English example sentences with "population"

Learn how to use population in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Cole's Axiom: The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.

The population of your city is about five times as large as that of my town.

By the year 2020, the population of our city will have doubled.

We debated on the question of world population.

Yokohama is the city in Japan with the second largest population.

The population of Yokohama is larger than that of Osaka.

The population of London is much greater than that of any other British city.

Europe has a smaller population than Asia.

The urban population in most developing countries is increasing very fast.

What's the total population of France?

How large is the population of New York City?

The population of New York is smaller than that of Tokyo.

The whole population of New Zealand is 3,410,000, and one seventh of it are the Maori people.

Nobody knows exactly how many races make up the population of the United States.

The population of Germany is less than half that of the United States.

That means that even if they only have two children each, the population will continue to grow rapidly.

The city has a large population.

The population of the town was wiped out.

The city has a population of about four million.

The population of the city is about 100,000.

The population of that country is about three-fourths of that of Japan.

One third of the population of that country cannot read.

The increase in population has become a serious problem in the country.

The population of Spain is about one-third as large as that of Japan.

The population of Sweden is on the increase.

That's 20% of the world's population.

The population of this city is on the increase.

The population of this city is decreasing every year.

This town is increasing in population.

The population of this city has decreased.

The population of this town has been static for the last ten years.

The population of this village had decreased.

This city has been increasing in population year after year.

How large is the population of this city?

The population of the country is roughly estimated at 50,000,000.

The population of this country is diminishing.

The population of this country is smaller than that of the United States.

From this we can derive the argument that major population shifts are not the result of economic change.

There is a dense population of young people around here.

The data cited in King's research is taken from UNESCO's 1970 white paper on world population.

The population of Canada is about 26 million.

The population of Australia is much smaller than that of Japan.

The population of Wellington is only about one fortieth that of Tokyo.

What is the population of India?

The population of Italy is about half as large as that of Japan.

The urban population of America is increasing.

Americans who are over sixty-five make up 12.5% of the total population.

By 2030, twenty-one percent of its population will be over sixty-five.

By the year 2020, the population of this city will have doubled.

As of 1991, the population of this city is around one million.

If these tendencies continue, those aged 65 or more will account for a quarter of the population within 30 years.

A recent survey reveals that the population density in the metropolis is decreasing.

A recent survey revealed that the population density in the metropolis was decreasing.

The population is dying off.

The population of my city is about two-thirds as large as that of this city.

My town has a population of about 30,000 people.

The population of Shanghai is as large as that of Tokyo.

The new birth policy is aimed at achieving zero population growth.

The increase of the population is a serious problem.

It was the increase in population that caused the poverty.

Population growth has given rise to serious social problems.

There was a steady increase in population.

The population has doubled in the last five years.

The population is increasing.

The population remains stationary.

The population explosion is a serious problem.

The world population is expanding at the rate of nearly 90 million people a year.

The population of the world is increasing so rapidly that it will be doubled within forty years.

The population of the world will double before long.

There is a rapid increase in world population.

Since the Industrial Revolution, the world population has more than tripled.

The world's population tends to increase.

Each year the world's population increases on average by two percent.

The government will have much trouble balancing the needs of its younger population with the requirements of the old people.

How large is the population of Shizuoka City?

The whole population turned out in welcome.

The population of Osaka is larger than of Kobe.

The population of Osaka City is larger than that of Kyoto City.

The population of China is larger than that of India.

The population of China is 8 times that of Japan.

The population of China is about eight times as large as that of Japan.

The population of China is larger than that of Japan.

The population of the town decreases year by year.

Do you have any idea what the population of Tokyo is?

The population of Tokyo is larger than that of New York.

How large is the population of Tokyo?

Tokyo has a population of over ten million.

The population of Tokyo is four times as large as that of Yokohama.

The population of Tokyo is about five times as large as that of our city.

The population of Tokyo is larger than that of Osaka.

The population of Tokyo is greater than that of London.

Tokyo has a larger population than any other city in Japan.

Statistics suggest that the population of this town will double in five years.

Statistics show that the population of the world is increasing.

The population of Japan is larger than that of New Zealand.

The population of Japan is less than America.

Japan's population is larger than that of Britain and France put together.

The population of Japan is larger than that of Britain.

The population of Japan is much larger than that of Australia.

What is the population of Japan?

The population of Japan is one-eighth as that of China.

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