English example sentences with "poems"

Learn how to use poems in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Have you ever read any Chinese poems?

The students learned many poems by heart.

Yoko translated some poems from Japanese into English.

So that Michelangelo might paint certain figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, so that Shakespeare might write certain speeches and Keats his poems, it seemed to me worthwhile that countless millions should have lived and suffered and died.

Have you ever read any Tennyson poems?

That child is good at learning poems by heart.

The poet has been writing poems since this morning.

The poet wrote many poems.

How do you like these poems?

By whom were these poems written?

During these years he wrote immortal poems.

Ellie loves that poet. She knows many of his poems by heart.

Some poems were also written by him.

Ann likes to write poems.

As a child I learned lots of poems by heart.

I am as interested in writing poems as you are.

I know a poet whose poems are widely read.

I write poems in my free time.

I like short poems.

I read not only his novels but also his poems.

Poets write poems.

The pupils learned many poems by heart.

His poems are difficult to understand.

He composes beautiful poems.

He was something of a poet and used to write romantic poems.

He composed three poems in a month.

He has been writing poems since this morning.

She wrote a lot of poems.

She is very fond of writing poems.

She showed me the poems that she had written in her youth.

I learned many of Takuboku's poems by heart.

Basically I like short poems. Among them this poem was my favourite.

With that as a start many European poems and much literature came to be introduced.

The two poems express human suffering.

He tried wooing her with love poems.

Shakespeare wrote many beautiful love poems.

I like to write poems.

Songs and poems were written about him.

Who wrote these poems?

His daughter is able to recite a lot of poems.

Tom likes to write poems and song lyrics.

Contemporary Persian poems haven’t been known in west world as well as ancient ones.

The author wrote some beautiful poems in the beginning of his book.

Her daughter can recite many poems.

He asked me to read 5 poems.

She asked me to read 5 poems.

She really likes writing poems.

She really likes to write poems.

Shika are verses and 31-syllable poems.

He knows how to recite poems.

He prefers his poems to mine.

Publishing poems is like throwing rose petals into the Grand Canyon and waiting for echoes.

Have you ever read any French poems?

Tom wrote poems about his love for Mary.

Tom wrote poems when he was in high school.

She still writes poems.

He still writes poems.

I write poems.

I write poems, but they're really bad.

Tom used to write poems.

Tom still writes poems.

Poems are made in about the same way that we make guns. We take a hole, and we put something around it.

His poems are hard to understand.

He even wrote me poems.

"He even wrote me poems." "Love poems?"

"He even wrote me poems." "Love poems?"

There must of course be a relationship between translating and making poems of your own, but what it is I just don't know.

I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music.

He writes poems and novels.

The poet writes poems.

Tom showed me the poems that he'd written when he was a teenager.

I wrote some poems last weekend.

Taking up their poems, I would question them.

I haven't written any new poems in a long time.

Tom has written several poems about this island.

Tom wrote a lot of poems.

How do you think these poems are?

What do you think about these poems?

Don't expect to find philosophy in the poems of a twenty-year-old.

Tom asked me to read him some poems.

Tom even wrote me poems.

Tom really likes writing poems.

Fadil loved writing poems.

Tom loved writing poems when he was a teenager.

This is a collection of poems.

I still write poems.

Which of your poems do you consider your best?

Hunger often produces immortal poems. Abundance, only indigestion and clumsiness.

Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.

Tom began to write poems when he was very young.

Tom began writing poems when he was very young.

I don't know how to write poems.

Tom likes to write poems.

He writes poems.

She writes poems.

Tom writes poems.

Mary began to write poems when she was very young.

Mary loved writing poems when she was a teenager.

Mary began writing poems when she was very young.

Mary wrote poems when she was in high school.

Mary asked me to read her some poems.

Also check out the following words: papers, options, traveller, nothing, either, strengths, weaknesses, Seriously, episode, made.