English example sentences with "plan"

Learn how to use plan in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Spenser would not tell anyone his surreptitious plan to get back at his friends for pranking him.

You ought to have adopted his plan.

Are you for or against my plan?

You had better call off your plan.

You must go through with your plan.

Do you plan to go abroad?

You should carry out the plan on schedule.

Are you for or against the plan?

You'll have some difficulty in carrying out the plan.

Are you in favor of the plan or not?

I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.

In the light of what you told us, I think we should revise our plan.

This business plan of yours seems almost too optimistic. All I can say is I hope it's more than just wishful thinking.

Without your help, we wouldn't be able to carry out our plan.

I can't decide unless you tell me your plan.

I will go along with your plan.

Your plan is of no earthly use.

Your plan is bound to fail.

I'm afraid your plan will not work.

Tell me the object of your plan.

Your plan seems better than mine.

I approve of your plan.

Tell me about your plan.

Admittedly your plan makes sense, but I still think it will be very hard to carry out.

Your plan sounds great.

You have no right to oppose our plan.

What made it difficult for you to carry out the plan?

Laugh as much as you like; I'll stick to my plan to the bitter end.

Are you saying that our plan was accepted? I hope you're not showing me any premature happiness here.

We arrived at that plan out of pure desperation, but the book sold well.

To my surprise, he easily came up with a plan.

She agreed with him about the holiday plan.

My wife and I agreed on a holiday plan.

The chairman put forward an important plan at the meeting.

The master plan includes programs to provide employment as well as recreation.

Not all the students are against the plan.

The students discussed the plan for many hours.

The revolutionary council met to plan strategy.

On the whole, I think your plan is a very good one.

I plan to invite a lot of guests to the opening ceremony.

I was happy to find that they agreed to my plan.

The conference went off according to the plan.

We all agree to the new plan.

We opposed his plan to build a new road.

We discussed our plan for the future.

We elaborated on our study plan.

We had to abandon our plan.

Your help is vital to the success of our plan.

We were disappointed because we could not carry out our plan.

We should stick to our plan.

We cannot follow your plan any longer.

We must carry out that plan.

We talked over the plan with him.

We talked over Jack's plan to put in air conditioning, but could not come to a decision.

Our representative argued against the new tax plan.

No one can find fault with our new plan.

We must adapt our plan to these new circumstances.

Our plan was fully realized.

The problem with our plan is not so much the cost as it is the time required.

Our plan has lots of advantages.

Our plan has many additional advantages.

The plan announced Tuesday calls for $54 billion in tax cuts.

My plan for the summer is to go to Europe.

Having failed many times, he never gave up the plan.

Do you have a plan?

Had he known what was about to happen, he would have changed his plan.

Whether it rains or not, I won't change my plan.

All except one agreed to his plan.

We plan to stay a week.

A week's reflection led to a new plan.

They went ahead with the plan since there were no objections.

The committee are all for the plan.

We plan to have a welcoming party for Mr. Clark who came to Japan the other day.

We were obliged to give up our plan.

We didn't mean to leave Mary out of the plan.

Don't mention our plan to anybody.

Our plan will call for a lot of money.

As far as I'm concerned, I will not approve of the plan.

All hope of my promotion went up in smoke after my reorganization plan fell through.

We discussed the plan yesterday.

The leader gave up the plan in despair.

If I should fail again, I would give up the plan.

If the sun were to rise in the west, I would never give up the plan.

Were I in your position, I would oppose that plan.

If I had known about it, I would have changed my plan.

If I had known about the plan, I could have helped him.

If it's raining, we don't plan to go hiking.

If all went according to her plan, she would be in great demand.

Do you mean that you have already decided on this plan?

Meg agreed to Ken's plan.

All of us approved of the plan.

Mayuko argued for the plan.

You must keep this plan a secret as there may be some changes yet.

Bob did not agree to the plan.

Bob wasn't in on the plan.

Few people know about the plan.

Paul offered a new plan.

I plan to play a flute solo.

Is there any likelihood that Mr Black will agree to the plan?

I prefer the former plan to the latter.

Your plan sounds good, but the bottom line is: will it bring us more business?

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