranquillity, and the absence of crime, will alone prove whether those efforts have been successful and whether the objects for which the police were appointed have been attained.

Tom doesn't deserve punishment.

In many countries, the death penalty is the most severe punishment.

Corporal punishment is forbidden in Sweden.

Corporal punishment is still allowed in many countries.

A case in West Virginia established that acquittal discharges a person from guilt, a pardon only from punishment.

It is just because fear of punishment has no deterrent effect that crime continues in spite of all laws and courts, prisons and executions.

The liar's punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe any one else.

He will not escape punishment.

Tom won't escape punishment.

As a punishment, you will receive fifty lashes.

Tom has accepted his punishment.

What punishment should Tom get?

The punishment must fit the crime.

You'll go to no picnic today, Anne Shirley. That shall be your punishment.

I didn't deserve the punishment I got.

Capital punishment kills immediately, whereas lifetime imprisonment does so slowly. Which executioner is more humane? The one who kills you in a few minutes, or the one who wrests your life from you in the course of many years?

Sami's mental illness didn't alleviate his punishment. He got two consecutive life sentences.

No one should be subjected to such a punishment.

This is all my fault and I'm certainly not going to let you take my punishment.

Collective punishment for individual crimes is an inadvisable strategy.

The consequence of individual crimes should be collective punishment.

If he dies, we will not escape punishment.

I think a punishment like that would be too harsh.

Tom said he thought Mary's punishment was appropriate.

Tom got the punishment he deserved.

Mary got the punishment she deserved.

Mary deserved the punishment she got.

Tom and Mary got the punishment they deserved.

I'll leave it to Mr. Bakir to decide on a suitable punishment for this kind of irresponsibility.

Sami used unsual forms of punishment.

Tom said that he thought Mary's punishment was appropriate.

Tom said that he thought that Mary's punishment was appropriate.

Tom said he thought that Mary's punishment was appropriate.

Sami couldn't escape punishment for the crime.

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