English example sentences with "office"

Learn how to use office in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Why did you not go to the office?

Have you ever visited the office where your father works?

I want you to go to the post office.

As soon as he arrived at the airport, he phoned his office.

How long does it take to your office from the airport?

The burglar broke into the post office in broad daylight.

She rushed to the office, and was ushered right into an examination room.

Please tell me the closest station to your office.

I would appreciate it if you could reserve a room at a convenient location for visiting your office.

Be sure to call home before you leave the office.

I'll call by at the post office on the way home.

The captain will go to the meteorological office to get a weather briefing.

Where is the tourist information office?

Please refer to the tourist information office.

I had no difficulty in finding his office.

As a rule, he arrives at the office at about nine-thirty in the morning.

If it isn't out of your way, please take this letter to the post office.

Whoever leaves the office last should turn off the light.

Call me at the office.

I had my wallet stolen on my way to the office.

The office was besieged by anxious inquiries.

The office has been topsy-turvy since the merger upset everything.

The office manager will explain to the new typist where she should work and what she should do.

He's a pretty unique guy wearing bell bottoms and Hawaiian shirts to the office.

Our new head office is in Tokyo.

How long does it take to go to the office from your home?

I worked in a post office during the summer vacation.

Hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office.

In fact, I'll even call George at the office and tell him he ought to come home and help out.

I managed to find his office.

Concert tickets are on sale at this office.

On arriving at the station, I went to see my uncle at his office.

There is a post office in front of the station.

The office for disease control reported a 10 percent spread.

I go to the office by bicycle except on rainy days.

Turn to the right, and you'll find my office.

Where is nearest American Express office?

Do you know where the nearest American Express office is?

I'd like to know the phone number of the nearest American Express office.

Due to our office moving, we will be closed from May 30 to 31.

The exchange rates are posted daily outside the cashier's office.

Mr Ito loosened his tie because he felt hot in his office.

Please don't go to the trouble of coming to our office.

After getting downsized he started off on a clean slate and started a business working out of a home office.

If the car is gone, he can't be at the office.

I have installed Microsoft Office on my personal computer, so please use its file format when you send me the attachment.

The boss called Jim into his office and gave him his pink slip.

Bill wanted to get to the office in good time to clean his desk.

Daddy was in his office, under our flat.

Nick doesn't need to come to my office.

Nixon was caught lying because he bugged his own office.

Dorothy isn't in the office.

Every government office seems to have problems in expediting matters without entanglement in its red tape system.

Every now and then he drops in at this bookstore on his way home from the office.

Just run down to the post office, won't you?

I'm just going to drop by the post office.

I usually ride my bike to school. I mean to the office.

That's when we learned that the main post office was on fire and that they had kidnapped our president.

Please forward the document to the administrative office for review.

The newspaper recalled the special correspondent to the main office in Tokyo.

The firm has its head office in Osaka.

The undersecretary was maintained in office by the political bosses.

The office was full of activity all day.

The building to the right of that office building is the Tokyo Building.

The movie was a big draw at the box office.

The doctor's office is on the second floor.

The client went running into the office.

Excuse me, but would you please tell me the way to the post office?

Excuse me, but could you tell me where the post office is?

There is a post office close by.

Susie sometimes visits her father's office.

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office?

John goes to his office on foot.

Is Mr Jones in the office?

Jack and I agreed to work at the office on Saturdays by turns.

Jim got dismissed for his misconduct in office.

I heard you have become Branch Manager of the Sydney office.

Jane Smith works very hard at her office.

Sally and I work in the same office.

You'll take this to the post office, won't you?

This is a post office and that is a bank.

Jane Cobb, his present secretary, is the only person in the office who can stand him.

This room is my bedroom, and the other one is my office.

Go along this street and you'll come to the post office on the left.

At the last office I went to I ran out of work after a couple of hours, which made the rest of the day rather boring.

Please take this parcel to the post office.

It's odd that there should be a light on in the office at this hour.

The usual business hours in this office are from nine to five.

Is there a post office near here?

I wonder if you could tell me if there is a post office in this area.

This office is divided up into camps.

This straight road will lead you to the post office.

The office is full of competent people.

Is there a post office around here?

The post office is a good five kilometers away from here.

Please tell me how to get to the post office from here.

Father got to his office on time.

A stranger asked the girl whether her father was at home or at his office.

We arrived at the office on time.

There is a friendly atmosphere in the office.

The office was closed for 10 days for the New Year's holiday.

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