English example sentences with "pretending"

Learn how to use pretending in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe!

It is no use your pretending that you know nothing.

There is no point in pretending to be sick.

It is no use pretending you know nothing about it.

Beth argued that Sally was only pretending to be innocent.

You're a good actor, pretending you were late because you don't feel well.

I could tell he was only pretending to read.

She was only pretending to be asleep.

Kano, pretending to cry has impact from being used sparingly!

Pretending to be a friend, the man robbed old people of their social security checks.

She's just pretending to sleep; that's why she's not snoring.

Stop pretending to not understand.

You need to stop pretending that you don't care.

Stop pretending and confess the truth.

Mary isn't really sick. She's only pretending to be sick.

Mary isn't really sick. She's only pretending to be.

Mary isn't really sick. She's just pretending to be sick.

He was confused by something, as though he wasn't used to this kind of restaurant, but I stayed clear of him by pretending that I, too, wasn't used to the restaurant.

We're just pretending.

Tom likes pretending that he's the boss.

It's no use pretending that you can't speak French.

Stop pretending you don't know the answer.

Stop pretending you don't know me.

Why are you pretending you don't know me?

Tom can't believe Mary's pretending nothing's wrong.

We can't keep pretending that Tom doesn't have a problem.

You'll never be able to revive someone who is only pretending to be dead.

I wasn't pretending.

Tom has been pretending.

You were pretending, weren't you?

I hate pretending I like Tom.

I hate pretending I'm having a good time.

I hate pretending I'm interested.

I'm not good at pretending.

In the hands of a wise person, things become really simple. It's a mediocre person, pretending to be wise, that makes an easy thing sound difficult.

A boy in a cape, pretending to be Superman, jumped off a building last night.

You can not wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

I'm tired of pretending.

Maybe you are the bad guy pretending to be the good guy.

Tom has his eyes closed and is pretending to be asleep.

It's obvious that Tom is just pretending to be asleep.

Tom is only pretending that he doesn't know.

Tom and Mary played a game pretending that the floor is lava.

The children are pretending to brush their teeth.

Tom has been pretending to be me.

Tom sat at his desk, pretending to study.

Tom is still pretending he's not interested.

Tom, you're pretending to be asleep, aren't you?

"Tom, you're pretending to be asleep, aren't you?" "No, I'm asleep." "A sleeping person shouldn't be able to answer, you know?"

Stop pretending to be someone else just to have someone in your life. The right people will like you as you are and the other ones won't last.

Stop pretending to be something you're not.

You can open your eyes. I know you're just pretending to be asleep.

Why are you pretending to be Tom?

Tom is only pretending to be sick.

Tom is only pretending to be busy.

Tom is only pretending he's asleep.

Tom is pretending to be asleep.

Tom is just pretending to be asleep.

Tom is only pretending he's not interested.

I think Tom is only pretending to be asleep.

Why are you pretending you can't understand French?

Why are you pretending you don't remember?

Stop pretending that everything's okay. It's not.

I don't know what's worse: being stupid or pretending to be stupid.

Tom isn't good at pretending.

I think everybody's only pretending they don't hear you.

I'm sick and tired of pretending that I'm something that I'm not.

You're only pretending to study, aren't you?

I can't go on pretending like nothing happened.

I was not really your friend. I was just pretending.

I'm not really your friend. I was just pretending.

Tom thought that Mary was just pretending to be happy.

Tom isn't really sick. He's just pretending to be.

How can you go on so blithely, pretending nothing's wrong, when something so horrible has happened?

Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature made them.

She passed me pretending not to know me.

Tom was pretending to be me.

Mary isn't really sick; she's just pretending.

Tom is just pretending to be sick.

I was just pretending I was rich.

I was just pretending I was sleeping.

I was just pretending I was enjoying myself.

Little did Fadil know that Layla was just pretending to be the victim.

Was Tom really surprised or was he just pretending to be?

Tom is just pretending.

You can't keep pretending you don't have feelings for me.

I can't keep pretending that I don't have feelings for you.

I can't keep pretending that I have feelings for you that I don't.

Anne Shirley, you're only pretending to be grown up. I believe when you're alone you're as much a little girl as you ever were.

Layla started pretending she really enjoyed that.

Is not philosophy, after all, pretending to ignore what is known, and to know what is not known?

Tom's only pretending to be drunk.

One morning soon afterwards, pretending that she was going to visit a neighbour, she followed the young couple to the fields; and hiding herself in a thicket, that she herself might not be seen, she saw and heard all that passed between them.

After kissing Chloe, and paying his adorations in the grotto, he went down to the sea, pretending that he intended to bathe, and walked along the sands close to the surf looking for the money.

Tom told Mary that she should quit pretending to be angry.

Tom told Mary that she should quit pretending to be mad.

Tom told Mary that she should stop pretending to be mad.

Tom told Mary that she should quit pretending to be shy.

Tom told Mary that she should stop pretending to be shy.

Tom told Mary that she should stop pretending to be angry.

Tom told Mary that she should quit pretending to be busy.

Also check out the following words: breast, spy, guts, accustomed, staring, rash, adapt, variety, mistaken, Jane.