English example sentences with "pity"

Learn how to use pity in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It's a pity when somebody dies.

It's a pity that you can't buy miracles like you would buy potatoes.

I cannot help you, not but that I pity you.

It's a pity that you can't come.

That you don't believe me is a great pity.

It's a pity that you should leave Japan.

It is a pity that you can't join us.

I think it's a pity you could not come to our party.

It is a pity that you cannot travel with us.

It is a pity that you should lose such a chance.

It is a great pity that you don't know it.

It's a pity that you couldn't come.

It's a pity we didn't visit Tom when we had the chance.

What a pity!

Pity is akin to love.

It's a pity that Mary has no sense of humor.

What a pity it is!

It was a pity that Tom couldn't come to our party.

But probably I'll be the last, which is a pity.

What a pity you can't dance!

It is a great pity that he died so young.

It is a pity that nobody was saved in the accident, isn't it?

It is a pity that the singer died so young.

It's a pity for you to have to stay indoors in this weather.

It is a pity that the teacher is leaving our school.

It is a pity that a man of your ability should remain unknown to the world.

It is a pity you cannot come.

I think it a pity that you do not study harder.

It is a pity that you cannot come to the party.

What a pity it is that you can't come!

Pity you can't come.

The presiding judge was touched by pity for the accused.

It's a pity that I have no ear for music.

The pity is that he has failed.

The bishop felt pity for the immigrants who were abandoned, and gave them help.

I think it a pity for you to lose such a chance.

I was moved to pity.

I think it a pity that he told a lie.

The bishop took pity on the desperate immigrants.

It's a pity that Mr. Mori can't come to see us.

People took pity on the orphan.

It's pity that nobody came to meet you at the station.

Never confuse pity with love.

I think it's a great pity that he died so young.

It is a pity that he should miss such a chance.

It'll be a pity if he fails.

It is a pity that he died so young.

It is a great pity he was given up for lost.

It is a pity that he can not marry her.

It is a pity that he can't come.

It is a pity that he has no sense of humor.

His terrible suffering aroused her pity.

It's a pity that he should be ill in bed.

What a pity she can't come!

She is dead to pity.

It is a pity that she should be in such poor health.

Her story excited our pity.

She is accessible to pity.

It is a pity that some people starve to death even in the midst of plenty.

I do think that it is a pity.

He took pity on me and helped me out.

I think it's a pity that he lied.

I don't want your pity.

Aye, what a pity! I thought it would clear up finally.

It's a pity that I don't understand English well.

It's a pity they're getting divorced.

It's a pity that you don't know that.

It's a pity that hang, ocarina and pipa are so unpopular around here.

She took pity on him.

Please have pity on a poor blind man!

Tom doesn't want Mary's pity.

It would be a pity if such a word disappeared.

Tom doesn't want pity.

It's a pity that you can't travel with us.

It's a pity no one here studies Belarusian.

I feel smart... Pity... It's just a feeling...

It's a pity that he had died so young.

Show pity on me.

It's a pity that he can't marry her.

It's a pity that he can't get married to her.

It's a pity that concrete doesn't burn.

A pity it ended like this.

It is a great pity not to have enough wits to speak well, nor enough judgment to be quiet.

It's a pity I didn't wait for your reply before I added the sentences.

Pity I didn't wait for your reply before I added the sentences.

Fear drives him, he plucks up courage and throws himself into the roaring waves; his powerful arms cut through the flow, and his God feels pity.

Adele watched her friend with dismay. Large tears flooded her face, she could not suppress this scream of anguish and pity: "Oh! Mary! poor Mary!".

Have some pity on me.

Oh, what a pity.

He felt pity for us.

It's a pity that I'm late.

That's a pity.

He has no pity for anybody.

It's a pity you didn't come last night.

I felt pity for the boy.

It's a pity that I don't understand French better.

It's such a pity Mary and Liisa don't hit it off together.

It was a pity Tom couldn't go camping with us.

It's a pity Tom can't come to your party.

To tell the truth, it's a pity that you are just wandering around in the world.

You have talent, no doubt; it's just a pity that you haven't learned more.

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