English example sentences with "marie"

Learn how to use marie in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It was Marie Curie who discovered radium.

Marie told me that she enjoyed the drive.

That a girl, Marie!

Do cheer up, Marie!

Marie is helping his mother.

In fact, Marie Curie is Polish, not French.

Marie is a naive student.

Yesterday I met Marie.

Tom embraces Marie.

Tom broke up with Marie.

You did not call Marie.

Marie took the wrong train.

Marie gained weight.

Marie has lost her umbrella.

Marie is not ready.

Marie speaks German fluently

Marie speaks fluent German.

Marie was moving forward.

I've just seen Marie at the park.

Marie, Mary and Maria are friends.

Marie admitted defeat.

Marie invited them to dinner.

Marie is covered.

Marie was sneezing.

Marie sneezed.

You've spent time with Marie.

Marie took off.

Marie has grown.

Marie wasn't thirsty.

Marie had the appetite of a bird.

Marie was short of ideas.

Queen Marie Antoinette was guillotined.

Marie panicked – a suspicious guy was following her.

Jane spent some time with Marie.

Marie, I said, do you have a father?

Marie is my best friend.

Marie is quite pretty.

Marie suffered from indigestion when she ate rich food.

Karima asked Marie where the dog was.

Marie fed the fish.

Could you tell Tom that Marie called him?

Marie helped her mother decorate the Christmas tree.

Tom is a good friend of Marie.

Tom wants to know if you have heard from Marie.

Tom underestimated Marie.

Marie accused him of having stolen the bike.

Marie accused her of having stolen the bike.

Marie will show you how to catch a fish.

Marie jumped from the window into the river.

They say that Marie Antoinette was responsible for the French Revolution.

Marie had a cat.

Marie doesn't remember having turned the light off.

Marie accepted the gifts.

Marie use to love poetry.

Marie painted.

Tom suggests to Marie that he goes shopping while she watches the children.

Marie was ill.

Marie played.

Thomas and Marie are entirely renovating their home.

Marie admitted that she was a prostitute.

Marie prepared her own meal.

Tom thanked Marie for her gift.

Marie believes in life before death.

Tom wants to marry Marie.

Marie bought several breads.

Tom didn't agree with Marie.

Marie was the only girl wearing a skirt.

Marie was the only girl to wear a skirt.

Marie didn't like that game.

Even though Tom and Marie are twins, they don't look very much alike.

Marie can trust Tom.

Marie agonised.

Marie is very nice.

Marie is drying her hair in front of the mirror.

Marie blushed exceedingly, lowered her head, and made no reply.

Marie goes shopping once a week.

Is it true that Tom and Marie have just opened a linguistic consulting firm?

Marie massaged my shoulders.

For dessert, Marie had made her chocolate cake and a fruit salad.

Marie reluctantly takes another piece of cake.

Marie came to West Germany when she was five years old.

Marie expects her husband to always roll out the red carpet for her and treat her like a celebrity.

Marie appeared out of thin air.

Marie has a lot of problems with her teeth.

Marie is losing her fillings.

Aunt Marie, do you have chocolate?

Tom was trying to entertain Marie.

Ms. Marie is still at the office.

Marie put on her most beautiful dress to go to the theater.

Marie asked Alice if she had already kissed a boy.

Marie had gone back to hers.

Tom and Marie have a reputation for their hospitality.

Marie willingly gets up early.

Marie gets up early on her own will.

When we went to Majorca, Marie was very disappointed.

When Marie was sitting on the shore, reading the news and eating ice cream, she felt like she was in heaven.

I almost forgot to say that Marie is at the hospital.

In fact, Marie Curie was Polish, not French.

Marie should start.

Tom will never forget the moments he passed with Marie.

Marie will light some candles in her room.

Also check out the following words: long, term, miss, call, them, tomorrow, come, always, liked, mysterious.