English example sentences with "lazy"

Learn how to use lazy in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I'm too lazy to do my homework.

It is because you are lazy that you cannot write your report.

As a rule, man is inclined to be lazy.

Stop being lazy and find something to do.

What a lazy teacher!

On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy.

In the first place, he's a lazy boy.

Beth was asked by her lazy boyfriend to do his history homework.

Fred is a lazy fellow.

He was scolded by his teacher for being lazy.

Tom is not a lazy boy. As a matter of fact, he works hard.

Tom is by no means unintelligent. He is just lazy.

But I was always too lazy.

It was clear that the lazy student would never live up to his family's expectations.

They would think the person is modest or lazy.

John had been lazy before he met you.

How lazy you are!

In other words, he is lazy.

How lazy those boys are!

To do him justice, he is not so lazy.

You are bound to regret it in the future if you are so lazy now.

The trouble with him is that he is lazy.

We are liable to be lazy.

So far as I know, he is not lazy.

I was annoyed with the boy for being lazy.

I regret having been lazy in my school days.

I am by no means absent from this class because I am lazy.

I am ashamed of having been lazy.

Hot and humid weather makes us lazy.

In spite of the teacher's warning, the lazy boy comes late as often as not.

The teacher declined to let the lazy boy attend his class.

She scolded her son for being lazy.

I was scolded by my mother for being lazy.

You don't want to be lazy.

The lazy man frequently neglects his duties.

Those who are lazy will never pass.

Although it seemed like a lot of money to spend just because I was too lazy to cut my own lawn, I turned the whole thing over to him.

All the workers who are lazy must be fired.

Everybody tends to be lazy.

I cannot help his being lazy.

His son is lazy and good for nothing.

I'm at a loss for what to do with him. He's so lazy.

He is not as lazy a student as you think.

He is never lazy.

He regretted having been lazy in the former term.

He, who had been lazy, failed his exam.

He is a very lazy boy.

For one thing he is lazy, for another he drinks.

He scolded me for being lazy.

He is lazy.

He is lazy by nature.

He is as lazy as ever.

He admonished his son for being lazy.

He is inclined to be lazy.

He is a lazy fellow.

He was dismissed on the grounds that he was lazy.

He's not lazy. On the contrary, I think he's a hard worker.

He's too lazy to apply himself to anything.

He was fired on the grounds that he was lazy.

He is very hard on lazy people.

He regrets having been lazy.

He was lazy and irresponsible. Thus, he was told to leave the company.

He is a lazy student.

He is such a lazy fellow.

He is lazy in his study.

They are lazy. I can't understand such people.

She doesn't have a lazy bone in her body.

She reproached me for being lazy.

My father believed that anyone who could not make a living in Japan was lazy.

My father advised me not to be lazy.

Don't be lazy, use the kanji you've been taught.

Tom is not a lazy child.

Go to school! You lazy bastard.

A lazy man is a burden even to the ground.

In other words, he is a lazy person.

As far as I know, he isn't lazy.

Look at that one there. He's such a lazy bum!

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

A warm, lazy breeze wafts across the flat, endless fields.

She had a lazy eye.

Tom isn't a lazy child.

I do not work so you can be lazy and rest all day long!

Tomorrow, tomorrow, just not today - say all lazy people.

Either he doesn't know how to wash the dishes or he is just lazy.

My little sister is kind of lazy.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.

Not that he couldn't, but he's too lazy a man to do it.

This is all brain dead regurgitation of a lazy theory.

People are too lazy to look it up themselves in a dictionary.

Tom tends to be lazy.

Tom is lazy.

Tom is a very lazy boy.

The quick brown fox did not jump over the lazy dog.

The quick brown fox didn't jump over the lazy dog.

The quick brown fox may as well go fuck the lazy dog.

John was a lazy person until he met you.

This boy is lazy.

During the morning I feel very lazy, I don't want to do anything.

How lazy are you really?

I am lazy.

Those lazy men neglect their duties over and over again.

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