English example sentences with "nephew"

Learn how to use nephew in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

My nephew was accustomed to sitting up late.

A nephew is a son of one's brother or sister.

John is my nephew.

My nephew was excused on the grounds of his youth.

My nephew is allergic to eggs.

My sister's son Jimmy is my favorite nephew.

His nephew was absorbed in the splendid fireworks.

His nephew was brought up to be modest and considerate.

He is not my son, but my nephew.

All her money went to her nephew.

My nephew was excused because of his youth.

John isn't my brother; he's my nephew.

My nephew seldom puts his things in order.

Tom isn't Mary's son, but her nephew.

Tom is Mary's nephew.

My nephew is from Ethiopia. He is Ethiopian.

Because my nephew was still young, he was forgiven.

Because my nephew was still young, they cut him some slack.

Since my nephew was still young, he was let off the hook.

Can I marry my aunt's husband's nephew?

My nephew was accustomed to staying up late.

It's great that my nephew and niece came over to play, but they're so annoying making such a racket running all over the house all day that I can't stand it.

My nephew is as old as me, and we are in the same class.

My sister's son is our nephew.

Today I picked up my four-year-old nephew from kindergarten.

Tom is my nephew.

I have a nephew. He's a bartender.

In a family you can find: a grandfather and a grandmother, a father and a mother, a son and a daughter, a grandson and a granddaughter, further a brother and a sister, an uncle and an aunt, a nephew and a niece, a boy cousin and a girl cousin.

Is Tom your nephew?

My nephew watched the animals in the zoo.

My nephew ate bread with tomato sauce on it.

His nephew lives in America.

He's like a brother to me: the uncle's cousin's nephew of a friend of mine.

I have a nephew who would be perfect for this job.

I'm Tom's nephew.

"Ha, ha!" laughed Scrooge's nephew. "Ha, ha, ha!"

If you should happen, by any unlikely chance, to know a man more blest in a laugh than Scrooge's nephew, all I can say is, I should like to know him too. Introduce him to me, and I'll cultivate his acquaintance.

Tom's my nephew.

Tycho Brahe was the nephew of Jorges Brahe, a sailor who gave his life in an effort to save the life of King Fredrik II of Denmark.

My nephew is getting married tomorrow.

I spend my days off doing things like looking after my nephew and going out to eat with friends.

On my days off I look after my nephew and go out for dinner with friends.

Tom isn't my son. He's my nephew.

Our nephew is buying apples for us.

My nephew works as a computer engineer.

I heard about you from my nephew.

Tom is waiting to pick up his nephew.

Tom is waiting to pick his nephew up.

He's practically my brother: a nephew of the uncle of a cousin of an acquaintance of mine.

A nephew is the son of a sibling.

A nephew is the son of a brother.

A nephew is the son of a sister.

The son of a sibling is a nephew.

I didn't know that Tom was Mary's nephew.

Tom is my neighbor's nephew.

Sami was Layla's nephew by marriage.

Layla was having an affair with a nephew.

Sami is your nephew as well.

We took my nephew to hospital last Monday.

My brother's son is my nephew.

Where's my favorite nephew?

He's a fantastic uncle with his nephew.

Tom pretends to be a robot called "Butter Knees" to the delight of his seven-year old nephew.

Tom is Mary's only nephew.

Tom is your neighbor's nephew, isn't he?

Tom is your nephew, isn't he?

Tom is Mary's nephew, isn't he?

Sami is Layla's nephew.

Sami is Layla's idiot nephew.

Sami wanted to kill Layla's nephew.

Mary is waiting to pick up her nephew.

Mary is waiting to pick her nephew up.

Mary is your nephew, isn't she?

He's waiting to pick his nephew up.

She's waiting to pick her nephew up.

He's waiting to pick up his nephew.

She's waiting to pick up her nephew.

I didn't know Tom was Mary's nephew.

And Avram took his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot, and all their possessions that they had acquired, and all the people who they had acquired in Haran, and they left to go to the land of Canaan, and they came into the land of Canaan.

My nephew is twelve.

My nephew is a nurse.

I know my nephew.

My nephew is coming over tomorrow.

His nephew just died a year ago.

He's my nephew.

He isn't her son, but her nephew.

He's your nephew, isn't he?

When I woke up on my first morning back in my hometown, I asked my 5-year-old nephew what the plan was for the day. “We’re going to make chocolate chip cookies,” he told me.

English has needed a gender-neutral term for niece and nephew for a long time. Why hasn't nibling caught on?

My nephew is in the sixth year of the elementary school.

My nephew is in the sixth grade.

Tom isn't my nephew.

My nephew is married.

Tom isn't Mary's nephew.

I saved a slice of chocolate cake for my nephew.

Tom isn't your nephew, is he?

I like my nephew.

He's the son of my sister. He's my nephew.

Tom's nephew is famous.

Tom isn't Mary's nephew, is he?

Tom isn't my nephew. He's my son.

Also check out the following words: weeks, ago, expect, schools, understand, mathematicians, express, themselves, explicitly, stupid.